4 research outputs found

    Could perturbed fetal development of the ovary contribute to the development of polycystic ovary syndrome in later life?

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects around 10% of young women, with adverse consequences on fertility and cardiometabolic outcomes. PCOS appears to result from a genetic predisposition interacting with developmental events during fetal or perinatal life. We hypothesised that PCOS candidate genes might be expressed in the fetal ovary when the stroma develops; mechanistically linking the genetics, fetal origins and adult ovarian phenotype of PCOS. In bovine fetal ovaries (n = 37) of 18 PCOS candidate genes only SUMO1P1 was not expressed. Three patterns of expression were observed: early gestation (FBN3, GATA4, HMGA2, TOX3, DENND1A, LHCGR and FSHB), late gestation (INSR, FSHR, and LHCGR) and throughout gestation (THADA, ERBB4, RAD50, C8H9orf3, YAP1, RAB5B, SUOX and KRR1). A splice variant of FSHB exon 3 was also detected early in the bovine ovaries, but exon 2 was not detected. Three other genes, likely to be related to the PCOS aetiology (AMH, AR and TGFB1I1), were also expressed late in gestation. Significantly within each of the three gene groups, the mRNA levels of many genes were highly correlated with each other, despite, in some instances, being expressed in different cell types. TGFβ is a well-known stimulator of stromal cell replication and collagen synthesis and TGFβ treatment of cultured fetal ovarian stromal cells inhibited the expression of INSR, AR, C8H9orf3 and RAD50 and stimulated the expression of TGFB1I1. In human ovaries (n = 15, < 150 days gestation) many of the same genes as in bovine (FBN3, GATA4, HMGA2, FSHR, DENND1A and LHCGR but not TOX3 or FSHB) were expressed and correlated with each other. With so many relationships between PCOS candidate genes during development of the fetal ovary, including TGFβ and androgen signalling, we suggest that future studies should determine if perturbations of these genes in the fetal ovary can lead to PCOS in later life

    Regulation of fibrillins and modulators of TGFβ in fetal bovine and human ovaries

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    Fibrillins 1–3 are stromal extracellular matrix proteins that play important roles in regulating TGFβ activity, which stimulates fibroblasts to proliferate and synthesize collagen. In the developing ovary, the action of stroma is initially necessary for the formation of ovigerous cords and subsequently for the formation of follicles and the surface epithelium of the ovary. FBN3 is highly expressed only in early ovarian development and then it declines. In contrast, FBN1 and 2 are upregulated in later ovarian development. We examined the expression of FBN1–3 in bovine and human fetal ovaries. We used cell dispersion and monolayer culture, cell passaging and tissue culture. Cells were treated with growth factors, hormones or inhibitors to assess the regulation of expression of FBN1–3. When bovine fetal ovarian tissue was cultured, FBN3 expression declined significantly. Treatment with TGFβ-1 increased FBN1 and FBN2 expression in bovine fibroblasts, but did not affect FBN3 expression. Additionally, in cultures of human fetal ovarian fibroblasts (9–17 weeks gestational age), the expression of FBN1 and FBN2 increased with passage, whereas FBN3 dramatically decreased. Treatment with activin A and a TGFβ family signaling inhibitor, SB431542, differentially regulated the expression of a range of modulators of TGFβ signaling and of other growth factors in cultured human fetal ovarian fibroblasts suggesting that TGFβ signaling is differentially involved in the regulation of ovarian fibroblasts. Additionally, since the changes in FBN1–3 expression that occur in vitro are those that occur with increasing gestational age in vivo, we suggest that the fetal ovarian fibroblasts mature in vitro.Nicole A Bastian, Rosemary A Bayne, Katja Hummitzsch, Nicholas Hatzirodos, Wendy M Bonner, Monica D Hartanti, Helen F Irving-Rodgers, Richard A Anderson and Raymond J Rodger

    Analysis of upstream regulators, networks and pathways associated with the expression patterns of polycystic ovary syndrome candidate genes during fetal ovary development

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    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a multifactorial syndrome with reproductive, endocrine, and metabolic symptoms, affecting about 10% women of reproductive age. Pathogenesis of the syndrome is poorly understood with genetic and fetal origins being the focus of the conundrum. Genetic predisposition of PCOS has been confirmed by candidate gene studies and Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS). Recently, the expression of PCOS candidate genes across gestation has been studied in human and bovine fetal ovaries. The current study sought to identify potential upstream regulators and mechanisms associated with PCOS candidate genes. Using RNA sequencing data of bovine fetal ovaries (62–276 days, n = 19), expression of PCOS candidate genes across gestation was analysed using Partek Flow. A supervised heatmap of the expression data of all 24,889 genes across gestation was generated. Most of the PCOS genes fell into one of four clusters according to their expression patterns. Some genes correlated negatively (early genes; C8H9orf3, TOX3, FBN3, GATA4, HMGA2, and DENND1A) and others positively (late genes; FDFT1, LHCGR, AMH, FSHR, ZBTB16, and PLGRKT) with gestational age. Pathways associated with PCOS candidate genes and genes co-expressed with them were determined using Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) software as well as DAVID Bioinformatics Resources for KEGG pathway analysis and Gene Ontology databases. Genes expressed in the early cluster were mainly involved in mitochondrial function and oxidative phosphorylation and their upstream regulators included PTEN, ESRRG/A and MYC. Genes in the late cluster were involved in stromal expansion, cholesterol biosynthesis and steroidogenesis and their upstream regulators included TGFB1/2/3, TNF, ERBB2/3, VEGF, INSIG1, POR, and IL25. These findings provide insight into ovarian development of relevance to the origins of PCOS, and suggest that multiple aetiological pathways might exist for the development of PCOS

    Isolation, culture, and characterisation of bovine ovarian fetal fibroblasts and gonadal ridge epithelial-like cells and comparison to their adult counterparts.

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    During ovarian development, gonadal ridge epithelial-like (GREL) cells arise from the epithelial cells of the ventral surface of the mesonephros. They ultimately develop into follicular granulosa cells or into ovarian surface epithelial cells. Stromal fibroblasts arise from the mesonephros and penetrate the ovary. We developed methods for isolating and culturing fetal ovarian GREL cells and ovarian fibroblasts by expansion of colonies without passage. In culture, these two cell types were morphologically different. We examined the expression profile of 34 genes by qRT-PCR, of which 24 genes had previously been studied in whole fetal ovaries. Expression of nine of the 10 newly-examined genes in fetal ovaries correlated with gestational age (MUC1, PKP2, CCNE1 and CCNE2 negatively; STAR, COL4A1, GJA1, LAMB2 and HSD17B1 positively). Comparison between GREL cells and fetal fibroblasts revealed higher expression of KRT19, PKP2, OCLN, MUC1, ESR1 and LGR5 and lower expression of GJA1, FOXL2, NR2F2, FBN1, COL1A1, NR5A1, CCND2, CCNE1 and ALDH1A1. Expression of CCND2, CCNE1, CCNE2, ESR2 and TGFBR1 was higher in the fetal fibroblasts than in adult fibroblasts; FBN1 was lower. Expression of OCLN, MUC1, LAMB2, NR5A1, ESR1, ESR2, and TGFBR3 was lower in GREL cells than ovarian surface epithelial cells. Expression of KRT19, DSG2, PKP2, OCLN, MUC1, FBN1, COL1A1, COL3A1, STAR and TGFBR2 was higher and GJA1, CTNNB1, LAMB2, NR5A1, CYP11A1, HSD3B1, CYP19A1, HSD17B1, FOXL2, ESR1, ESR2, TGFBR3 and CCND2 was lower in GREL cells compared to granulosa cells. TGFβ1 altered the expression of COL1A1, COL3A1 and FBN1 in fetal fibroblasts and epidermal growth factor altered the expression of FBN1 and COL1A1. In summary, the two major somatic cell types of the developing ovary have distinct gene expression profiles. They, especially GREL cells, also differ from the cells they ultimately differentiate in to. The regulation of cell fate determination, particularly of the bi-potential GREL cells, remains to be elucidated