62 research outputs found

    Protecting the protected : reducing wildlife roadkill in protected areas

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    Social media discussions highlight public concern for wildlife‐vehicle collisions (WVCs) inside protected areas. Using a quasi‐experimental field trial, we investigated factors affecting the likelihood of WVCs within Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa, and assessed the comparative effectiveness of wildlife‐warning signage (WWS) for altering driver behaviour. We laid a dummy snake crosswise on roads across four combinations of habitat and road shape and recorded 10 driver‐related variables for 1454 vehicles that passed the dummy snake, including whether there was a collision. An interaction between speeding and driver occupation (staff/visitor) was the best indicator for WVC. When driving below the speed limit, visitors were almost three times more likely than staff to hit the dummy snake. Collision probabilities increased when speeding and became more similar between visitors and staff, although still significantly higher for visitors. We then investigated the effectiveness of roadside signage in modifying driver behaviour by erecting four variations of WWS, depicting a snake or a cheetah, and in photographic or silhouette form. We positioned the dummy snake 100 m or 1 km after the signage and recorded our 10 variables (n = 6400 vehicles). Sixty‐one per cent of drivers who passed a WWS changed their behaviour when they saw the dummy snake, compared to 37% with no sign present. Further, this behaviour change significantly reduced collisions, where 98% of drivers who changed their behaviour avoided a collision. Finally, an interaction between the animal depicted and distance before the dummy snake affected collisions. A WWS depicting a snake, and placed 100 m before the dummy snake, was most effective at reducing collisions. Our results suggest that drivers adapt their behaviour to signage that portrays smaller animals and awareness retention is low. Ultimately, to reduce WVCs within protected areas, we suggest steeper penalties for speeding and WWS placed in WVC hotpot areas.Table S1. The 45 candidate models used to investigate factors affecting wildlife collisions. The top model is indicated in bold, where delta AICc ≤ 2.Data S1. Supplementary material.https://zslpublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/146917952020-08-01hj2019Mammal Research Institut

    The demography and dynamics of an expanding, managed African wild dog metapopulation

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    Long-term demographic data are central for the evaluation of endangered species recovery plans. We present the demography and dynamics of a managed African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) metapopulation in South Africa, based on life histories of 553 individually known animals collected between 1998 and 2006. This metapopulation, distributed across nine sites (and not including Kruger National Park), was established through reintroductions (n = 9 events) and maintained by periodic augmentation (n = 10 events) and translocation (n = 20 events). In total, 66 founders were used to establish subpopulations and mean founder group size was 9.6 animals. The metapopulation grew from17 individuals in 1998 to a peak of 202 in 2005. Mean annual population density was 3.3 (S.E. 0.44) wild dogs/100 km2, approaching the upper limit of densities reported from unmanaged populations. Mean size of breeding packs was 11.0 (S.E. 0.76), comparable to pack sizes in Kruger National Park (Kruger), the only viable unmanaged population in South Africa. Fecundity was lower than in Kruger – particularly in the older age classes. Pup survival to adulthood was 45% – nearly three times the survival rate for pups in Kruger.Mean annual population growth rate (ë = 1.08, S.E. 0.13) was higher than in unmanaged populations (range 1.000–1.038), with implications for population viability and management.H.D.M. was supported through grants to D.W.M. from Fauna & Flora International and Siren. Fieldwork was supported by the Endangered Wildlife Trust, De Beers Consolidated Mines and Jaguar Land Rover South Africa.http://www.sawma.co.zaam201

    Status of road ecology research in Africa : do we understand the impacts of roads, and how to successfully mitigate them?

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    Across Africa, transport infrastructure, including roads, is being built in over 30 planned development corridors that are likely to have major impacts on remaining natural habitats and associated biodiversity. Linked to this is the projected increase in human population size, which is predicted to grow by 1.3 billion people by 2050. Road ecology is the study of the ecological effects (both positive and negative) of roads and traffic but is perceived to be under-researched in Africa. In this context, we undertook a systematic review of road ecology research in Africa to understand the geographic and taxonomic scope of work undertaken to date, as well as recommendations for reducing the impacts of roads. We discovered 210 road ecology publications from Africa (published between 1954 and 2016), with most publications from the more affluent and politically stable regions (e.g., southern and East Africa). We found more publications than expected, with relevant research concealed within studies whose primary focus was on other topics. Most publications (1) focused on single species, and in particular on mammals (where chimpanzees and forest elephants were most studied); (2) were from southern Africa; and 3) were conducted in the grassland and savannah biome and the tropical and subtropical forest biome. Most publications examined the direct impacts of roads, in particular wildlife-vehicle collisions. Only one-third of the publications provided some form of recommendation for intervention to reduce or mitigate the impacts of roads, based on evidence from the publication. Most recommended interventions related to ecosystem or natural process recreation, as well as site and area stewardship. Gaps and future directions for research include rigorous testing of measures to mitigate the impacts of roads, inclusion of traffic monitoring in studies, understanding the impacts of upgrading roads, and exploring livelihood, economic and moral incentives and education and training as potential interventions for reducing the impacts of roads. Our review has highlighted the need for accelerating the study of the impacts of roads on natural habitats and biodiversity, in light of planned large-scale infrastructure development, and especially the study of appropriate mitigation measures that can be rigorously assessed and implemented before and during construction and upgrading of roads in Africa.http://www.frontiersin.org/Ecology_and_Evolutionam2020Mammal Research Institut

    Attitudes and tolerance of private landowners shape the African wild dog conservation landscape in the greater Kruger National Park

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    The survival of wildlife ultimately relies on its acceptability to humans. The African wild dog Lycaon pictus is an endangered species that often comes into conflict with humans. Currently, the only viable population in South Africa resides in the Kruger National Park (KNP). To begin to understand the acceptability of wild dogs outside this important wild dog stronghold, we interviewed private landowners (n = 186) along the KNP western and southern boundaries. Respondents generally held positive attitudes towards wild dogs and had a good knowledge of them. Attitudes were also more positive when the property was part of a conservancy, indicating that the conservation landscape for wild dogs on private land outside the KNP is promising. However, the impact of edge effects such as disease transmission should not be ignored in future research, and creative solutions for mitigating these effects must be sought to ensure the future conservation of wild dogs.Jaguar Land Rover South Africa, Vaughan de la Harpe and his Climb for Kruger Wild Dogs Expedition, Richard Bosman and GCCL2 Management Services, and Rhodes University for the Henderson Prestigious Masters Postgraduate Scholarship.http://www.int-res.com/journals/esr/esr-homeam2018Mammal Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog

    A 20-year review of the status and distribution of African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in South Africa

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    South Africa is one of only seven countries with a viable population of African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus). The national population in 2017 was 372 adults and yearlings and comprised three subpopulations: 1) Kruger National Park (Kruger), 2) an intensively managed metapopulation established through reintroductions into isolated, fenced reserves, and 3) a free-roaming population that occurs naturally outside protected areas. We assessed the long-term (four wild dog generations, ~20 years) trends in population size and growth rate within each of these three subpopulations. We found that Kruger supports a substantial population,which has declined over time.The metapopulation is the only subpopulation that has increased significantly over time (both in population size and number of packs), likely due to intensive conservation efforts and the reintroduction of wild dogs into 15 additional reserves since 1998. The free-roaming subpopulation has remained small but stable, even though the number of packs has declined due to anthropogenic threats. The overall national population has remained stable even though the number of packs has increased. Kruger has consistently supported the highest proportion of the national population over the last two decades. However, the contribution of the metapopulation has increased significantly over time. It is clear that despite differences in survey effort among the three subpopulations, South Africa has a small (~500) but stable population of wild dogs, with the metapopulation contribution becoming increasingly important. The circumstances in the country necessitate, and demonstrate the benefit of, intensive, adaptive management for the national population of wild dogs. While this assessment provides baseline information for the three subpopulations, wild dog conservation in South Africa would benefit greatly from equal survey effort and standardized methods to accurately assess long-term population trends.https://journals.co.za/journal/wild2pm2021Zoology and Entomolog

    Jobs, game meat and profits : the benefits of wildlife ranching on marginal lands in South Africa

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    The private wildlife sector in South Africa must demonstrate value in the face of political pressures for economic growth, job creation and food security. Through structured survey questionnaires of landowners and managers from 276 private wildlife ranches, we describe patterns of wildlife-based land uses (WBLUs), estimate their financial and social contributions and compare these with livestock farming. We show that 46% of surveyed properties combined wildlife with livestock, 86% conducted two or more WBLUs and 80% conducted consumptive use activities. Intensive breeding was conducted on 46% of properties and covered 5.1% of their total land area. Revenues were higher on wildlife only properties than livestock farms, but we were unable to compare the profitability of wildlife and livestock due to data gaps for livestock. Profits from WBLUs were highly variable, while mean return on investment (ROI) was 0.068. Wildlife properties employed more people per unit area than livestock farms, properties conducting ecotourism employed more than twice as many people as non-ecotourism properties, and biltong hunting properties employed 50% fewer people than non-biltong hunting properties. Mean game meat production on wildlife only properties was 4.07 kg/ha, while the top producers harvested game meat at a level comparable with some extensive livestock farms. We suggest that the financial and social benefits of wildlife ranching on marginal land make this a viable land use, but that the contributions towards biodiversity conservation need to be quantified. The South African model could be a suitable option for other African countries seeking sustainable land use alternatives.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/biocon2021-05-01hj2021Centre for Wildlife ManagementMammal Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog

    An inventory of vertebrate roadkill in the Greater Mapungubwe Transfrontier Conservation Area, South Africa

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    Using a standard protocol, we conducted vertebrate roadkill surveys in the Greater Mapungubwe Transfrontier Conservation Area (GMTFCA), South Africa, which is a World Heritage Site. A total of 991 roadkill were recorded on the paved roads and 36 roadkill on the unpaved roads. Identifiable roadkill comprised 162 species from 24 orders and 65 families. Ninety-three roadkill could not be identified to species level. Roadkill counts were strongly influenced by road type and season. More roadkill was recorded on the paved than the unpaved roads. Irrespective of road type, the proportion of roadkill was greatest in the hot/wet season (4.3 paved roadkill/km/day paved and 1.3 roadkill/km/day unpaved) and lowest in the cold/dry season (2.0 roadkill/km/day paved and 0.1 roadkill/km/day unpaved). The high numbers of vertebrates identified as roadkill suggests that road traffic has the potential to directly and negatively affect biodiversity conservation in this part of South Africa. We recommend continued roadkill data collection across South Africa to assist with creating an inventory of species most likely to be at risk from roads. This will, in turn, better inform the implementation of potential mitigation measures.This research was initiated by the Endangered Wildlife Trust, with funding from Bridgestone South Africa.http://www.sawma.co.zaam201

    Spatial partitioning by a subordinate carnivore is mediated by conspecific overlap

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    There are several hypotheses that could explain territory size in mammals, including the resource dispersion hypothesis (RDH), the intruder pressure hypothesis (IPH), and the intraguild predation hypothesis (IGPH). In this study, we tested predictions of these three hypotheses regarding territories of 19 packs of endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) over 2 years in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. If territory size was supported by the RDH, then we would observe (1) wild dog territories would be larger when resource patches were more dispersed, (2) pack sizes would be larger when resource patches were rich, and (3) pack size would not affect territory size. If supported by the IPH, then we would observe (4) larger territories would experience less intrusions, and (5) there would be an increase in territory overlap in areas of low resource dispersion. Finally, if supported by the IGPH, we would observe (6) territories would be larger in areas of higher lion (Panthera leo) density, as evidence of a spatial avoidance strategy. We found that the IGPH was fully supported (6), the IPH half supported (5), and the RDH partially supported (1 and 3), where we found spatial partitioning of wild dogs with lions, potentially mediated by resources and territory overlap with conspecifics. Ultimately, our results show that subordinate carnivores must balance a trade-off between dominant interspecific competitors and conspecifics to successfully coexist in areas with dominant carnivores.South African National Parks (SANParks) honorary rangers and the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT).http://link.springer.com/journal/4422020-09-18hj2020Mammal Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog

    South Africa’s private wildlife ranches protect globally significant populations of wild ungulates

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    Reversing biodiversity loss is a global imperative that requires setting aside sufficient space for species. In South Africa, an estimated area of 20 million ha is under wildlife ranching, a form of private land enterprise that adopts wildlife-based land uses for commercial gain. This land has potential to contribute towards biodiversity conservation, but the extent to which this occurs has not been evaluated. Using structured questionnaires of 226 wildlife ranchers, we assessed how the sector contributes towards the conservation of ungulates and elephants (hereafter herbivores). Overall, 40 herbivore species were present across the sample, where individual ranches had a mean of 15.0 (± 4.8) species, 1.9 (± 1.5) threatened species, and 3.6 (± 3.1) extralimital species per property. In comparison to 54 state PAs, wildlife ranches had significantly higher species richness, more threatened species but more extralimital species when property/reserve size was controlled for. Ranches conducting trophy hunting had similar species richness and numbers of extralimital species per ha, but fewer threatened species when compared to ranches conducting ecotourism. We estimate that 4.66–7.25 million herbivores occur on ranches nationally, representing one of the few examples on earth where indigenous mammal populations are thriving and demonstrating how sustainable use can lead to rewilding. We discuss the potential negative impacts of widespread game fencing on landscape fragmentation and gene flow, as well as how the widespread occurrence of extralimital species may lead to hybridisation, biotic homogenisation, and changes to vegetation dynamics. Despite these challenges, commercial wildlife ranching offers a viable option for conserving large mammalian herbivore biodiversity.Supplementary File 1. Online resources 1 and 2.Supplementary File 2. Online resources 3 and 4.Supplementary File 3. Online resource 5.The Green Fund/Development Bank of South Africa.http://link.springer.com/journal/10531hj2022Centre for Veterinary Wildlife StudiesMammal Research InstituteProduction Animal StudiesZoology and Entomolog