6 research outputs found

    A retrospective analysis evaluating allogeneic cancellous bone sponge for foot and ankle arthrodesis.

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    The present retrospective case crossover study was conducted to determine the effectiveness and safety data associated with the use of an allogeneic, cancellous bone sponge in an orthopedic foot and ankle population. We reviewed the medical records of 47 subjects (80 joints) who had undergone foot and/or ankle fusion with the cancellous bone sponge. The records were reviewed up to 12 months postoperatively. The joints included in the present study were 12 ankles, 3 ankle syndesmotic fusions (with concurrent total ankle arthroplasty), 17 subtalar joints, 17 talonavicular joints, 9 calcaneocubiod joints, 1 naviculocuneiform joint, 13 first tarsometatarsal joints, 6 lesser tarsometatarsal joints, and 2 first metatarsophalangeal joints. The endpoints of the present study were solid, sustained foot and ankle fusion, as demonstrated radiographically, and the occurrence of unexpected adverse effects related to the graft. The fusion rates were compared with those reported in other studies. The patient-reported outcome variables for the present study included the visual analog pain scale and the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Score. The use of a cancellous sponge showed statistically significant improvements in pain and function and comparable or better fusion rates compared with outcomes reported in other published reports