120 research outputs found

    Ubiquitin domain proteins in disease

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    The human genome encodes several ubiquitin-like (UBL) domain proteins (UDPs). Members of this protein family are involved in a variety of cellular functions and many are connected to the ubiquitin proteasome system, an essential pathway for protein degradation in eukaryotic cells. Despite their structural similarity, the UBL domains appear to have a range of different targets, resulting in a considerable diversity with respect to UDP function. Here, we give a short summary of the biochemical and physiological roles of the UDPs, which have been linked to human diseases including neurodegeneration and cancer

    Protein quality control in the nucleus

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    In their natural environment, cells are regularly exposed to various stress conditions that may lead to protein misfolding, but also in the absence of stress, misfolded proteins occur as the result of mutations or failures during protein synthesis. Since such partially denatured proteins are prone to aggregate, cells have evolved several elaborate quality control systems to deal with these potentially toxic proteins. First, various molecular chaperones will seize the misfolded protein and either attempt to refold the protein or target it for degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system. The degradation of misfolded proteins is clearly compartmentalized, so unique degradation pathways exist for misfolded proteins depending on whether their subcellular localization is ER/secretory, mitochondrial, cytosolic or nuclear. Recent studies, mainly in yeast, have shown that the nucleus appears to be particularly active in protein quality control. Thus, specific ubiquitin-protein ligases located in the nucleus, target not only misfolded nuclear proteins, but also various misfolded cytosolic proteins which are transported to the nucleus prior to their degradation. In comparison, much less is known about these mechanisms in mammalian cells. Here we highlight recent advances in our understanding of nuclear protein quality control, in particular regarding substrate recognition and proteasomal degradation

    Bioinformatics analysis identifies several intrinsically disordered human E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases

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    The ubiquitin-proteasome system targets misfolded proteins for degradation. Since the accumulation of such proteins is potentially harmful for the cell, their prompt removal is important. E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases mediate substrate ubiquitination by bringing together the substrate with an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, which transfers ubiquitin to the substrate. For misfolded proteins, substrate recognition is generally delegated to molecular chaperones that subsequently interact with specific E3 ligases. An important exception is San1, a yeast E3 ligase. San1 harbors extensive regions of intrinsic disorder, which provide both conformational flexibility and sites for direct recognition of misfolded targets of vastly different conformations. So far, no mammalian ortholog of San1 is known, nor is it clear whether other E3 ligases utilize disordered regions for substrate recognition. Here, we conduct a bioinformatics analysis to examine >600 human and S. cerevisiae E3 ligases to identify enzymes that are similar to San1 in terms of function and/or mechanism of substrate recognition. An initial sequence-based database search was found to detect candidates primarily based on the homology of their ordered regions, and did not capture the unique disorder patterns that encode the functional mechanism of San1. However, by searching specifically for key features of the San1 sequence, such as long regions of intrinsic disorder embedded with short stretches predicted to be suitable for substrate interaction, we identified several E3 ligases with these characteristics. Our initial analysis revealed that another remarkable trait of San1 is shared with several candidate E3 ligases: long stretches of complete lysine suppression, which in San1 limits auto-ubiquitination. We encode these characteristic features into a San1 similarity-score, and present a set of proteins that are plausible candidates as San1 counterparts in humans. In conclusion, our work indicates that San1 is not a unique case, and that several other yeast and human E3 ligases have sequence properties that may allow them to recognize substrates by a similar mechanism as San1

    Co-Chaperones in Targeting and Delivery of Misfolded Proteins to the 26S Proteasome

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    Protein homeostasis (proteostasis) is essential for the cell and is maintained by a highly conserved protein quality control (PQC) system, which triages newly synthesized, mislocalized and misfolded proteins. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS), molecular chaperones, and co-chaperones are vital PQC elements that work together to facilitate degradation of misfolded and toxic protein species through the 26S proteasome. However, the underlying mechanisms are complex and remain partly unclear. Here, we provide an overview of the current knowledge on the co-chaperones that directly take part in targeting and delivery of PQC substrates for degradation. While J-domain proteins (JDPs) target substrates for the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) chaperones, nucleotide-exchange factors (NEFs) deliver HSP70-bound substrates to the proteasome. So far, three NEFs have been established in proteasomal delivery: HSP110 and the ubiquitin-like (UBL) domain proteins BAG-1 and BAG-6, the latter acting as a chaperone itself and carrying its substrates directly to the proteasome. A better understanding of the individual delivery pathways will improve our ability to regulate the triage, and thus regulate the fate of aberrant proteins involved in cell stress and disease, examples of which are given throughout the review

    Expanded Interactome of the Intrinsically Disordered Protein Dss1

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    Summary: Dss1 (also known as Sem1) is a conserved, intrinsically disordered protein with a remarkably broad functional diversity. It is a proteasome subunit but also associates with the BRCA2, RPA, Csn12-Thp1, and TREX-2 complexes. Accordingly, Dss1 functions in protein degradation, DNA repair, transcription, and mRNA export. Here in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we expand its interactome further to include eIF3, the COP9 signalosome, and the mitotic septins. Within its intrinsically disordered ensemble, Dss1 forms a transiently populated C-terminal helix that dynamically interacts with and shields a central binding region. The helix interfered with the interaction to ATP-citrate lyase but was required for septin binding, and in strains lacking Dss1, ATP-citrate lyase solubility was reduced and septin rings were more persistent. Thus, even weak, transient interactions within Dss1 may dynamically rewire its interactome. : Schenstrøm et al. demonstrate that the disordered protein Dss1 forms a transient intramolecular interaction between the C-terminal helical region and a central hydrophobic region. Proteomics reveal several Dss1-binding proteins, including all PCI-domain protein complexes. The dynamic fold-back structure regulates Dss1 interactions with the mitotic septins and ATP-citrate lyase. Keywords: intrinsically disordered proteins, protein degradation, proteasome, PCI domai

    Nedd8 processing enzymes in Schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    BACKGROUND: Conjugation of the ubiquitin-like modifier Nedd8 to cullins is critical for the function of SCF-type ubiquitin ligases and thus facilitates ubiquitin conjugation and ultimately degradation of SCF substrates, including several cell cycle regulators. Like ubiquitin, Nedd8 is produced as a precursor that must first be processed before it becomes active. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae this is carried out exclusively by the enzyme Yuh1. RESULTS: Here we show that in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the Yuh1 orthologue, Uch1, is not the sole Nedd8 processing enzyme. Instead it appears that deubiquitylating enzymes can efficiently process the Nedd8 precursor in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: Several enzymes contribute to Nedd8 precursor processing including a number of deubiquitylating enzymes