106 research outputs found

    Reaching out to the readers: The translation of Japanese manga in Malaysia

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    One of the most recognisable aspects of Japanese pop culture which has invaded Malaysia is the Japanese comic or manga. It appears in translation in both Malay and English in Malaysia. Taking into account its foreign origin and the fact that translated manga is targeted at a local readership, translators often resort to the use of notes in the translations in order to assist the readers. This study, thus, intends to examine the type of notes used in the Malay and English translations of Japanese manga, and to determine items in the Japanese manga which required clarification and for which notes are provided. To analyse the use of notes by the translator in the translated manga, this study adopts a qualitative content analysis approach. The analysis involves six Japanese manga and their corresponding translations in Malay and English. The findings show that the translators employ the use of three different types of notes in the translation: notes on the image, notes in the gutter and notes at the end of the text. The analysis also shows that the elements in the Japanese manga which require clarification in translation are giongo/gitaigo, inscriptions, culture-specific elements, wordplay, technical terms and honorifics. There is also a minor difference between the Malay and English translations where the use of notes is concerned. Based on the findings, it is concluded that notes are important in translated versions of the manga in Malaysia in that they provide assistance to readers in understanding certain aspects of the manga

    Kaempferol as a dietary anti-inflammatory agent: current therapeutic standing

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    Inflammation is a physiological response to different pathological, cellular or vascular damages due to physical, chemical or mechanical trauma. It is characterized by pain, redness, heat and swelling. Current natural drugs are carefully chosen as a novel therapeutic strategy for the management of inflammatory diseases. Different phytochemical constituents are present in natural products. These phytochemicals have high efficacy both in vivo and in vitro. Among them, flavonoids occur in many foods, vegetables and herbal medicines and are considered as the most active constituent, having the ability to attenuate inflammation. Kaempferol is a polyphenol that is richly found in fruits, vegetables and herbal medicines. It is also found in plant-derived beverages. Kaempferol is used in the management of various ailments but there is no available review article that can summarize all the natural sources and biological activities specifically focusing on the anti-inflammatory effect of kaempferol. Therefore, this article is aimed at providing a brief updated review of the literature regarding the anti-inflammatory effect of kaempferol and its possible molecular mechanisms of action. Furthermore, the review provides the available updated literature regarding the natural sources, chemistry, biosynthesis, oral absorption, metabolism, bioavailability and therapeutic effect of kaempferol

    Contributing factors and their association with blood pressure control amongst hypertensive patients

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    Objective: To assess contributing factors and their association with blood pressure control amongst hypertensive patients.Methodology: This cross sectional comparative study was conducted at OPD general medicine dept, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, from July to December 2018. Hypertensive patients of both genders, having age more than 18 years, and on antihypertensive medication form at least six months were included in the study. Optimally controlled BP was defined as an average systolic BP < 140 and diastolic BP < 90 mmHg if the patient is younger than 60 years, or an average systolic BP < 150 and diastolic BP < 90mmHg if patient was older than 60 years. Logistic regression was applied to assess the effect of different factors on blood pressure control of the hypertensive patients.Results: In the study sample majority 107 (55.4%) of the patients belonged to 41-60 years age group, and females 106 (54.9%) were predominant. Main bulk 155 (80.3%) of the patients was married and mostly 80 (41.5%) patients had monthly income in the range of 25000-50000. About half 89 (46.1%) of the patients enrolled for the study were doing adequate physical activity. Optimized blood pressure was found in 92 (47.67%) patients.Conclusion: The proportion of hypertensive patients whose blood pressure was optimally controlled was relatively low and less than half of patients had blood pressure in acceptable limits. Age group (41-60) years, routine use of vegetable on most days of week, physical activity, adherence to treatment and taking less than three drugs have a strong relationship with blood pressure to keep in optimized limits

    Association of Type D personality with cardiovascular disease and its prognosis

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    Objective: To evaluate the association of Type D personality with cardiovascular disease and its prognosis. Methodology: This cross sectional study study was conducted in cardiology department of MBBS medical college Mirpur, from February 2019 to February 2020 in a period of one year. A total of 281 patients with cardiovascular diseases were included. Demographic information and risk factors were noted. Screening for metabolic syndrome was done using international diabetes federation criteria based upon central obesity. The assessment of type D personality was made through DS-14, type D scale, which is the most widely used instrument for type D personality measurement. In which all the 14 items are score on a 5-point Likert scale. Results: There were 77 (27.40%) patients having type D personality, with significantly less mean age (45.36 ± 6.2 vs. 53.45 ± 9.6) in comparison to patients without type D personality. No significant (p-value > 0.05) difference was noted in gender, education, occupation and marital status of the patients having type D personality. The rate of diabetes mellitus (44.46% vs. 37.25%), hypertension (59.74% vs. 47.06%), smoking status (62.34% vs. 53.43%) and metabolic syndrome (48.05% vs. 40.69%) were similar in both groups. The mean values of systolic (124.53 ± 12.35 vs. 116.28 ± 14.30, p-value = 0.000) and diastolic (78.44 ± 6.92 vs. 74.62 ± 7.48, p-value = 0.0001) blood pressure were significantly higher in patients having type D personality. Conclusions: A considerable number of cardiac patients in our study had type D personality trait. This trait was more common in younger age and male patients showing raised levels of blood pressure and HDL cholesterol. Key words: Cardiovascular disease, Type D personality, low HDL cholesterol, Prognosi

    Diabetic foot self-care: associated risk factors, awareness and practice among type II diabetic patients

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    Objective: To evaluate associated risk factors, awareness and practice level of diabetic foot self-care among type II diabetic patients.Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at outpatient departments of Akbar khan Niazi teaching hospital and PIMS hospital from June to December, 2018. All adult patients diagnosed as Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type 2 for at least one year without any foot related complication were selected. The questionnaire included on demographics and questions related to diabetes, awareness and practice of foot self-care.Results: A total of 196 patients were enrolled, majority 116 (59.18%) of which had age of 41-60 years with 105 (53.57%) of male participants, 76 (38.78%) patients were illiterate and 93 (47.45%) were unemployed or retired. Majority of the participants 109 (55.61%) had monthly income of 25000-50000. Eighty-eight (44.90%) patients were overweight and 32 (16.33%) obese. Majority 113 (57.65%) had diabetes from 5-10 years. On the basis of HbA1c level only 58 (29.59%) patients had HbA1c level of less than 7.0%. Significant number of patients had poor knowledge (41.3%) and practice level (39.8%) regarding foot care.Conclusion: Almost half of our patients attending primary healthcare centers have limited awareness and practice regarding diabetic foot self-care

    Diabetic foot self-care: associated risk factors, awareness and practice among type II diabetic patients

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    Objective: To evaluate associated risk factors, awareness and practice level of diabetic foot self-care among type II diabetic patients.Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at outpatient departments of Akbar khan Niazi teaching hospital and PIMS hospital from June to December, 2018. All adult patients diagnosed as Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type 2 for at least one year without any foot related complication were selected. The questionnaire included on demographics and questions related to diabetes, awareness and practice of foot self-care.Results: A total of 196 patients were enrolled, majority 116 (59.18%) of which had age of 41-60 years with 105 (53.57%) of male participants, 76 (38.78%) patients were illiterate and 93 (47.45%) were unemployed or retired. Majority of the participants 109 (55.61%) had monthly income of 25000-50000. Eighty-eight (44.90%) patients were overweight and 32 (16.33%) obese. Majority 113 (57.65%) had diabetes from 5-10 years. On the basis of HbA1c level only 58 (29.59%) patients had HbA1c level of less than 7.0%. Significant number of patients had poor knowledge (41.3%) and practice level (39.8%) regarding foot care.Conclusion: Almost half of our patients attending primary healthcare centers have limited awareness and practice regarding diabetic foot self-care

    Levels of training in Abaq Programme (UCMAS) and enhancement of auditory and visual memory: A developmental Approach.

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    This study explores the possible difference in auditory and visual memory between trained and untrained pupils on four levels of Abaq programme (UCMAS) in Khartoum State. To achieve this aim, the causal comparative method was employed. The study sample comprised 201 basic school pupils both males (100) and females (101), 101 of whom were an experimental group, and 100 a control one.Pupils’ age ranged between 7- 12 years. For data collection, the following tests of auditory memory were used: Holy Verses from Quran, Test of Digits Forward, and Digits Backward of the WISC-111 as well as tests of visual memory: Flash Cards and Memory Drum. The study shows that there were: (a) Significant differences in auditory memory according to four levels of training between the experimental group and the control group (b) Significant differences in visual memory according to four levels of training between the experimental group and the control one. Generally, the study showed that there was an increase of enhancement of auditory and visual memory due to the increase of levels of training of Abaq programme to the degree of complete memory

    Depression and anxiety in glaucoma patients using mono drug therapy vs polydrug therapy

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    Objective: To evaluate the frequency of depression, anxiety, and stress scores among glaucoma patients and assess factors attributing to severe scores. Methodology: This Analytical, Cross-sectional study was conducted at the Armed Forces Institute of Ophthalmology from June 2020 to July 2021. Data was collected through nonprobability consecutive sampling. Individuals with diagnosed primary open-angle glaucoma were selected irrespective of age and gender. Dass-21 (self-assessment scale) was used in Urdu to document patient scores for anxiety, depression, and stress. Results: The frequency of males (n=204, 54%) and females (n=173, 45.8%) in the two groups was almost the same (p=0.164). The mean age in the mono-drug group (mean= 48.81±10.58 years) was slightly lower than the polydrug group (mean=53.67±11.16years) (p=0.000018). Overall depression score of the sample fell in the severe category (score=21-27), with individuals showing more depression scores in the poly group (n=99, 26%) than in the mono drug group (n=76, 20%) (p=0.000002). Individuals on polydrug therapy showed severe scores for depression, anxiety, and stress. Conclusion: Among the glaucoma patient, those on polydrug therapy have higher incidences of anxiety among young patients and depression among older patients. This not only causes poor compliance to treatment but also increases the risk of progression of glaucoma hence augmenting the crippling effects of the disease. Keywords: Depression, anxiety, DASS-21, Glaucom

    Impact of Vitamin D3 Supplementation on Overweight and Obese Individuals

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    Objective: To determine the effect of Vitamin D3 supplementation on overweight and obese individuals Methodology: This descriptive Cross Sectional Study was done. The participants in the study were selected from medical outpatient departments of three public sector hospital of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, from January to June 2018. All overweight of obese patients were  randomly divided into two equal groups of 88 participants in each group, by random number table method. Group A was an intervention group who were given vitamin D3 and Group B, was given placebo. Vitamin D3 (dose) supplementation was given for 12 weeks. Anthropometric parameters including BMI, waist circumference, and waist to hip ratio was recorded at the start of the study and was noted on a predesigned performa. After completion of treatment repeat serum Vit. D3 level and anthropometric measurements were done. Results: The mean age in vitamin D group was 38.46 ±7.28 years and in placebo group 37.85±8.25 years. There was insignificant (p-value > 0.05) difference in body weight (76.56±11.25 vs. 75.85±10.76) before and after intervention among participants of vitamin D group. The comparison of waist circumference (92.78±7.35 vs. 92.24±7.21) and hip circumference (107.74±7.45 vs. 106.45±7.12) showed no any significant (p-value > 0.05) change after the intervention. There was a minor change in BMI on baseline 29.65±3.26 and after three months of intervention 29.38±3.1 kg/m2 but this difference was not statistically significant (p-value > 0.05). Conclusion: The supplementation with vitamin D3 during 12 weeks did not improve the anthropometric parameters like body weight, waist and hip circumference and BMI. So the correction of serum vitamin D3 level does not help in decreasing the anthropometric parameters

    Traditional suburethral sling operations for urinary incontinence in women

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    Funding Information: We are grateful to Adrian Grant, Jonathan Cook, Aldemar Araujo Castro, and several anonymous peer-referees for assistance and valuable comments on this and previous versions of the review. Sheila Wallace provided support for each version of the review as well as for this update and in the classification and identification of new studies. Fiona Stewart assisted with rewriting the effects of interventions section, conversion of incontinence to continence outcomes, and related changes in 'Summary of findings' tables. The review was originally conceived and conducted by Carlos CB Bezerra and Homero Bruschini. An earlier version of this review was completed as part of a project to add brief economic commentaries to Cochrane Incontinence's Reviews on surgery for urinary incontinence in women (Dean 2017). This project was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) via the Cochrane Review Incentive Scheme 2016.Peer reviewedPublisher PD