8 research outputs found
âA story of a magnificent savageâ: interrogating alterity in Joseph Conradâs Karain: a memory
On 7 February 1897, Conrad wrote to Edward Garnett: âI am thinking of a short story. Something like the [sic] Lagoon but with less description. A Malay thing. It will be easy and may bring a few penceâ (Karl & Davies 198 : 338). Despite some early criticism of its lush exotic evocations of the Malayan jungle, Karain: a memory occupies an important place in Conradâs short fiction. In the twenty-first century, the storyâs appeal lies in its anatomy of alterity, or otherness. This article seeks to explore the religious, cultural and gender dimensions of the story, which give it a postcolonial resonance. The story functions as a catalyst for the deconstruction of stereotypes and affirms the view that despite inherent differences, humankind shares basic goals and dreams
Distopie voor oë: Eben Venter se duister kuns
Sedert die verskyning van Joseph Conrad se novelle, Heart of Darkness, uitgegee as vervolgverhaal in 1899, was daar al verskeie pogings om Conrad se teks te âherskryfâ, al was die verwantskap met die meesterteks dikwels gering of selfs twyfelagtig. Nog ân herskrywing van Conrad se teks is Eben Venter se roman Trencherman, aanvanklik in Afrikaans uitgegee as Horrelpoot. Hierdie teks volg die meesterteks baie nougeset na, nie slegs deur aanhalings daaruit as mottoâs vooraan elke hoofstuk te gebruik nie, maar ook deur beelde en woorde uit die oorspronklike teks op ooglopende of bedekte wyse in die narratief in te weef. Die vrae waarmee ân leser soos ek, wat nie vertroud is met Afrikaans nie, gekonfronteer word, is of dit ân geval van plagiaat is of ân oefening in intertekstualiteit en ofdie boek eerder ân poging is om sensasie te wek ten einde meer boeke te verkoop. Hierdie vraevorm die basis vir ân intertekstuele verkenning van die twee tekste, wat neerkom op ân stiplees van Conrad se teks langs Trencherman ten einde die intertekstuele skakels tussen die twee tekste te identifiseer. Teoreties is die artikel gebaseer op die werk van Kristeva en Barthes. Die ondersoek het bevestig dat Trencherman inderdaad ân oefening in intertekstualiteit is, nie slegs as intertekstualiteit nie, maar eerder as ân in-gesprek-tree met Conrad se meesterteks. Daaruit volg die slotsom dat Trencherman ân geldige intertekstuele antwoord is op Heart of darkness wat Conrad se beroemde novelle dekonstrueer en die draaiboek daarvan transponeer na ân distopiese, post-demokratiese Suid-Afrika
âA story of a magnificent savageâ: interrogating alterity in Joseph Conradâs Karain: a memory
On 7 February 1897, Conrad wrote to Edward Garnett: âI am thinking of a short story. Something like the [sic] Lagoon but with less description. A Malay thing. It will be easy and may bring a few penceâ (Karl & Davies 198 : 338). Despite some early criticism of its lush exotic evocations of the Malayan jungle, Karain: a memory occupies an important place in Conradâs short fiction. In the twenty-first century, the storyâs appeal lies in its anatomy of alterity, or otherness. This article seeks to explore the religious, cultural and gender dimensions of the story, which give it a postcolonial resonance. The story functions as a catalyst for the deconstruction of stereotypes and affirms the view that despite inherent differences, humankind shares basic goals and dreams