67 research outputs found
Konsep Komunikasi Rasulullah Muhammad SAW
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan dan mendeskripsi tentang potret ataupun gambaran dari proses penyampaian dan pertukaran pesan-pesan dakwah yang dilakukan oleh Nabi Muhammad Saw., sehingga sukses dalam menjalankan misi dakwahnya. Studi ini termasuk ke dalam studi kepustakaan atau “library research”, dengan tujuan mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dan relevan dengan tujuan kajian dengan menggunakan berbagai sumber dalam bentuk kitab suci al-Quran, hadits dan sejarah serta sumbersumber lain yang memuat informasi yang dibutuhkan dan relevan dengan tujuan studi tersebut. Dengan menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif, pengkaji memperoleh informasi bahwa di antara faktor yang menyebabkan Nabi Muhammad Saw., sukses dalam menjalankan misi dakwahnya adalah, beliau dalam proses melaksanakan dan menyampaikan pesan-pesan dakwahnya menggunakan proses penyampaian ataupun pertukaran pesan (komunikasi) dalam bingkai linta lahum dan asysyidaau ‘alal kuffaar. Bersifat dan berperilaku lemah lembut dalam mengkomunikasikan pesan-pesan dakwah yang disampaikan dan dipertukarkan serta tidak mudah diajak kompromi terhadap perbuatan yang melanggarkan perintah Allah Swt., sekalipun terhadap anak perempuan beliau Fathimah Az-Zahrah Ra. jika melakukan kejahatan pasti hukum tetap ditegakkan oleh baginda Nabi Besar Muhammad Saw
The Political Public Relations of Muhammadiyah Leader in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era
The purpose of the study on Political Public Relations (PRP) of Muhammadiyah Leaders in the era of the covid-19 pandemic is to find out about the relationship in the political context between the leadership of the Muhammadiyah Branch and the public or stakeholders in their respective branches, especially in the era of the covid-19 pandemic. The concepts used are political public relations and political public relations activities. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through interviews and document analysis. The results of the study show that although administratively branch leaders have not mapped or recorded data based on modern and professional administrative guidelines and stored in a complete data and documentation center (Pusdatin) about stakeholders, in general branch leaders have understood that those who are stakeholders or those who are interested and who The interests of the Muhammadiyah Branch in East Jakarta are the community around the branch, community leaders or opinion leaders, the sub-district government and political parties and the media. With regard to political public relations activities, the leadership of Muhammadiyah branches throughout East Jakarta varies widely, both internally (relationships within the Muhammadiyah organization, fellow members or fellow administrators), and external (with outside members and administrators). In conclusion, the leadership of Muhammadiyah branches throughout East Jakarta, still really needs to increase data collection and carry out various activities related to political public relations, specifically conducting data collection and activities that are well documented through the data and information center (Pusdatin) in each branch. The benefit is that when there are parties who need information, especially regarding stakeholders and political public relations activities of branch leaders, it can be easily provided to those in need
Data on the occurrence of butterfly species at Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park is presented based on collections and observations obtained in 2004, 2007, 2009 and 2010. In total, 161 butterfly species (10 Hesperiidae, 23 Lycaenidae, 86 Nymphalidae, 17 Papilionidae, 21 Pieridae, and 4 Riodinidae) were recorded. Of the total number of species, 133 were recorded from Gunung Halimun and 82 were recorded from Gunung Salak. The occurrence of butterflies at this national park was compared with data known from other localities in Java. The significance of Gunung Halimun-Salak NP in terms of the butterfly diversity is discussed
Penguasaan mufrodat Bahasa Arab pada siswa kelas VIII di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Pangkalan Bun Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat
Mengingat pentingnya Bahasa Arab diikuti pula dengan kepentingan mengajarkannya.Berdasarkan studi eksplorasi dan hasil pengamatan sementara yang dilakukan penulis secara umum pada MTs Negeri Pangkalan Bun ternyata pengajaran Bahasa Arab disana masih belum menggembirakan atau masih belum mencapai hasil optimal. Kemampuan berbahasa Arab siswanya yang masih minim, dan sekalipun ada juga siswa yang kemampuan berbahasa Arabnya baik. Indikasi masih belum menggambarkannya pengajaran bahasa Arab di MTs Negeri Pangkalan Bun juga bias. Para siswa kebanyakannya cenderung menjauhi mata pelajaran kebahasaan tidak terkecuali dengan mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Kenyataan diatas menunjukkan bahwa pengajaran bahasa Arab di MTs ataupun sekolah menengah lainnya masih belum dapat dikatakan berhasil dengan optimal atau masih bermasalah.
Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1). Bagaimana penguasaan mufrodat siswa kelas VIII MTs Negeri Pangkalan Bun. (2). Faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi penguasaan mufradat Bahasa Arab pada siswa kelas VIII MTs Negeri Pangkalan Bun Kotawaringin Barat.
Penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Subyek penelitian sebanyak 34 responden yang terdiri dari kelas VIII, menggunakan teknik sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan : tes/angket, observasi, studi dokumentasi, wawancara. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa dengan menggunakan teknik analisa deskriptif. Hasil analisis dari data menunjukkan bahwa : (1). Penguasaan mufrodat siswa kelas VIII MTs Negeri Pangkalan Bun dalam kategori cukup, yakni dengan nilai rata rata sebesar 72,03(2).Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penguasaan mufrodat siswa kelas VIII MTs Negeri Pangkalan Bun yaitu keaktifan siswa, guru, dan lingkungan, baik lingkungan keluarga maupun lingkungan sekitar dalam menunjang proses pembelajaran Bahasa Arab.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi bahan informasi dan masukan bagi para sivitas akademika dan tenaga pendidik di lingkungan MTs Negeri Pangkalan Bun agar lebih banyak memberikan motivasi belajar kosa kata Bahasa Arab kepada siswa dan melatihnya sesering mungkin.
Regarding how important the Arabic is, it is crucial to teach it. Based on the global exploration study and the temporary observation of the writer at MTs Negeri Pangkalan Bun, the teaching of the Arabic is yet less exhilarating or still reaches below the optimum result. The students have the minimum Arabic competency, though some students have the good competency. The indication does not describe the teaching of the Arabic at MTs Negeri Pangkalan Bun, which is also refractive. Most students tend to avoid the language lesson, no exception to the Arabic. The fact shows that the teaching of the Arabic at MTs or another junior high school has not completely succeeded optimally or in the other word it still has problem.
The problem of the research aims to know: (1). How the mastery of the Arabic vocabulary is on the 8th grade student of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Pangkalan Bun. (2). What factors affect the mastery of the Arabic vocabulary on the 8th grade student of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Pangkalan Bun West Kotawaringin.
The research is the quantitative research with the quantitative descriptive approach. The subject of the research consists of 34 respondents of the 8th grade students, by sampling technique. The collecting data method uses: test/questionnaire, observation, document analysis, and interview. The collected data is analyzed by descriptive analysis technique, the result shows that: (1). the mastery of the Arabic vocabulary on the 8th grade student of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Pangkalan Bun is in the average category, the mean value 72.03. (2). The factor that affects the mastery of the Arabic vocabulary on the 8th grade student of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Pangkalan Bun is the active role of the students, teacher and environment, both the family and the neighborhood in supporting the Arabic learning process. The writer expects the research to be the source of the information and the recommendation for the academic societies and the teachers at MTs Negeri Pangkalan Bun in order to give more motivation to the students to gain the Arabic vocabulary and practice it as often as possible
Post-Reform Cinema Public Space on Detik.com News Portal
Film festivals are public cultural spheres that arose quickly after the fall of the New Order. The rise of film festival activities was covered by the Indonesian mass media, particularly online media. Detik.com is an example of online media that is currently a public reference, including witnessing the development of film festivals in post-reformation Indonesia. The primary goal of this research is to examine the representation of the public sphere in a film festival article written by Detik.com. This study chose an explanatory qualitative approach based on media framing theory. From its inception until 2019, Detik.com was Indonesia’s first news portal, publishing 894 articles on film festivals. The analysis knife employs several major theories, including Public Space (Habermas), Film Festival (De Valck), and news framing (De Vreese). To strengthen the article, the sources cited are also the most comprehensive, consisting of government groups (e.g., Executive and DPR) and non-government groups (filmmakers, festival managers, academics, religious groups, and spectators). When comparing the scale of implementation, national film festivals are mostly covered, namely 28 film festivals and eight film festivals. During the post-reform era, the most news framing film festivals are generic issues (33 festivals) versus 14 festivals that fall into the category of specific issue framing.
Publisitas Politik Aceng Aziz Muslim Menuju Pemilihan Umum 2024 di Facebook
General elections (elections) are one of the routine agendas that characterize a democratic country like Indonesia. Ahead of the 2024 elections, political actors and their parties are competing to introduce themselves in advance, including through political publicity activities. Likewise, Aceng Aziz Muslim plans to run for the Tasikmalaya Regency Legislative Council in Election District 7 (Dapil 7) and the media chosen for these activities is Facebook. This study aims to determine the political publicity of Aceng Aziz Muslim on Facebook, as well as what are the supporting and inhibiting factors. The research results show that Aceng Aziz Muslim's political publicity in Indonesia has reached a significant level of attention throughout his career. He managed to build a strong social network in cyberspace, allowing him to gain wide access to various audiences on Facebook. His ability to identify issues relevant to the community and create creative content has also sustained public interest and support over the long term. The use of social media platform analytics tools has also been beneficial in measuring the impact of his publications. However, Aceng Aziz Muslim also faced a number of challenges in his efforts to build his political publicity on Facebook
Development Of Multicultural-Based Islamic Educational Institutions In Realizing Peaceful Life In Pesantren
This study aims to develop multicultural Islamic educational institutions that focus on several aspects of the study to realize peaceful life in the Nurul Jadid Paiton Islamic boarding school, Probolinggo. In order to obtain data from research results, research was carried out with a qualitative approach and a case study type. The data collection technique uses the snowball sampling technique. The data sources used are primary and secondary. Data collection techniques used participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques used the Miles Huberman model, which included data reduction, data display and concluding. The results of this study indicate that the development of multicultural Islamic education institutions in realizing peaceful attitudes at the Nurul Jadid Paiton Islamic Boarding School in Probolinggo is: Strengthening the Multicultural-based Islamic Education Institution System in Islamic Boarding Schools, Integrating Multicultural Islamic educational values in the Education System in Islamic Boarding Schools, Planning a multicultural-based curriculum in Islamic Boarding School Islamic Education institutions Management of multicultural-based learning in Islamic Boarding School educational institutions, Multicultural-based HR Management of Educators and Education Personnel in Islamic Boarding Schools
The North Ring Road section of Sentani City is also expected to require several important things related to the principles contained in regional development. The existing synergy will improve regional economic conditions as well as several social aspects and other conveniences. With the northern ring road, it is intended to reduce the traffic load in the center of Sentani City. However, it is also hoped that the Sentani North Ring Road will have a follow-up impact on economic development and increase productivity in the surrounding area. With the existence of the North Sentani Ring Road, the development of activities, especially economic activities in the vicinity, is not yet visible, whether this economic activity is related to the social characteristics of the surrounding community that do not support regional development, so it is necessary to analyze the extent of the benefits of the road to the development of the surrounding area. The objectives to be achieved in this study are to analyze the impact of the construction of the northern ring road on infrastructure development in the surrounding area, analyze the extent to which the northern ring road affects changes in socio-economic and socio-cultural characteristics of the surrounding population, analyze the extent to which the northern ring road affects regional development surrounding. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the northern ring road has an impact on infrastructure development in the surrounding area, the socioeconomic characteristics of the population around the northern ring road have increased and socio-cultural characteristics have changed with the existence of the northern ring road of the city of Sentani and the northern ring road affect the development the surrounding are
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