69 research outputs found


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    1. An extension of a previously described method makes possible the measurement of the visibility function of Lepomis at high intensities of spectral illumination. This is accomplished by determining the relative energies of various spectral beams which will just produce a visual orienting response by the animal to the movement of a pattern composed of fine lines. 2. The function so determined is different from that obtained with a pattern composed of wide bars and spaces at a lower intensity level. 3. This difference furnishes direct and quantitative proof that the eye of Lepomis is a physiologically duplex visual system and parallels the known anatomical distinctions between the rods and cones. 4. A comparison of the visibility curves of the two systems indicates that both functions are similar in shape but that the cone curve is shifted to the red. 5. It is suggested that this relation between the two systems, which is also found in the human and the fowl, indicates that the photosensory substance is the same in each case for the rods and cones. According to this hypothesis, the shift of the cone curve is due to a common physical cause which depends on differences in the properties of the solvent media in the cones and in the rods

    The Anomalous Spikes of Ascaris Esophageal Cells

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    Effects of Lithium on Different Membrane Components of Crayfish Stretch Receptor Neurons

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    Unlike several other varieties of input membrane, that of the crayfish stretch receptor develops a generator potential in response to stretch when all the Na of the medium is replaced with Li. However, Li depolarizes the receptor neuron, the soma membrane becoming more depolarized than that of the axon. During exposure to Li the cell usually fires spontaneously for a period, and when it becomes quiescent spike electrogenesis fails in the soma but persists in the axon. These effects are seen in the rapidly adapting as well as the slowly adapting cells. The block of spike electrogenesis of the soma membrane is only partly due to the Li-induced depolarization and a significant role must be ascribed to a specific effect of Li

    Permeability of Alkali Metal Cations in Lobster Muscle : A comparison of electrophysiological and osmometric analyses

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    Single muscle fibers from lobster walking legs are effectively impermeable to Na, but are permeable to K. They shrink in hyperosmotic NaCl; they swell in low NaCl media which are hyposmotic or which are made isosmotic with the addition of KCl. In conformity, the membrane potential is relatively insensitive to changes in external Na, while it responds according to the Nernst relation for changes in external K. When the medium is made isosmotic or hyperosmotic with RbCl the volume and membrane potential changes are of essentially the same magnitudes as those in media enriched with KCl. The time courses for attaining equilibrium are slower, indicating that Rb is less permeant than K. Substitution of CsCl for NaCl (isosmotic condition) produces no change in volume of the muscle fiber. Addition of CsCl (hyperosmotic condition) causes a shrinkage which attains a steady state, as is the case in hyperosmotic NaCl. Osmotically, therefore, Cs appears to be no more permeant than is Na. However, the membrane depolarizes slowly in Cs-enriched media and eventually comes to behave as an ideal Cs electrode. Thus, the electrode properties of the lobster muscle fiber membrane may not depend upon the diffusional relations of the membrane and ions, and the osmotic permeability of the membrane for a given cation may not correspond with the electrophysiologically deduced permeability. Comparative data on the effects of NH4 and Li are also included and indicate several other degrees of complexity in the cell membrane

    Desensitization of Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Receptors in Muscle Fibers of the Crab Cancer borealis

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    Carcinus muscle fibers respond to γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) with a conductance increase that subsides rather rapidly. In the larger fibers which have low input resistance the decrease may disappear within 2 min. The inhibition of the excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP's) by GABA nevertheless persists as long as the drug is applied. The subsidence of the increased conductance indicates that the membrane of the inhibitory synapses has become desensitized to GABA. The persistence of inhibition of the EPSP's appears to be due to an action of the drug on the presynaptic terminals of the excitatory axons which reduces or blocks the secretory activity that releases the excitatory transmitter

    Synaptic Electrogenesis in Eel Electroplaques

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    Whether evoked by neural or by chemical stimulation, the synaptic membrane of eel electroplaques contributes a depolarizing electrogenesis that is due to an increased conductance for Na and K. The reversal potential (ES) is the same for the two modes of synaptic activation. It is inside-positive by about 30–60 mv, or about midway between the emf's of the ionic batteries for Na (ENa) and K(EK). The total conductance contributed by synaptic activity (GS) varied over a fivefold range, but the individual ionic branches, GSSNa, and GSSK, change nearly equally so that the ratio GSSNa:GSSK is near unity. GSSK increases independently of the presence or absence of Na in the bathing medium, and independently of the presence or absence of the electrically excitable GK channels. When activated, the synaptic membrane appears to be slightly permeable to Ca and Mg. When the membrane is depolarized into inside positivity the conductance of the synaptic components decreases and approaches zero for large inside-positive values. Thus, the synaptic components become electrically excitable when the potential across the membrane becomes inside-positive, responding as do the nonsynaptic components, with depolarizing inactivation


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    The electric organ of G. carapo is formed by linearly arrayed electroplaques which lie in four tubes on each side of the fish. In one tube the electroplaques are innervated on their rostral surfaces, in the others on the caudal. Both surfaces of each electroplaque produce spikes, and either can be excited alone by a suitably oriented externally applied stimulating current. The innervated surface, however, has a lower threshold, and in the normal organ activity, which is a continuous discharge at 35 to 60/sec., it is always fired first by the large neurally evoked postsynaptic potential. The spike of the innervated face then fires the opposite face. The potential recorded external to the innervated face is initially negative and becomes positive when the other face fires. The potential outside the other face is inverted. The p.s.p.'s are electrically inexcitable, have short duration, and are augmented by hyperpolarization. A single electroplaque is innervated by several nerve fibers, which produce summative p.s.p.'s. Homosynaptic facilitation of p.s.p.'s is common. The synapses are cholinoceptive. The organ discharge begins with synchronized activity in the rostrally innervated electroplaques. After a brief interval, the electroplaques in the other three tubes fire. The organ discharge therefore is triphasic, resulting from the summation of the two diphasic components that are oppositely directed and asynchronous. Observations on the sensory role of the organ are included

    Effect of Black Widow Spider Venom on the Lobster Neuromuscular Junctions

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    The effect of black widow spider venom (BWSV) on the junctions of the lobster nerve-muscle preparation was studied by intracellular recordings. After application of BWSV both excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (epsp and ipsp) were augmented then suppressed. The frequency of miniature potentials was markedly increased by BWSV. Summated postsynaptic conductance changes appeared to be responsible for the membrane depolarization and the decrease in effective membrane resistance seen in the early stages of the venom action. In the later stages both excitatory and inhibitory "giant miniature potentials" were evoked. No discernible changes were found in the reversal potential of the epsp and ipsp and in the sensitivity of the postsynaptic membrane. The results indicate that BWSV has a presynaptic action at crustacean neuromuscular junctions

    Analysis of Depolarizing and Hyperpolarizing Inactivation Responses in Gymnotid Electroplaques

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    In electroplaques of several gymnotid fishes hyperpolarizing or depolarizing currents can evoke all-or-none responses that are due to increase in membrane resistance as much as 10- to 12-fold. During a response the emf of the membrane shifts little, if at all, when the cell either is at its normal resting potential, or is depolarized by increasing external K, and in the case of depolarizing responses when either Cl or an impermeant anion is present. Thus, the increase in resistance is due mainly, or perhaps entirely, to decrease in K permeability, termed depolarizing or hyperpolarizing K inactivation, respectively. In voltage clamp measurements the current-voltage relation shows a negative resistance region. This characteristic accounts for the all-or-none initiation and termination of the responses demonstrable in current clamp experiments. Depolarizing inactivation is initiated and reversed too rapidly to measure with present techniques in cells in high K. Both time courses are slowed in cells studied in normal Ringer's. Once established, the high resistance state is maintained as long as an outward current is applied. Hyperpolarizing inactivation occurs in normal Ringer's or with moderate excess K. Its onset is more rapid with stronger stimuli. During prolonged currents it is not maintained; i.e., there is a secondary increase in conductance. Hyperpolarizing inactivation responses exhibit a long refractory period, presumably because of persistence of this secondary increase in conductance

    Analysis of Spike Electrogenesis and Depolarizing K Inactivation in Electroplaques of Electrophorus electricus, L

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    Voltage clamp analyses, combined with pharmacological tools demonstrate the independence of reactive Na and K channels in electrically excitable membrane of eel electroplaques. Spike electrogenesis is due to Na activation and is eliminated by tetrodotoxin or mussel poison, or by substituting choline, K, Cs, or Rb for Na in the medium. The K channels remain reactive, but K activation is always absent, the electroplaques responding only with K inactivation. This is indicated by an increased resistance when the membrane is depolarized by more than about 30 mv. The resting resistance (1 to 5 ohm cm2) is dependent upon the ionic conditions, but when K inactivation occurs the resistance becomes about 10 ohm cm2 in all conditions. K inactivation does not change the EMF significantly. The transition from low to high resistance may give rise to a negative-slope voltage current characteristic, and to regenerative inactivation responses under current clamp. The further demonstration that pharmacological K inactivation (by Cs or Rb) leaves Na activation and spike electrogenesis unaffected emphasizes the independence of the reactive processes and suggests different chemical compositions for the membrane structures through which they operate