10,249 research outputs found

    Lyman alpha line formation in starbursting galaxies II. Extremely Thick, Dustless, and Static HI Media

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    The Lya line transfer in an extremely thick medium of neutral hydrogen is investigated by adopting an accelerating scheme in our Monte Carlo code to skip a large number of core or resonant scatterings. This scheme reduces computing time significantly with no sacrifice in the accuracy of the results. We applied this numerical method to the Lya transfer in a static, uniform, dustless, and plane-parallel medium. Two types of photon sources have been considered, the midplane source and the uniformly distributed sources. The emergent profiles show double peaks and absorption trough at the line-center. We compared our results with the analytic solutions derived by previous researchers, and confirmed that both solutions are in good agreement with each other. We investigated the directionality of the emergent Lya photons and found that limb brightening is observed in slightly thick media while limb darkening appears in extremely thick media. The behavior of the directionality is noted to follow that of the Thomson scattered radiation in electron clouds, because both Lya wing scattering and Thomson scattering share the same Rayleigh scattering phase function. The mean number of wing scatterings just before escape is in exact agreement with the prediction of the diffusion approximation. The Lya photons constituting the inner part of the emergent profiles follow the relationship derived from the diffusion approximation. We present a brief discussion on the application of our results to the formation of Lya broad absorption troughs and P-Cygni type Lya profiles seen in the UV spectra of starburst galaxies.Comment: 24 papges, 12 figures, The revised version submitted to Ap

    Scattering of Dirac particles from non-local separable potentials: the eigenchannel approach

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    An application of the new formulation of the eigenchannel method [R. Szmytkowski, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) {\bf 311}, 503 (2004)] to quantum scattering of Dirac particles from non-local separable potentials is presented. Eigenchannel vectors, related directly to eigenchannels, are defined as eigenvectors of a certain weighted eigenvalue problem. Moreover, negative cotangents of eigenphase-shifts are introduced as eigenvalues of that spectral problem. Eigenchannel spinor as well as bispinor harmonics are expressed throughout the eigenchannel vectors. Finally, the expressions for the bispinor as well as matrix scattering amplitudes and total cross section are derived in terms of eigenchannels and eigenphase-shifts. An illustrative example is also provided.Comment: Revtex, 9 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Enhanced Transmission of Light and Particle Waves through Subwavelength Nanoapertures by Far-Field Interference

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    Subwavelength aperture arrays in thin metal films can enable enhanced transmission of light and matter (atom) waves. The phenomenon relies on resonant excitation and interference of the plasmon or matter waves on the metal surface. We show a new mechanism that could provide a great resonant and nonresonant transmission enhancement of the light or de Broglie particle waves passed through the apertures not by the surface waves, but by the constructive interference of diffracted waves (beams generated by the apertures) at the detector placed in the far-field zone. In contrast to other models, the mechanism depends neither on the nature (light or matter) of the beams (continuous waves or pulses) nor on material and shape of the multiple-beam source (arrays of 1-D and 2-D subwavelength apertures, fibers, dipoles or atoms). The Wood anomalies in transmission spectra of gratings, a long standing problem in optics, follow naturally from the interference properties of our model. The new point is the prediction of the Wood anomaly in a classical Young-type two-source system. The new mechanism could be interpreted as a non-quantum analog of the superradiance emission of a subwavelength ensemble of atoms (the light power and energy scales as the number of light-sources squared, regardless of periodicity) predicted by the well-known Dicke quantum model.Comment: Revised version of MS presented at the Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense and Security (NANO-DDS) Conference, 18-21 June, 2007, Washington, US

    Singly-Peaked P-Cygni type Lyα\alpha from starburst galaxies

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    We present results of Monte Carlo calculations for the Lya line transfer in an expanding dusty supershell, where Lya source is a well-localized star cluster in a starburst galaxy.The escape of Lya photons from such system is achieved by a number of back-scattering, and so a series of emission peaks are formed redward of the systemic redshift by back-scattering. However, majority of observed Lya emission from starbursts show singly-peaked asymmetric profiles. We find in this paper that, in order to form a singly-peaked Lya emission, dust should be distributed in the ionized bubble, as well as within the supershell of neutral hydrogen. We also find that the overall escape fraction of Lya photons is determined by the HI column density of the supershell, the expansion velocity of the supershell, and the spatial distribution of dust. However, the kinematic information of the expanding supershell is preserved in the profile of Lya emission even when the supershell is dusty. Our results are potentially useful to fit the P-Cygni type Lya line profiles from starburst galaxies, either nearby galaxies or high-z Lyman break galaxies (LBGs).Comment: Original version was submitted to MNRAS on 13, Jan, 2003, which was withdrawn. After heavey revison, its essence was resubmitted to ApJL on 18 Aug. 2003. 2nd revision. 10 pages, 3 figure

    Thermodynamic and structural aspects of the potential energy surface of simulated water

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    Relations between the thermodynamics and dynamics of supercooled liquids approaching a glass transition have been proposed over many years. The potential energy surface of model liquids has been increasingly studied since it provides a connection between the configurational component of the partition function on one hand, and the system dynamics on the other. This connection is most obvious at low temperatures, where the motion of the system can be partitioned into vibrations within a basin of attraction and infrequent inter-basin transitions. In this work, we present a description of the potential energy surface properties of supercooled liquid water. The dynamics of this model has been studied in great details in the last years. Specifically, we locate the minima sampled by the liquid by ``quenches'' from equilibrium configurations generated via molecular dynamics simulations. We calculate the temperature and density dependence of the basin energy, degeneracy, and shape. The temperature dependence of the energy of the minima is qualitatively similar to simple liquids, but has anomalous density dependence. The unusual density dependence is also reflected in the configurational entropy, the thermodynamic measure of degeneracy. Finally, we study the structure of simulated water at the minima, which provides insight on the progressive tetrahedral ordering of the liquid on cooling

    No First-Order Phase Transition in the Gross-Neveu Model?

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    Within a variational calculation we investigate the role of baryons for the structure of dense matter in the Gross-Neveu model. We construct a trial ground state at finite baryon density which breaks translational invariance. Its scalar potential interpolates between widely spaced kinks and antikinks at low density and the value zero at infinite density. Its energy is lower than the one of the standard Fermi gas at all densities considered. This suggests that the discrete gamma_5 symmetry of the Gross-Neveu model does not get restored in a first order phase transition at finite density, at variance with common wisdom.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, LaTe

    Crystal-like high frequency phonons in the amorphous phases of solid water

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    The high frequency dynamics of low- (LDA) and high-density amorphous-ice (HDA) and of cubic ice (I_c) has been measured by inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS) in the 1-15 nm^{-1} momentum transfer (Q) range. Sharp phonon-like excitations are observed, and the longitudinal acoustic branch is identified up to Q = 8nm^{-1} in LDA and I_c and up to 5nm^{-1} in HDA. The narrow width of these excitations is in sharp contrast with the broad features observed in all amorphous systems studied so far. The "crystal-like" behavior of amorphous ices, therefore, implies a considerable reduction in the number of decay channels available to sound-like excitations which is assimilated to low local disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    High temperature phase transition in the coupled atom-light system in the presence of optical collisions

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    The problem of photonic phase transition for the system of a two-level atomic ensemble interacting with a quantized single-mode electromagnetic field in the presence of optical collisions (OC) is considered. We have shown that for large and negative atom-field detuning a photonic field exhibits high temperature second order phase transition to superradiant state under thermalization condition for coupled atom-light states. Such a transition can be connected with superfluid (coherent) properties of photon-like low branch (LB) polaritons. We discuss the application of metallic cylindrical waveguide for observing predicted effects.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure
