65 research outputs found

    Technological Progress and Market Growth : An Empirical Study Based on the Quality-Ladder Approach

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    This paper develops an extended version of the quality-ladder model by allowing for heterogeneous markets. Based on this model, it presents an empirical analysis of innovation-based growth at the market level using a technometric measurement concept. It can be shown that a growth-promoting effect due to technological progress in a particular, single year is observed after between two and up to seven years. This is true not only for highly innovative markets, but also for those in which fewer R&D resources are invested. --Innovative Activities,Quality Ladders,Endogenous Market Growth,Technometrics

    Tests and confidence intervals for a class of scientometric, technological and economic specialisation ratios

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    In economic, scientometric, and innovation research, often so-called specialisation indices are used. These indices measure comparative strengths or weaknesses as well as specialisation profiles of the observation units with respect to certain criteria, such as patenting and publication or trade activities. They allow question like: Is Germany specialised in the export of motor vehicles? Or is the UK specialised in biotech patents? Unfortunately, little is known about their statistical properties, which makes valid inferencing difficult. In this article we prove asymptotic normality for a certain class of scientometric, technological, and some economic, though non-monetary, specialisation indices. We provide asymptotic confidence intervals and demonstrate in an example how to obtain statistically sound results. We will also address the problem of normalisation of these indicators. All procedures proposed are provided in an add-on package for R statistical environment

    Gender-specific patterns in patenting and publishing

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    It is the core argument of this paper that technological development in China is not suffering from a lack of innovative capacity or human resources, but from a mismatch of research supply and demand. It is suggested that the expansion of successful domestic knowledge generation beyond a limited number of highly publicised S&T 'mega projects' depends on an improved management system for the interface between public applied research and technological development. The empirical analy-sis brings together data on the Chinese innovation system with evidence from the electronics industry in Guangdong province. --

    Technological progress and market growth: an empirical study based on the quality-ladder approach

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    This paper develops an extended version of the quality-ladder model by allowing for heterogeneous markets. Based on this model, it presents an empirical analysis of innovation-based growth at the market level using a technometric measurement concept. It can be shown that a growth-promoting effect due to technological progress in a particular, single year is observed after between two and up to seven years. This is true not only for highly innovative markets, but also for those in which fewer R&D resources are invested

    Langfristiges Wachstum durch Forschung und Innovation

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    Dietmar Harhoff, LMU und Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation, sieht Handlungsbedarf bei der Innovationsfinanzierung und im Wissens- und Technologietransfer. Da Deutschland zu sehr auf inkrementelle und zu wenig auf radikale Innovationen setze, sollte das Steuersystem „eigenkapital- und innovationsfreundlicher“ und die Rahmenbedingungen für Wagniskapitalgeber verbessert werden. Im Bereich Technologietransfer sollte die Unterstützung von Public Private Partnerships ausgebaut, die Handhabung des Neuheitsschutzes im Patentrecht verbessert und die Beteiligung von Hochschulen an Ausgründungen erleichtert werden. Auch in der Innovationspolitik werde deutlich, dass der Staat durch bessere Rahmenbedingungen für Gründungen und radikale Neuerungen viel dazu beitragen könne, die langfristigen Wachstumsaussichten zu verbessern.Wirtschaftswachstum, Technischer Fortschritt, Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik, Wirtschaftspolitische Wirkungsanalyse, Deutschland

    External Effects as a Microeconomic Determinant of Innovation Efficiency

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    Recent studies point to the significant effects unintended technological spillover has on profits, market value and patent output of enterprises. The public good character relates not only to technology, but also to (public) science. The paper introduces a new data source on German businesses making possible new variables for innovation, spillover, investment and competition. By employing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), innovation efficiency and the role of externalities is modelled and explained. For this sample, neither advantages nor disadvantages in innovation efficiency are found on the part of large firms. This emphasises the fragility of the size hypothesis in industrial economics. Instead, the firms with more activity in interconnected, spilling-over technologies are the efficient ones. The benefits from appropriation of spillovers seem to outweigh- any unintended losses of know-how to competitorsInnovation efficiency; Spillovers; Competition; Profitability; DEA, JEL classification: O31, L21, H4, O33,

    Wrong is beautiful!

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