7 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the organizational and economic vectors of theagricultural land market regulation. The tools of the land market regulation are investigated. A model of agricultural land market circulation is proposed and issues of market infrastructure improvement are highlighted.Land reform has always been a fundamental link to radical changes inthe economy in the agro-industrial system. The transition to marketrelations and the development of the mechanism of the land market, causes a fundamental change in the entire land system of the country. The problems of market circulation of agricultural land and the development of organizational and economic vectors for its regulation are of paramount importance for the practical implementation of agrarian reform and the strengthening of incentives for rational land use. However, despite the significant relevance of the problem of market circulation of land in modern agrarian policy and processes of transformation of the industry, their theoretical development lags behind the current requirements of rational use and protection of land, and this has a very negative impact on the social and environmental aspects of the development of the entire agrarian sector.Therefore, the launch of an effective agricultural land market in Ukraine, as well as the vectors of its organizational and economic regulation, remain strategic issues, from which depend on the further development of land relations and the national economy as a whole.In our opinion, Ukraine needs a new organizational and economicparadigm in terms of forming effective land relations and the relevantagricultural land market, especially in conditions where the country’seconomy has already begun reformatting to market bases, and the internal mechanism of self-regulation of these relations is either not expanding or is scarce to all sectors of the national economy, including the agricultural sector. Therefore, we propose an appropriate toolkit for regulation of the agricultural land market, the use of which will help to solve a number of tasks in this area. Thus, the directions of organizational and economic regulation should be directed not at making decisions in the context of individual land-use objects, but at the formation of total conditions and rules that will allow landowners and land-users to develop individual plans of agricultural land use within certain norms and established restrictions.В статье рассмотрены организационно-экономические векторырегулирования рынка земли сельскохозяйственного назначения.Исследован инструментарий регулирования рынка земли. Предложеномодель рыночного оборота земель сельскохозяйственного назначения.Раскрыты основные задачи землеустройства. Освещены вопросыусовершенствования рыночной инфраструктуры.У статті розглянуто організаційно-економічні вектори регулювання ринку землі сільськогосподарського призначення. Досліджено інструментарій регулювання ринку землі. Запропоновано модель ринкового обігу земель сільськогосподарського призначення. Розкрито основні завдання землеустрою. Висвітлено питання удосконалення ринкової інфраструктури


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    The article considers the peculiarities of the use of recreational lands. The legal basis for the use of recreational lands is analyzed in detail. It is noted that a number of legislative acts have been adopted regulating relations in the field of formation, preservation and rational use of recreational lands on the basis of sustainable development of Ukraine. Legislative aspects of integrated management of the country's recreational potential are implemented in accordance with the current Land Code. The essence of the concept of recreational areas and the order of their use are revealed. The issue of providing land plots for recreational facilities has been studied. It is noted that land plots of state and communal ownership are provided for ownership and use for placement of recreational facilities by the decision of the executive authorities or local governments in the manner prescribed by the Land Code. Recreational lands can be used in general and special order. The general use of recreational lands is provided by citizens free of charge to meet the needs of recreation, tourism, sports and cultural and entertainment activities.Recreational lands of general use include lands occupied by parks, squares, boulevards, sports grounds, and other recreational facilities. By way of special use, recreational lands are provided for the placement of recreational facilities (rest homes, boarding houses, yacht clubs, stationary and tent tourist and health camps, other similar facilities) for the purpose of conducting economic activities related to operation. such lands, other natural resources in accordance with their intended purpose. Special use of recreational lands is provided for a fee. Also, the use of recreational land can be carried out on the basis ofland easement. In order to ensure the rational use and protection of recreational lands in the surrounding areas, if necessary, protection zones should be created.The size and regime of protection zones should be determined in accordance with the purpose of the lands on which such zones are created, taking into account the nature of economic activity in the surrounding areas and the results of assessment of its impact on the environment.Construction of industrial and other facilities, development of economic activity, which may lead to a negative impact on recreational lands, should not be allowed in protected areas. The assessment of such impact is determined by the results of ecological expertise It is emphasized that an important task is to improve the regime of use of recreational lands, the priority of which should be to grant special status to particularly valuable of them.В статье рассмотрены особенности использования земель рекреационного назначения. Детально проанализирована правовая базу использования рекреационных земель. Раскрыта суть понятия рекреационных зон и порядок их использования. Отмечено, что важной задачей является усовершенствование  режима использования земель рекреационного назначения, приоритетным направлением которого должно быть предоставление специального статуса особо ценным из них.У статті розглянуто особливості використання земель рекреаційного  призначення. Детально проаналізовано правову базу використання рекреаційних земель. Розкрито суть поняття рекреаційних зон та порядок їх використання. Зазначено, що важливим завданням є удосконалення режиму використання земель рекреаційного призначення, пріоритетним напрямом якого має бути надання спеціального статусу особливо цінним з них


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    The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of lease and land relations. It is emphasized that one of the main tasks of increasing the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex of the country is the greening of land and natural resources and the development of effective lease and land relations in agriculture. In modern conditions of agricultural production, land relations are fundamental in the system of social relations, because the land is both a means and an object of labor, it is the main production resource. Subjects of lease and land relations in the legally defined field can be citizens, legal entities, local governments, and public authorities. As a general rule, the lease agreement is concluded for a specified period. If the lease term is not specified in the contract, the lease agreement is considered concluded for an indefinite period. Lease is a right that is valid for the period stipulated in the contract, after which the leased property – the land is subject to return to the lessor, the owner of the land.It is important to note that the development of lease and land relations depends on political, economic, physical, and organizational factors.Political factors of lease-land relations characterize the relationship of ownership of them. These factors are manifested through the actions of public authorities, which determine the forms of land ownership, the mechanism of acquisition of ownership by the relevant entities, and so on. Economic factors relate primarily to the organization of rational land use.It is emphasized that the lease of agricultural land is an effective type of market relations and can be an alternative to buying and selling. It is determined that the function of the state in lease and land relations, as well as in protecting the interests of landowners, should be decisive. The effective implementation of such functions of the state should be ensured by consistent monitoring of lease and land relations by state institutions. Lease land relations will ensure the desired effect only in terms of state, legal, financial, and organizational support, proper legal framework, as well as social justice.В статье рассмотрены теоретико-методические аспекты развития арендно-земельных отношений. Отмечено, что одной из основных задач повышения эффективности деятельности агропромышленного комплекса страны является экологизация использования земельноприродного потенциала и развитие  эффективных арендно-земельных отношений в сельском хозяйстве. При этом важно отметить, что развитие арендно-земельных отношений зависит от политических, экономических, физических и организационных факторов.У статті розглянуто теоретико-методичні аспекти розвитку орендноземельних відносин. Наголошено, що одним із основних завдань підвищення ефективності діяльності агропромислового комплексу країни є екологізація використання земельно-природного потенціалу та розвиток ефективних орендно-земельних відносин у сільському господарстві. При цьому важливо зазначити, що розвиток орендноземельних відносин залежить від політичних, економічних, фізичних таорганізаційних факторів


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    The article notes that the growing challenges of pandemics, the negative impact of changes in the environment increases the impact of limited traditional resources and raises issues of sustainable development of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises through the spread of digitalization, greening and compliance with corporate social responsibility. The application of the outlined ways of modernization of agricultural production processes involves the spread of the practice of formation and use of intellectual capital in the field of land relations.Research has shown that any existing economic schools from the same position approach the rationale for the postulate that information, knowledge, intellectual resources are becoming one of the main ways to achieve high socio-economic results at both micro and macro levels.Research of intellectual capital in the field of land relations has its own characteristics of the factors that affect its development and management. First of all, it is the seasonality of production, natural and climatic conditions, low level of introduction of modern technologies in agricultural production, not high solvent demand of peasants and so on.Thus, intellectual capital in the field of land relations should be understood as capital, which is formed by intellectual resources of agriculture, as well as natural and economic potential of territories and regions, which in the process of interaction form a new value.The main components of the intellectual capital of an agricultural enterprise include human capital, structural (organizational) and consumer.For most agricultural enterprises, the lack of intellectual resources is an obstacle to the development of innovation. For an entity that invests its time, money and energy in business, intellectual capital is very important. An enterprise that does not use the intellectual knowledge of its staff will not be interested in success and innovation. One of the reasons why entrepreneurs do not use intellectual capital is that they do not see a promising return from the use of mental energy in the form of profits on invested capital.Within the agricultural complex, intellectual products represent the implementation of the results of experiments, research and development in the form of new varieties of agricultural plants, breeds and species of animals and birds, food, materials, livestock and crop technologies, fertilizers and plant and animal protection products, treatments animals and birds, lending and financing of agricultural production, ways of training, retraining and advanced training of labor personnel, forms of organization and management of various sectors of the economy, approaches to improving the efficiency of agricultural production in general.Regarding the peculiarities of management and development of intellectual property in the field of land relations, it should be noted that they are grouped into the following components: economic, regulatory and organizational.The article substantiates the tasks of future development of Ukrainian agrarian business.У статті розглянуто особливості управління інтелектуальним капіталом в сфері земельних відносин. Виокремлено основні складові інтелектуального капіталу сільськогосподарського підприємства. Обґрунтовано завдання майбутнього розвитку українського аграрного бізнесу

    Resting Regulatory CD4 T Cells: A Site of HIV Persistence in Patients on Long-Term Effective Antiretroviral Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: In HIV-infected patients on long-term HAART, virus persistence in resting long-lived CD4 T cells is a major barrier to curing the infection. Cell quiescence, by favouring HIV latency, reduces the risk of recognition and cell destruction by cytotoxic lymphocytes. Several cell-activation-based approaches have been proposed to disrupt cell quiescence and then virus latency, but these approaches have not eradicated the virus. CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are a CD4+ T-cell subset with particular activation properties. We investigated the role of these cells in virus persistence in patients on long-term HAART. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found evidence of infection of resting Tregs (HLADR(-)CD69(-)CD25(hi)FoxP3+CD4+ T cells) purified from patients on prolonged HAART. HIV DNA harbouring cells appear more abundant in the Treg subset than in non-Tregs. The half-life of the Treg reservoir was estimated at 20 months. Since Tregs from patients on prolonged HAART showed hyporesponsiveness to cell activation and inhibition of HIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte-related functions upon activation, therapeutics targeting cell quiescence to induce virus expression may not be appropriate for purging the Treg reservoir. CONCLUSIONS: Our results identify Tregs as a particular compartment within the latent reservoir that may require a specific approach for its purging