47 research outputs found

    Publication Trends of Journal Articles about Religious Moderation in Recent Years: Bibliometric Analysis

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    In recent years, religious moderation has piqued the interest of Indonesian experts. This research aims to conduct a bibliometric examination of multiple scientific generations over the last few years. The Scopus database was searched for publications, and six results were analysed with BibExcel software and visualised in VOSviewer. English is the principal language of publication. The year 2021 will see the most publications on religious moderation. As a result, a systematic review and meta-analysis of the content of the identified papers and the variables connected with this topic are required. It can serve as a starting point for future study in this field and a foundation for future reviews of its evolution and advancement

    Kinerja Produksi Kepiting Bakau Scylla Serrata Cangkang Lunak pada Metode Pemotongan Capit dan Kaki Jalan, Popey, dan Alami

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    Types of crab leading export market is the mangrove crab Scylla serrata soft shell. Soft shell mud crab is a crab mangrove swamp phase moult (moulting). The methods used in the process of cultivation a soft shell mud crab is cutting of claws and Foot Paths methods, popey, and natural. The purpose of this research to determine the level of the highest efficiency among these methods by analyzing the survival rate of survival, growth rate, the amount of time molting crabs, crab molting time, growth of biomass as well as cost analysis. The seeds used was 7.49±0.21 cm in length and 110.52 ± 2.70 g in weight. The results showed that the average of survival rate for all treatment are 88,89-92,59% (P>0,05). The highest growth rate was in the treatment of cutting claws foot paths at 2.92% (P 0.05), but significantly different with growth rate of daily weight (P <0.05). In general, the production of soft shell mangrove crab natural treatment is more efficient than cutting of claws and foot path treatment and popey, whether viewed from the cultivation parameters and economic parameters


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    Study this library gives an overview of the educational characteristics of Muhammadiyah. Education in Muhammadiyah has based its own distinctive compared to education in General. Through this research note that chicken claw Muhammadiyah is a response to the education policy of the Government in the implementation of the curriculum that is applied. The integration of the system and the results of education that combine Islamic Science and general knowledge is philosophical thinking as well as the educational vision of Muhammadiyah


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            Types of crab leading export market is the mangrove crab Scylla serrata soft shell. Soft shell mud crab is a crab mangrove swamp phase moult (moulting). The methods used in the process of cultivation a soft shell mud crab is cutting of claws and Foot Paths methods, popey, and natural. The purpose of this research to determine the level of the highest efficiency among these methods by analyzing the survival rate of survival, growth rate, the amount of time molting crabs, crab molting time, growth of biomass as well as cost analysis. The seeds used was 7.49±0.21 cm in length and 110.52 ± 2.70 g in weight. The results showed that the average of survival rate for all treatment are 88,89-92,59% (P>0,05).  The highest growth rate was in the treatment of cutting claws foot paths at 2.92% (P 0.05), but significantly different with growth rate of daily weight (P <0.05). In general, the production of soft shell mangrove crab natural treatment is more efficient than cutting of claws and foot path treatment and popey, whether viewed from the cultivation parameters and economic parameters.Keywords: Soft shell mangrove crab, molting, cutting of claws and foot path, popey, natural

    Hubungan Antara Kesepian Dan Intensitas Penggunaan Media Sosial Pada Dewasa Awal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kesepian dan intensitas penggunaan media sosial dari masing-masing aspeknya (ketekunan, kebosanan, berlebihan, dan ekspresi diri) pada dewasa awal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional dengan jumlah sample sebanyak 180 responden yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik non probability sampling dengan metode accidental sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah UCLA Loneliness Scale version 3 (Anaki, 2009) untuk mengukur variabel kesepian dan skala Multidimensional Facebook Intensity Scale (MFIS; Orosz, 2015) yang telah diadaptasi untuk mengukur intensitas penggunaan media sosial. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Spearman’s Correlation. Terdapat empat hasil uji hipotesis yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini. Pertama, tidak terdapat hubungan kesepian dan ketekunan dalam intensitas penggunaan media sosial. Kedua, terdapat hubungan negatif kesepian dan kebosanan dalam intensitas penggunaan media sosial. Ketiga, terdapat hubungan positif kesepian dan berlebihan dalam intensitas penggunaan media sosial. Keempat, tidak terdapat hubungan kesepian dan ekspresi diri dalam intensitas penggunaan media sosial

    Analisis Distribusi Tegangan Dan Umur Kelelahan Pada Extension Deck Leg Akibat Peninggian Deck Pasca Subsidence

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    Subsidence merupakan penurunan tanah dasar laut yang disebabkan oleh pembebanan berlebih atau pengambilan material-material dari dalam tanah yang berlebihan (minyak dan gas bumi). Pada anjungan lepas pantai yang sudah beroperasi lebih dari 30 tahun, penurunan tanah sangat mempengaruhi keberadaan struktur di atasnya. Untuk tetap aman berproduksi maka anjungan perlu ditinggikan melalui deck rising. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa distribusi tegangan dan umur kelelahan struktur tambahan pada deck leg anjungan lepas pantai yang mengalami peninggian pasca subsidence. Analisis berdasarkan studi kasus platform L-PRO yang beroperasi di Laut Jawa yang telah mengalami peninggian deck leg 4 meter dari kondisi awal. Analisa global struktur dilakukan menggunakan bantuan software GT-Strudl untuk mendapatkan gaya – gaya dan momen yang terjadi akibat beban aksial dari topside module yang disangga oleh deck leg dan gaya lateral dari beban lingkungan, yang kemudian menjadi inputan untuk analisis tegangan lokal menggunakan pendekatan Finite Element Analysis untuk mendapatkan Hot Spot Stress (HSS). Dengan HSS kemudian di plot ke dalam kurva S-N untuk mendapatkan nilai N, untuk selanjutnya dapat dihitung rasio kerusakan kumulatif (D) dan menentukan umur kelelahan struktur extension deck leg. Dari Finite Element Analysis didapatkan tegangan maksimum terjadi pada sambungan struktur upper cutting existing deck leg dan deck leg bushing sebesar 47961 psi. Nilai Hot Spot Stress (HSS) terbesar adalah pada tinggi gelombang 2,871 feet dengan arah datang gelombang 270 derajat sebesar 31506,04 psi. Dari penjumlahan masing – masing kondisi pembebanan didapatkan nilai rasio kerusakan kumulatif (D) total sebesar 0,010530632. Sehingga didapatkan umur kelelahan terkecil dari Finite Element Analysis selama 94 tahun dan umur operasi struktur selama 47 tahun. Yaitu pada sambungan las antara upper cutting deck leg dan deck leg bushing. ================================================================================================================================ Subsidence is the seabed soil degradation caused by excessive loading or taking materials from excessive soil (oil and gas). In the offshore platforms that have been operating for more than 30 years, the subsidence greatly affect the existence of structures on it. To stay safe production the platform should be raised through the deck raising. This study aims to analyze the stress distribution and fatigue life of the structure addition in the leg of the offshore platform decks were experiencing post-subsidence elevation. The analysis is based on case studies of L-PRO platform operating in the Java Sea that has undergone a deck leg elevation 4 feet from the initial conditions. Global analysis of the structure is done using software GT Strudl to get force and moment caused by the axial load of the topside modules are supported by the deck leg and lateral force of the load environment, which then becomes the input for local stress analysis using Finite Element Analysis approach to get the Hot Spot Stress (HSS). With HSS later in the plot to the SN curve to obtain the value of N, can then be calculated ratios for cumulative damage (D) and determine the fatigue life of the structure deck leg extension. Finite Element Analysis of the obtained maximum stress occurs at the junction of cutting the existing upper deck structure and deck leg leg bushings at 47 961 psi. Value Hot Spot Stress (HSS) is the largest at 2,871 feet high waves with wave direction 270 degrees at 31506.04 psi. From the sum of each loading condition, the total ratio of cumulative damage (D) was 0.010530632. The smallest fatigue life of Finite Element Analysis is about 94 years and operation life of the structure is 47 years. Located in the welded joint between the leg and the upper deck cutting deck bushing leg

    Widows and Marriage Institutions in Short Story “Perempuan Pesisir”

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    The main problem of this paper focused on a female major character, namely Laila who was portrayed as a weak woman that faithfully waited for her husband to return home after sailing. This paper tried to reveal how the form of misogyny towards Laila's character through a feminism perspective. The status of a widow, the husband's debt, and her baby's child were a burden of her life that must be borne by herself. The status that she carried became the trigger for the misogynistic practices. This “Perempuan Pesisir” short story explained the reality of how the domestication motives of women in Southeast Sulawesi had become global-local issues, starting from our immediate environment, the environment in the capacity of the larger community, to the wider community at the level of the state and nations. Such a topic could have just emerged in the past few decades. However, it had been tormenting women centuries ago. Thus, this short story could be a source of reference or teaching material for the initial knowledge of feminism to the people on a patriarchal basis that was deeply rooted in Southeast Sulawesi


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    This study aimed to describe the process of performing Kaghombo ritual that contain special advices about character education of Muna ethnic community in Kecamatan Watopute, Muna Regency. This study used a qualitative approach to describe process of ritual’s implementation with observation technique and depth interview to the intervieews. The result showed that Kaghombo’s process in Kariya tradition in Muna ethnic began from Kaalano oe, Alano Bhansa, Polobha, Kakadiu, Kabasano Haroa, Kafoluku and Kabansule. There are three types of character education which is contain in advices of education’s character that exist in KaghomboofKariya tradition; 1) Nemotehi all deeds are forbidden by Allah SWT, as dont tell a lie, can control his lust, and no other people's rights; 2) Kafekatangka is an important advices of the strength and strength of faith to not be tempted with the luxury of the world such as photoro, infasu, dosabhara, and dotawakala; 3) Polambu is the advice about married life, which concerns the obligation of a wife to husband and duty of a wife who must be able to carry out his family and husband.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan proses pelaksanaan ritual Kaghombo yang mengandung nasehat-nasehat khusus pendidikan bai anak perempuan pada masyarakat suku Muna di Kecamatan Watopute, Kabupaten Muna.Penelitian mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan proses pelaksanaan ritual dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara secara mendalam kepada narasumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pelaksanaan Kaghombo pada tradisi Kariya dikalangan suku Muna dimulai dari Kaalano oe, Alano Bhansa, Polobha, Kakadiu, Kabasano Haroa, Kafoluku dan Kabansule. Sedangkan nasehat pendidikan karakter yang terdapat di dalam Kaghombo pada tradisi Kariya terdapat 3 jenis pendidikan karakter yaitu; 1)Nemotehi segala perbuatan yang dilarang dengan Allah SWT, seperti dilarang berbohong, dapat mengendalikan hawa nafsunya, dan tidak menguasai hak orang lain.; 2) Kafekatangka adalah nasehat yang menyangkut kekuatan batin dan kekuatan iman agar tidak tergoda dengan kemewahan dunia seperti fotoro, infasu, dosabhara, dan dotawakala; 3) Polambu adalah nasehat tentang kehidupan berumah tangga, yang menyangkut kewajiban seorang istri terhadap suaminya dan tugas seorang istri harus mampu menjaga kehormatan keluarga dan kehormatan suami


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    The aims of this study were to analyze the influence of extension workers demographic character and character of the farmers who were responsible guidance of the extension workers on extension workers performance as disseminator of information, facilitator, and guidance, and to analyze relationship between the extension workers performance as disseminator of information, facilitator, and guidanceand the achievement of Bali cattle development program.  Data were collected by survey method with direct interview with respondents, both  extension workers and the farmers who were responsible guidance of the extension workers by using questionnaire.  Data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis, multiple regression with enter and stepwise method, and spearman ranks correlation analysis.  The results showed that factor that significantly influenced (P < 0,05) performance of agricultural field extension workers as disseminator of information, facilitator, and guidance in Bali cattle development program was the non formal education of extension workers. The extension worker’s age, formal education, andexperience were not influence the extension worker’s performance. In addition age, formal education, land ownership, and farming experience of the farmers who were responsible guidance of the extension workers also didn’t influence extension worker’s performance.  The extension workers performance had positive corelation (P < 0.01) with the achievement of Bali cattle development program.   Keywords:  agricultural field Extension workers, Performance, Bali Cattl

    The Tsunami Run-up Assesment of 1977 Sumba Earthquake in Kuta, Center of Lombok, Indonesia

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    AbstractA strong earthquake had been occurred on Friday, August 19th 1977 in Indonesia. The earthquake is known as Sumba Earthquake because originated at under the seabed south side of Sumba Island with magnitude Mw 8.3. The earthquake had triggered the tsunami wave, which is propagated toward south side of Sumba, Sumbawa, Lombok and Bali Island. Some post disaster field survey had been conducted immediately to assess the casualty and material losses of disaster. The information of this tsunami disaster is very limited due to the situation in that time. The access of some tsunami disaster locations are very difficult because the lack of transportation facility in that time especially in Lombok, Sumbawa and Sumba Island. This research attempts to conduct again the post tsunami field survey, especially in Kuta Lombok, in order to reveal the spatial distribution of tsunami run-up. The GPS technology was utilized in this survey when identified the height and position of tsunami run-up. Based on the field survey results, the run-up depth is about 1.5 m with the positions are almost close each other. The simulation results show that the tsunami time arrival is about 20∌30minutes. The result of run-up depth is acceptable compare with the field survey result, i.e. 1.6 m depth. The run-up of tsunami reaches about 300 ∌ 800 m inland from the beach line. The run-up of tsunami occurs in the west area of Kuta Beach and the all area of Seger Beach