13 research outputs found

    Glibenclamide reverses cardiovascular abnormalities of Cantu syndrome driven by KATP channel overactivity

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    Cantu syndrome (CS) is a complex disorder caused by gain-of-function (GoF) mutations in ABCC9 and KCNJ8, which encode the SUR2 and Kir6.1 subunits, respectively, of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) KATP channels. CS includes dilated vasculature, marked cardiac hypertrophy, and other cardiovascular abnormalities. There is currently no targeted therapy, and it is unknown whether cardiovascular features can be reversed once manifest. Using combined transgenic and pharmacological approaches in a knockin mouse model of CS, we have shown that reversal of vascular and cardiac phenotypes can be achieved by genetic downregulation of KATP channel activity specifically in VSM, and by chronic administration of the clinically used KATP channel inhibitor, glibenclamide. These findings demonstrate that VSM KATP channel GoF underlies CS cardiac enlargement and that CS-associated abnormalities are reversible, and provide evidence of in vivo efficacy of glibenclamide as a therapeutic agent in CS

    Cardiovascular consequences of KATP overactivity in Cantu syndrome

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    Cantu syndrome (CS) is characterized by multiple vascular and cardiac abnormalities including vascular dilation and tortuosity, systemic hypotension, and cardiomegaly. The disorder is caused by gain-of-function (GOF) mutations in genes encoding pore-forming (Kir6.1, KCNJ8) and accessory (SUR2, ABCC9) ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel subunits. However, there is little understanding of the link between molecular dysfunction and the complex pathophysiology observed, and there is no known treatment, in large part due to the lack of appropriate preclinical disease models in which to test therapies. Notably, expression of Kir6.1 and SUR2 does not fully overlap, and the relative contribution of KATP GOF in various cardiovascular tissues remains to be elucidated. To investigate pathophysiologic mechanisms in CS we have used CRISPR/Cas9 engineering to introduce CS-associated SUR2[A478V] and Kir6.1[V65M] mutations to the equivalent endogenous loci in mice. Mirroring human CS, both of these animals exhibit low systemic blood pressure and dilated, compliant blood vessels, as well dramatic cardiac enlargement, the effects being more severe in V65M animals than in A478V animals. In both animals, whole-cell patch-clamp recordings reveal enhanced basal KATP conductance in vascular smooth muscle, explaining vasodilation and lower blood pressure, and demonstrating a cardinal role for smooth muscle KATP dysfunction in CS etiology. Echocardiography confirms in situ cardiac enlargement and increased cardiac output in both animals. Patch-clamp recordings reveal reduced ATP sensitivity of ventricular myocyte KATP channels in A478V, but normal ATP sensitivity in V65M, suggesting that cardiac remodeling occurs secondary to KATP overactivity outside of the heart. These SUR2[A478V] and Kir6.1[V65M] animals thus reiterate the key cardiovascular features seen in human CS. They establish the molecular basis of the pathophysiological consequences of reduced smooth muscle excitability resulting from SUR2/Kir6.1-dependent KATP GOF, and provide a validated animal model in which to examine potential therapeutic approaches to treating CS

    Hypotension due to Kir6.1 gain‐of‐function in vascular smooth muscle

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    BACKGROUND: K(ATP) channels, assembled from pore‐forming (Kir6.1 or Kir6.2) and regulatory (SUR1 or SUR2) subunits, link metabolism to excitability. Loss of Kir6.2 results in hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, whereas loss of Kir6.1 causes Prinzmetal angina–like symptoms in mice. Conversely, overactivity of Kir6.2 induces neonatal diabetes in mice and humans, but consequences of Kir6.1 overactivity are unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: We generated transgenic mice expressing wild‐type (WT), ATP‐insensitive Kir6.1 [Gly343Asp] (GD), and ATP‐insensitive Kir6.1 [Gly343Asp,Gln53Arg] (GD‐QR) subunits, under Cre‐recombinase control. Expression was induced in smooth muscle cells by crossing with smooth muscle myosin heavy chain promoter–driven tamoxifen‐inducible Cre‐recombinase (SMMHC‐Cre‐ER) mice. Three weeks after tamoxifen induction, we assessed blood pressure in anesthetized and conscious animals, as well as contractility of mesenteric artery smooth muscle and K(ATP) currents in isolated mesenteric artery myocytes. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly reduced in GD and GD‐QR mice but normal in mice expressing the WT transgene and elevated in Kir6.1 knockout mice as well as in mice expressing dominant‐negative Kir6.1 [AAA] in smooth muscle. Contractile response of isolated GD‐QR mesenteric arteries was blunted relative to WT controls, but nitroprusside relaxation was unaffected. Basal K(ATP) conductance and pinacidil‐activated conductance were elevated in GD but not in WT myocytes. CONCLUSIONS: K(ATP) overactivity in vascular muscle can lead directly to reduced vascular contractility and lower blood pressure. We predict that gain of vascular K(ATP) function in humans would lead to a chronic vasodilatory phenotype, as indeed has recently been demonstrated in Cantu syndrome

    Complex consequences of Cantu syndrome SUR2 variant R1154Q in genetically modified mice

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    Cantu syndrome (CS) is caused by gain-of-function (GOF) mutations in pore-forming (Kir6.1, KCNJ8) and accessory (SUR2, ABCC9) ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel subunits, the most common mutations being SUR2[R1154Q] and SUR2[R1154W], carried by approximately 30% of patients. We used CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering to introduce the equivalent of the human SUR2[R1154Q] mutation into the mouse ABCC9 gene. Along with minimal CS disease features, R1154Q cardiomyocytes and vascular smooth muscle showed much lower KATP current density and pinacidil activation than WT cells. Almost complete loss of SUR2-dependent protein and KATP in homozygous R1154Q ventricles revealed underlying diazoxide-sensitive SUR1-dependent KATP channel activity. Surprisingly, sequencing of SUR2 cDNA revealed 2 distinct transcripts, one encoding full-length SUR2 protein; and the other with an in-frame deletion of 93 bases (corresponding to 31 amino acids encoded by exon 28) that was present in approximately 40% and approximately 90% of transcripts from hetero- and homozygous R1154Q tissues, respectively. Recombinant expression of SUR2A protein lacking exon 28 resulted in nonfunctional channels. CS tissue from SUR2[R1154Q] mice and human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived (hiPSC-derived) cardiomyocytes showed only full-length SUR2 transcripts, although further studies will be required in order to fully test whether SUR2[R1154Q] or other CS mutations might result in aberrant splicing and variable expressivity of disease features in human CS

    Pathophysiological Consequences of KATP Channel Overactivity and Pharmacological Response to Glibenclamide in Skeletal Muscle of a Murine Model of CantĂč Syndrome

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    CantĂč syndrome (CS) arises from mutations in ABCC9 and KCNJ8 genes that lead to gain of function (GOF) of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels containing SUR2A and Kir6.1 subunits, respectively, of KATP channels. Pathological consequences of CS have been reported for cardiac and smooth muscle cells but consequences in skeletal muscle are unknown. Children with CS show muscle hypotonia and adult manifest fatigability. We analyzed muscle properties of Kir6.1[V65M] CS mice, bymeasurements of forelimb strength and ultrasonography of hind-limb muscles, as well as assessing KATP channel properties in native Flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) and Soleus (SOL) fibers by the patch-clamp technique in parallel with histopathological, immunohistochemical and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) analysis. Forelimb strength was lower in Kir6.1wt/VM mice than in WT mice. Also, a significant enhancement of echodensity was observed in hind-limb muscles of Kir6.1wt/VM mice relative to WT, suggesting the presence of fibrous tissue. There was a higher KATP channel current amplitude in Kir6.1wt/VM FDB fibers relative to WT and a reduced response to glibenclamide. The IC50 of glibenclamide to block KATP channels in FDB fibers was 1.3 ± 0.2 × 10−7M inWT and 1.2 ± 0.1 × 10−6M in Kir6.1wt/VM mice, respectively; and it was 1.2 ± 0.4 × 10−7M in SOLWT fibers but not measurable in Kir6.1wt/VM fibers. The sensitivity of the KATP channel to MgATP was not modified in Kir6.1wt/VM fibers. Histopathological/immunohistochemical analysis of SOL revealed degeneration plus regressive-necrotic lesions with regeneration, and up-regulation of Atrogin-1, MuRF1, and BNIP3 mRNA/proteins in Kir6.1wt/VM mice. Kir6.1wt/VM mutation in skeletal muscle leads to changes of the KATP channel response to glibenclamide in FDB and SOL fibers, and it is associated with histopathological and gene expression changes in slowtwitch muscle, suggesting marked atrophy and autophagy