16 research outputs found
Pemanfaatan Framework Laravel Dan Framework Bootstrap Pada Pembangunan Aplikasi Penjualan Hijab Berbasis Web
Persaingan antar toko menjadi sengit karena telah menerapkan penjualan offline dan online. Penjualan online sudah dijadikan salah satu media transaksi dimana pembeli tidak harus bertemu dengan penjual untuk melihat produk dan melakukan pembelian. Maraknya trend hijrah saat ini berdampak langsung dengan peningkatan penjualan hijab dikalangan anak muda. Ditambah dengan budaya hijab Indonesia yang sangat beragam membuat banyak tipe, model dan desain hijab cantik yang mana tidak hanya digunakan untuk menutup aurat tetapi menjadi salah satu item fashion saat ini. Salah satu framework yang membantu dalam pembangunan aplikasi penjualan adalah laravel. Laravel merupakan sebuah kerangka kerja pemrograman yang berbasis open source yang dipakai oleh banyak developer dari seluruh dunia. Laravel juga menjadi salah satu framework yang dapat membantu developper untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan PHP didalam proses pengembangan website. Selain itu, Laravel juga memiliki beberapa fitur unggulan, seperti template engine, routing, dan modularity. Framework laravel memiliki kelebihan dalam struktur file dan koding dari pada php native biasa. Framework laravel memiliki fungsi migrate sehingga lebih mudah untuk pengelolaan databasenya. Framwork laravel memiliki templating engine yang dapat membantu membangun tampilkan front end lebih efisien dengan fungsi blade yang telah disediakan oleh laravel. Framwork bootstrap dengan css nya membuat tampilan aplikasi menjadi lebih bagus dan rapi. Aplikasi yang penulis bangun belum sempurna sehingga masih banyak kekurangannya, baik dari segi tampilan maupun fasilitas yang lebih user friendly. Selain itu, aplikasi ini juga memiliki kekurangan di bagian pembayaran yang masih manual karena keterbatasan ilmu pengetahuan penulis sehingga belum bisa membuat fungsi pembayaran yang terintegrasi dengan virtual money seperti gopay, dana ataupun ovo.
Keywords: Hijab, E-Commerce, Laravel, Bootstra
Implementasi Enkripsi Base64, Hashing SHA1 dan MD5 pada QR Code Presensi Kuliah
Aplikasi presensi perkuliahan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu perlu sekali dikembangkan sehingga lebih mudah dalam proses pelaksanaannya. Salah satu cara untuk mempermudah prosesnya menggunakan presensi Quic Response (QR) Code yang dapat dilakukan dalam kondisi perkuliahan daring ataupun luring. Metode QR Code yang digunakan adalah berupa penyimpanan Uniform Resource Locator (URL) terenkripsi dan ter-hashing yang dikombinasikan dengan filterisasi internet protocol address sehingga informasi yang tersimpan menjadi lebih aman dibandingkan bila dalam bentuk teks biasa. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunaka teknik observasi dan wawancara terhadap pengguna aplikasi terdahulu baru kemudian dilakukan analisa, perancangan dan pemrograman secara eksperimen pada modul-modul program yang berperan dalam proses presensi tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian ini QR Code terproteksi dan berhasil dilaksanakan serta dapat berintegrasi dengan beberapa learning management system (LMS), aplikasi media sosial yang sering digunakan oleh para dosen khususnya di Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu. Hasil penelitian ini telah digunakan pada prose perkuliahan di Semester Ganji Tahun Akademik 2021 in
Perancangan Client Server Three Tier pada Pembangunan Web Service Anggota Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
The design of the three-tier client server architecture is a further development than before that uses two tiers. The planning is the initial stage before the implementation of the system that is already running today. With this model it is expected that the application no longer need to be installed on every client but enough on the server only. Beside that, this model of server side application can be accessed by every client in various operating system infrastructure and hardware. The Library transaction service workload can be dispersed and no longer overlap at one work terminal only, but it can already be spread over other terminals, which is the benefit of this technology. The integrated information system between the academic information system and library information system makes the data more accurate and well distributed. The credibility and flexibility of data is maintained due to the synchronization between servers for data USAge on the main server. This kind of model system development pattern makes integration between parts of an organization better. Three tiers have a database layer on server 1, the application layer on server 2, and Layer 3 is on the user side
Abstract—The business world will always develop along with the times, with various kinds of technology that are so sophisticated and diverse that the competition in the business world is getting tougher. The business world engaged in stone sales has a lot of bookkeeping because the bookkeeping is carried out every day, such as administrative bookkeeping carried out by the cashier when recording sales transactions with buyers and also inventory data bookkeeping carried out by the factory section which records inventory. In the research conducted for the development of a web-based sales transaction application using the Code Igniter framework. Code Igniter is one of the widely used frameworks, where the main goal is to minimize code during website creation. So that CV Quari Sengkuang can apply the concept of inventory control which is defined as the number or quantity of goods ordered with minimal costs or often referred to as the optimal purchase amount.
Keywords: Stone, Codeigniter, Implementation, Websit
IMPLEMENTASI SKALA MINIMUM CLOUD COMPUTING KATEGORI SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE (SAAS) PADA INSTITUSI PERGURUAN TINGGI (Studi Kasus: Unit Pelayanan Terpadu Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu - UPT TIK UMB)
Abstrak: Teknologi cloud computingakan mudah diterapkan jika adanya kerangka kerja implementasi. Sudah banyak kalangan industri, bisnis maupun institusi pemerintahan yang mengadopsi teknologi cloud, namun institusi perguruan tinggi belum optimal dalam memanfaatkannya. Selain berkembangnya sistem internal organisasi yang serba terintegrasi, tuntutan penggunaan layanan berbagi berkas dan sumber daya juga sangat penting. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan tata cara pemanfaatan skala mikro teknologi cloud computing pada institusi perguruan tinggi khusus layanan Software As A Service (SAAS). Penelitian ini memanfaatkan kerangka kerja adopsi Roadmap for Cloud Computing Adoption (ROCCA) dan Decision Framework for Cloud Migration. Model adopsi ini dirasa perlu untuk diteliti karena sebelumnya ROCCA dan Decision Framework for Cloud Migration baru diteliti pada sektor industri dan pemerintahan, sedangkan perguruan tinggi memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan kedua sektor tersebut. Subyek penelitian adalah Unit Pelayanan Terpadu Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (UPT-TIK) Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu dengan fokus pada layanan aplikasi dan software. Data diambil dengan melakukan observasi dan pengujian secara semi terstruktur yang tidak mengikat. Hasil penelitian ini berupa model penerapan cloud computing skala mikro kategori SAAS pada institusi perguruan tinggi dengan menggunakan adopsi ROCCA dan Decision Framework for Cloud Migration. Terdiri dari 5 (lima) tahapan, yaitu; tahap Analisis, Perancangan, Adopsi, Migrasi, dan Pengelolaan. Analisis dan implementasi yang dilakukan menghasilkan jenis penerapan skala mikro.Kata Kunci: Komputasi Awan, SAAS, ROCCA, Cloud Computing
The three-tier client server component thin client thick server is a further development than previously using two tiers. The use of this model is expected that the application no longer needs to be installed on each client but only on the server. Besides that with this model the application that is server side can be accessed by each client in various types of operating systems and hardware used. The workload of library transaction services can spread and no longer accumulate on one working terminal, but it can be spread to other terminals, that is the benefit of this technology. Although the service workload is spread, but the data and information needed is integrated on the server, so that data synchronization in the formation of information becomes more accurate, fast and efficient. An integrated information system between Academic Information Systems and Library Information Systems makes data more accurate and well distributed. The basic components used are servers, routers, and program codes for web services (JSON, XML). Three tiers have a database layer on server 1, the application layer is on server 2, and layer 3 is on the user's side. Keywords:  client  server,  information  system,  library  information  system, academic information system, integrated system
Klasifikasi Tingkat Kematangan Buah Nanas Berdasarkan Fitur Warna Menggunakan Metode K–Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
This study aims to determine the extent to which the KNN algorithm is able to classify pineapple fruit based on color features with high accuracy and determine the best k value in the KNN algorithm to achieve optimal accuracy in the classification of pineapple maturity levels. In the process of classifying pineapple fruit manually by using the human eye is a very difficult thing to do. This is evidenced by the inconsistency and subjective nature that causes a low level of accuracy. Therefore, to increase the level of accuracy and reduce the subjectivity of the human eye, this research proposes an algorithm that can be used to classify the maturity level of pineapple fruit, namely with K-Nearest Neighbor based on the color of the skin on the fruit. The k value used in this research is 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 to test the Euclidean distance search on images with a size of 300x300 pixels. The research conducted proves that with Euclidean distance k = 5 and k = 9 has a percentage value of 73%. Based on the level of accuracy, color features k = 5 and k = 9 show the best k value on the classification of pineapple ripeness level
Sistem Pakar Untuk Mendeteksi Gangguan Pencernaan Pada Manusia
Currently, technology capable of absorbing human thought processes and patterns is known as artificial intelligence. An expert system is a component of artificial intelligence that contains knowledge and experience acquired from an expert in a particular field.
The aim of this study is to develop a web-based expert system designed to detect digestive disorders in humans. Its purpose is to provide patients with information about their health status, correlated with their presenting symptoms, with a certain degree of accuracy. Through the use of this expert system, patients have the ability to identify potential digestive disorders based on individual symptoms or combinations of symptoms they may be experiencing. Additionally, it facilitates early detection of digestive disorders without the need to delay treatment until doctors or specialists are available.
The method used is Forward Chaining, which involves collecting symptom data to determine the appropriate type of disease. Forward Chaining is a reasoning technique used in expert systems and rule-based systems. It begins with known events or conditions and then attempts to match these events with the IF (combination) clauses from the IF-THEN rules that are available
Integrasi library Json Retrofit Dengan Framework Codeigniter Pada Aplikasi UMKM UD Rahma
MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) are businesses established by individuals / individuals / business entities that meet the criteria, MSMEs usually have limited capital, because capital only comes from business owners or a small group of people who invest capital for these MSMEs. Code Igniter is one of the widely used frameworks, where the main purpose is to minimize the code when creating a website. The advantages of Code Igniter include being open source, being able to run in all PHP versions, the program only requires few resources so that the program runs lightly and quickly, using the Model View Controller (MVC) so that it makes it easier for programmers when a website change occurs, has complete documentation, ranging from installation steps to code or functions / classes in website creation. From the results of this study, it has succeeded in integrating the JSON retrofit library in applications built for ordering products in android applications with the CI framework also successfully used to create its web-based backend application with beta test results in terms of appearance and user convenience of 72%
Penerapan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Berbasis Web Untuk Perencanaan Aktivitas Edukasi Dan Hiburan Di Panti Asuhan Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy AHP
Educational and entertainment activities in orphanages are important aspects in helping the physical, mental and social development of children living in these institutions. Orphanages often serve as homes for children who do not have access to a family or a stable educational environment. Therefore, organizing educational and entertainment activities in orphanages is a must to provide positive experiences to these children, helping them grow and develop well. for each individual. The proposed solution is to use a web-based decision support system. This system will help orphanage managers plan educational and entertainment activities more efficiently. The main advantage of using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in this system is its ability to overcome uncertainty and ambiguity that often arises in planning in orphanages. Fuzzy AHP allows assessment and decision making based on uncertain or fuzzy data. This will be especially useful in assessing children's preferences and needs that may be difficult to measure with precision