333 research outputs found


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    Seiring perkembangan zaman kebutuhan akan penggunaan lahan pun semakin meningkat. Penggunaan terhadap lahan dapat berupa berbagai macam jenis bangunan atau properti seperti perkantoran, pertokoan, perumahan, apartemen, hotel dll. Salah satu lahan yang berada di tempat strategis yaitu salah namun tidak dimanfaatkan untuk dibangun properti diatasnya yaitu lahan kosong yang berada di Jl. Gajah Mada, Kec. Jelutung, Kota Jambi dengan luas  lahan ini berada di dekat jalan kolektor primer sehingga memiliki aksesibilitas yang tinggi selain itu kawasan ini juga merupakan kawasan permukiman penduduk dan juga terdapat berbagai jenis bangunan seperti ruko, tempat ibadah, rumah makan dll. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan penggunaan lahan di Jl. Gajah Mada, Kec. Jelutung, Kota Jambi adalah dengan metode Highest and Best Use (HBU). Analisa Highest and Best Use (HBU) adalah suatu analisa tentang penggunaan lahan tertinggi dan terbaik dari suatu lahan kosong ataupun lahan yang sudah terpakai namun tidak digunakan secara optimal. Analisa ini terdiri dari beberapa aspek yaitu aspek legal, aspek fisik, aspek finansial dan aspek produktivitas maksimum. Adapun hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa pertokoan merupakan alternatif properti yang paling menguntungkan jika didirikan pada lahan kosong tersebut. Adapun penambahan nilai lahan dari nilai awal perkantoran memberikan kenaikan harga lahan sebesar 72% atau sebesar Rp 13.194.870,71/m2 dan apabila didirikan pertokoan memberikan kenaikan harga lahan sebesar 73% atau sebesar Rp 14.093.101,48/m2

    Analysis of Design Flood Discharge and Water Level Case Study of the Batang Singkut River Section Sarolangun Regency

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    The Batang Singkut River section is a tributary of the Batang Asai River which passes through Pelawan District and Singkut District. This research was carried out by calculating the design flood discharge and modeling the water level using HEC-RAS. The starting point of the research is on the bridge around the Jambi University campus in Sarolangun Regency with the length of the river under review being 300 meters. The discharge data used is the maximum daily discharge for 10 years from 2011 to 2020. The method used to calculate the design flood discharge is the method of frequency analysis and distribution testing using the chi-square method. The analysis was carried out to find the design flood discharge frequency using the Pearson III log distribution type for return periods of 2 and 5 years. The calculated discharge is entered into the HEC-RAS to model the water level. The modeling results showthat at a 2-year return period for cross sections STA 0+00, STA 1+00, STA 1+50, STA 2+00, STA 2+50, and STA 3+00 are able to accommodate water with a discharge of 83.5026 m3/s, but for the STA 0+50 cross section it is unable to accommodate the amount of discharge generated. Whereas for the return period of 5 years the cross section of STA 0+00 to STA 2+50 is unable to accommodate water with a discharge of 118.4132 m3/s, while for STA 3+00 the cross section can hold water

    Lines-of-inquiry and sources of evidence in work-based research

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    There is synergy between the investigative practices of police detectives and social scientists, including work-based researchers. They both develop lines-of-inquiry and draw on multiple sources of evidence in order to make inferences about people, trends and phenomena. However, the principles associated with lines-of-inquiry and sources of evidence have not so far been examined in relation to work-based research methods, which are often unexplored or ill-defined in the published literature. We explore this gap by examining the various direct and indirect lines-of-inquiry and the main sources of primary and secondary evidence used in work-based research, which is especially relevant because some work-based researchers are also police detectives. Clearer understanding of these intersections will be useful in emerging professional contexts where the work-based researcher, the detective, and the social scientist cohere in the one person and their research project. The case we examined was a Professional Studies programme at a university in Australia, which has many police detectives doing work-based research, and from their experience we conclude there is synergy between work-based research and lines of enquiry. Specifically, in the context of research methods, we identify seven sources of evidence: 1) creative, unstructured, and semi-structured interviews; 2) structured interviews; 3) consensus group methods; 4) surveys; 5) documentation and archives; 6) direct observations and participant observations; and 7) physical or cultural artefacts, and show their methodological features related to data and method type, reliability, validity, and types of analysis, along with their respective advantages and disadvantages. This study thereby unpacks and isolates those characteristics of work-based research which are relevant to a growing body of literature related to the messy, co-produced and wicked problems of private companies, government agencies, and non-government organisations and the research methods used to investigate them

    Pengaruh Lahan Kosong terhadap Kemiskinan di Kota Bengkulu

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    Penataan ruang di Indonesia sudah diimplemetasikan sejak tahun 2007, namun pengaruhnya terhadap kemiskinan belum banyak dikaji dan diteliti. Sejak perda Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) provinsi dan kabupaten/kota banyak ditetapkan ada kecederungan terjadi perlambatan angka penurunan kemiskinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menelaah pengaruh lahan kosong terhadap kemiskinan. Statistik yang biasa digunakan untuk menyelidiki adanya keterkaitan secara spasial sebuah variabel penelitian adalah indeks moran, sedangkan pengaruh antar variabel yang menyelidiki sampai pada setiap unit amatan biasa digunakan ekonometrika spasial yakni regresi terboboti spasial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan kosong dan kemiskinan memiliki autokorelasi spasial yang mengelompok dengan nilai indeks moran masing-masing 0,203 dan 0,331. Kebaikan model dilihat dari R2 sebesar 0,218, yang berarti model ini hanya dapat menjelaskan variasi kemiskinan yang terjadi sebesar 21,8%. Pengaruh antara lahan kosong terhadap kemiskinan bergradasi secara kontinum dari bagian utara kota, pusat dan bagian selatan kota, semakin ke arah selatan pengaruhnya semakin besar. Pengaruh terkecil adalah 0.056, di Kelurahan Kandang Limun sedangkan terbesar adalah 0.342 di Kelurahan Teluk Sepang. Nilai ini menjelaskan apabila luas lahan kosong meningkat 1%, maka jumlah penduduk miskin akan bertambah antara 0,56% sampai 34,2%. Re-rata koefisien regresinya adalah 0,145 artinya rata-rata pengaruh lahan kosong terhadap kemiskinan mencapai 14,5% per kenaikan 1 % lahan.

    The Use of Dimethyldioxirane in Refiner Bleaching of High-Yield Pulps

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    In the attempt to find improved bleaching chemicals for the bleaching of high-yield pulps, dioxiranes may prove to be the solution. Unlike hydrogen peroxide, which has been introduced to a refiner environment in the past, dimethyldioxirane (DMD) does not require the use of sodium silicates. This is very beneficial due to the fact that silicates have a highly undesirable side effect of causing excessive refiner plate wear. The experimentation was constructed to determine the exact feasibility of the use of dimethyldioxirane as a refiner bleaching agent. This was completed through the comparison of the pulp strength and brightness values of refiner bleached stock using a PFI mill to simulate refiner action. Hydrogen peroxide and dimethyldioxirane generated in-situ were used as the bleaching agents. Dimethyldioxirane was found to produce a brightness increase of 8.5 points in comparison to the reference pulp. Low concentrations of DMD were found to be sufficient, with a charge of 2.0% DMD producing equivalent brightness values to higher concentrations. A 17 brightness point increase was obtained while utilizing a 2-stage refiner bleaching sequence, with the first stage being 3.0% DMD, and the second being 2.5% hydrogen peroxide without silicates

    The murder of the Archbishop of St Andrews and its place in the politics of religion in restoration Scotland and England

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    Debate over the godliness and usefulness of having bishops govern the Church of Scotland took place across the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In part debate was intellectual and literary, being expressed in pamphlets and printed tracts and sermons. On occasion however argument about episcopacy spilled over into actual violence. Bishops and archbishops were attacked but in turn faced accusations of severity and of martyring their Presbyterian opponents. Debate over episcopacy opened a space to contest and claim particular identities. The turns and counterturns of religious policy in seventeenth-century Scotland meant that Presbyterian ministers and episcopal clergy were alternately dispossessed and restored to office and power. Occasions of dispossession allowed clergy to present themselves as martyrs, and the identity of martyr was in turn central to both Presbyterian and episcopal accounts of church authority

    Localism and the Design of Political Systems

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    Localism places a special value on the local, and is increasingly prominent as a political doctrine. The literature suggests localism operates in three ways: bottom-up, top down and mutualistic. To assess its impact, localism needs to be seen within the broader context of multi-level governance. Here localism is examined in relation to three major themes: place, public value (PV), and institutional design. Regarding place, a key distinction is drawn between old and new localism. Old localism is about established local government, while new localism highlights the increasing room for manoeuvre that localities have in contemporary politics. This enables them to influence wider power structures, for example through trans-local organizing. With regard to public value, localist thinking makes a key contribution to core PV domains such as sustainability, wellbeing and democracy, as well as to others like territorial cohesion and intergovernmental mutuality. As for institutional design, the study is particularly concerned with ‘sub-continental’ political systems. A set of principles for the overall design of such systems is proposed, together with a framework of desirable policy outcomes at the local level. This can be used to evaluate how effective political systems are at creating public value in local settings. The thesis presents a comparative study of localism in two significant, sub-continental clusters: India/Kerala/Kollam and the EU/UK/England/Cornwall. Both can be seen as contrasting ‘exemplars’ of localism in action. In India, localism was a major factor in the nationwide local self-government reforms of 1993 and their subsequent enactment in the state of Kerala. In the EU, localism has been pursued through an economic federalism based on regions and sub-regions. This is at odds with the top-down tradition in British politics. The tension between the two approaches is being played out currently in the peripheral sub-region of Cornwall/Isles of Scilly. Cornwall’s dilemma has been sharpened by Britain’s recent decision to leave the EU. The thesis considers the wider implications of the case studies, and presents some proposals for policymakers and legislators to consider, together with suggestions for further researc

    Complexities of tourism development - Viewpoints of development practitioner

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    The sustainable development approach to tourism is based on the idea that the majority of the resources upon which the industry depends are regional and local in nature. Thus, recent approaches to tourism development put local communities at the centre of the development process, using approaches such as participation and consultation to develop regions, clusters and sectors linkages within and between them. At the heart of the process there is an emphasis on self-sufficiency and local control over change with the declared aim of enhancing “positive externalities” for the actors involved. Although, viability of tourism development projects has been questioned if not linked to mainstream industry, with market forces and government allocations determining where the costs and benefits of tourism are directed. Given the asymmetries in the sector, communities need power and resourceful allies to make tourism a real development opportunity, and this is rather a complex task

    My Secret Life and the Sexual Economy of Fin-de-Siècle England

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    This paper proposes that the volumes of My Secret Life reveal an explicit linkage and juxtaposition of the respectable and perverse which was at the heart of fin-de-siècle British culture. In particular this paper reads ‘Walter’s’ text as a parody of materialism that terminates in fin-de-siècle ‘exhaustion’ and decline - ‘free-enterprise’ itself beyond control. Confession opens a site for resistance and subversion, ‘Walter’s’ text legitimating deviance and rejecting ideas of the thrift of sperm which characterized the discursive controls of the late-nineteenth century

    Reducing Urban Poverty within the Spatial Development (Re-directing Commercial Land use and Accessibility on Bengkulu Municipal)

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    Land use, accessibility and poverty are regional and urban development issues which when addressed fragmented in policy and regulation able to negate each other. Land and accessibility can be used to reduce poverty through redistribution of its using in regional or urban spatial plan. Both of them is a permanent input for development. This paper aims to explain the spatial varying relationship among the commercial land use and accessibility on urban poverty in each unit of observation. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a suitable analytical framework in which spatial dependency is taken into account. The model parameter estimate are able to reveal the influence of the independent to the dependent variable at each location of observation, this model known as local regression. The result indicates that the relationship between commercial land use and accessibility on poverty are varied, across the point of estimation. Some location  has positive relationship, that means increasing poverty. The negative local regression coeficient means reduce poverty. Policy implementation on regional and urban spatial plan, need to be aware this contradiction. Re-directing commercial land use and accessibility in spatial planning are urgently to reduce poverty and does not induce poverty permanent
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