2,289 research outputs found

    Improvement in the Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Uptake of Perennial Ryegrass (\u3cem\u3eLolium perenne\u3c/em\u3e) Caused by the \u3cem\u3eEpichloë\u3c/em\u3e Fungal Endophyte AR37

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    The forage yield and pasture persistence benefits of Epichloë fungal endophyte strain AR37 (AR37) in high rainfall perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) pastures in Australia and New Zealand are recognised. However, the effect of beneficial endophytes on nitrogen (N) use efficiency, yield response to applied N and N uptake had not been determined. To investigate this, a replicated trial was managed for three years under irrigation in southern Australia. Five N application rates (0, 20, 40, 80 and 160 kg N/ha) were applied every second harvest to a tetraploid perennial ryegrass variety with and without AR37. Ryegrass biomass was determined by full plot harvest and N percentage determined by near infrared spectroscopy. AR37 caused an increase in perennial ryegrass N use efficiency (the slope of the N response function) in all seasons, with the average increase in marginal response being 2.1 kg DM/kg N or 29.6 % over three-years. Benefit at individual harvests ranged from 0.2 to 6.5 kg DM/kg N. Foliage N percentage was not influenced by AR37 infection, thus AR37 caused enhanced N uptake due to increased forage yield. This trial demonstrates AR37 can contribute to the profitable and sustainable intensification of high rainfall perennial ryegrass pastures by significantly increasing the marginal yield response to N, and the uptake of applied N fertiliser. Further, increased N uptake caused by AR37 will likely have implication for negative environmental externalities associated with N use (leaching, runoff and nitrogenous greenhouse gas emissions) which warrants further investigation, along with research to clarify biotic and abiotic drivers of observed results

    New paradoxical games based on Brownian ratchets

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    Based on Brownian ratchets, a counter-intuitive phenomenon has recently emerged -- namely, that two losing games can yield, when combined, a paradoxical tendency to win. A restriction of this phenomenon is that the rules depend on the current capital of the player. Here we present new games where all the rules depend only on the history of the game and not on the capital. This new history-dependent structure significantly increases the parameter space for which the effect operates.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, revte

    Minimal Brownian Ratchet: An Exactly Solvable Model

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    We develop an exactly-solvable three-state discrete-time minimal Brownian ratchet (MBR), where the transition probabilities between states are asymmetric. By solving the master equations we obtain the steady-state probabilities. Generally the steady-state solution does not display detailed balance, giving rise to an induced directional motion in the MBR. For a reduced two-dimensional parameter space we find the null-curve on which the net current vanishes and detailed balance holds. A system on this curve is said to be balanced. On the null-curve, an additional source of external random noise is introduced to show that a directional motion can be induced under the zero overall driving force. We also indicate the off-balance behavior with biased random noise.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTex source, General solution added. To be appeared in Phys. Rev. Let

    Mutation of Arabidopsis SPLICEOSOMAL TIMEKEEPER LOCUS1 Causes Circadian Clock Defects

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    The circadian clock plays a crucial role in coordinating plant metabolic and physiological functions with predictable environmental variables, such as dusk and dawn, while also modulating responses to biotic and abiotic challenges. Much of the initial characterization of the circadian system has focused on transcriptional initiation, but it is now apparent that considerable regulation is exerted after this key regulatory step. Transcript processing, protein stability, and cofactor availability have all been reported to influence circadian rhythms in a variety of species. We used a genetic screen to identify a mutation within a putative RNA binding protein (SPLICEOSOMAL TIMEKEEPER LOCUS1 [STIPL1]) that induces a long circadian period phenotype under constant conditions. STIPL1 is a homolog of the spliceosomal proteins TFP11 (Homo sapiens) and Ntr1p (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) involved in spliceosome disassembly. Analysis of general and alternative splicing using a high-resolution RT-PCR system revealed that mutation of this protein causes less efficient splicing of most but not all of the introns analyzed. In particular, the altered accumulation of circadian-associated transcripts may contribute to the observed mutant phenotype. Interestingly, mutation of a close homolog of STIPL1, STIP-LIKE2, does not cause a circadian phenotype, which suggests divergence in function between these family members. Our work highlights the importance of posttranscriptional control within the clock mechanism. © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved

    Testing availability, positioning, promotions, and signage of healthier food options and purchasing behaviour within major UK supermarkets: Evaluation of 6 nonrandomised controlled intervention studies

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    Background: Governments are increasingly looking for policies to change supermarket environments to support healthier food purchasing. We evaluated 6 interventions within major United Kingdom grocery stores, including availability, positioning, promotions, and signage strategies to encourage selection of healthier products. Methods and findings: Nonrandomised controlled study designs were used, except for one intervention that was rolled out nationwide using a pre/post within-store design. Store-level weekly sales (units, weight (g), and value (£)) of products targeted in the interventions were used in primary analyses using multivariable hierarchical models and interrupted time series (ITS) analyses. Stocking low fat chips next to regular chips was associated with decreases in sales of regular chips (units) in intervention versus control stores (−23% versus −4%; P = 0.001) with a significant level change in ITS models (P = 0.001). Increasing availability of lower energy packs of biscuits was associated with increased sales but reduced sales of regular biscuits in intervention versus control stores (lower energy biscuits +18% versus −2%; P = 0.245; regular biscuits −4% versus +7%; P = 0.386), although not significantly, though there was a significant level change in ITS models (P = 0.004 for regular biscuits). There was no evidence that a positioning intervention, placing higher fibre breakfast cereals at eye level was associated with increased sales of healthier cereal or reduced sales of regular cereal. A price promotion on seasonal fruits and vegetables showed no evidence of any greater increases in sales of items on promotion in intervention versus control stores (+10% versus +8%; P = 0.101) but a significant level change in ITS models (P < 0.001). A nationwide promotion using Disney characters was associated with increased sales of nonsugar baked beans (+54%) and selected fruits (+305%), with a significant level change in ITS models (P < 0.001 for both). Shelf labels to highlight lower sugar beverages showed no evidence of changes in purchasing of lower or higher sugar drinks. These were all retailer-led interventions that present limitations regarding the lack of randomisation, residual confounding from unmeasured variables, absolute differences in trends and sales between intervention versus control stores, and no independent measures of intervention fidelity. Conclusions: Increasing availability and promotions of healthier alternatives in grocery stores may be promising interventions to encourage purchasing of healthier products instead of less healthy ones. There was no evidence that altering positioning within an aisle or adding shelf edge labelling is associated with changes in purchasing behaviours. Trial registration: https://osf.io/br96f/

    Removing seasonal confectionery from prominent store locations and purchasing behaviour within a major UK supermarket: Evaluation of a nonrandomised controlled intervention study

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    Background: The proportion of energy from free sugars and saturated fat currently exceeds the UK-recommended intake across all age groups. Recognising the limits of reformulation programmes, the government in England has announced their intention to introduce legislation to restrict the promotion of foods high in free sugars, salt, and saturated fats in prominent store locations. Here, we evaluated a grocery store intervention to remove seasonal confectionery from prominent locations within a major UK supermarket. Methods and findings: A nonrandomised controlled intervention study with interrupted time series (ITS) analysis was used. Data were analysed from 34 intervention stores located in 2 London boroughs and 151 matched control stores located elsewhere in the UK owned by the same retailer. Stores were matched based on store size and overall sales during the previous year. Between 15 February 2019 and 3 April 2019 (before Easter), stores removed free-standing promotional display units of seasonal confectionery from prominent areas, although these products were available for purchase elsewhere in the store. Store-level weekly sales (units, weight (g), and value (£)) of seasonal chocolate confectionery products were used in primary analyses, with data from 1 January 2018 to 24 November 2019. Secondary outcomes included total energy, fat, saturated fat, and sugars from all in-store purchases. Multivariable hierarchical models were used to investigate pre/post differences in weekly sales of confectionery in intervention versus control stores. ITS analyses were used to evaluate differences in level and trends after intervention implementation. Over a preintervention baseline period (15 February 2018 to 3 April 2018), there were no significant differences in sales (units, weight, and value) of all chocolate confectionery between intervention versus control stores. After intervention implementation, there was an attenuation in the seasonal increase of confectionery sales (units) in intervention stores compared to control (+5% versus +18%; P < 0.001), with similar effects on weight (g) (+12% versus +31%; P < 0.001) and value (£) (−3% versus +10%; P < 0.001). ITS analyses generally showed statistically significant differences in the level at the point of intervention (P ranges 0.010 to 0.067) but also in the trend afterwards (P ranges 0.024 to 0.053), indicating that the initial difference between intervention and control stores reduced over time. There was a significant difference in level change in total energy sold, adjusted for the total weight of food and drink (kcal/g, P = 0.002), and total fat (fat/g) (P = 0.023), but no significant changes in saturated fat or sugars from total sales in ITS models. There was no evidence that the main results varied across store deprivation index. The limitations of this study include the lack of randomisation, residual confounding from unmeasured variables, absolute differences in trends and sales between intervention versus control stores, and no independent measures of intervention fidelity. Conclusions: Removal of chocolate confectionery from prominent locations was associated with reduced purchases of these products, of sufficient magnitude to observe a reduction in the energy content of total food purchases. These results from a “real-world” intervention provide promising evidence that the proposed legislation in England to restrict promotions of less healthy items in prominent locations may help reduce overconsumption. Trial registration: https://osf.io/br96f/
