10,515 research outputs found

    Quantum Counterfactuals and Locality

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    Stapp's counterfactual argument for quantum nonlocality based upon a Hardy entangled state is shown to be flawed. While he has correctly analyzed a particular framework using the method of consistent histories, there are alternative frameworks which do not support his argument. The framework dependence of quantum counterfactual arguments, with analogs in classical counterfactuals, vitiates the claim that nonlocal (superluminal) influences exist in the quantum world. Instead it shows that counterfactual arguments are of limited use for analyzing these questions.Comment: 8 pages, 1 PSTricks figur

    The role of cellular stress in intrauterine growth restriction and postnatal dysmetabolism

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    Disruption of the in utero environment can have dire consequences on fetal growth and development. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a pathological condition by which the fetus deviates from its expected growth trajectory, resulting in low birth weight and impaired organ function. The developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) postulates that IUGR has lifelong consequences on offspring well-being, as human studies have established an inverse relationship between birth weight and long-term metabolic health. While these trends are apparent in epidemiological data, animal studies have been essential in defining the molecular mechanisms that contribute to this relationship. One such mechanism is cellular stress, a prominent underlying cause of the metabolic syndrome. As such, this review considers the role of oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and inflammation in the pathogenesis of metabolic disease in IUGR offspring. In addition, we summarize how uncontrolled cellular stress can lead to programmed cell death within the metabolic organs of IUGR offspring

    Electron-electron interaction corrections to the thermal conductivity in disordered conductors

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    We evaluate the electron-electron interaction corrections to the electronic thermal conductivity in a disordered conductor in the diffusive regime. We use a diagrammatic many-body method analogous to that of Altshuler and Aronov for the electrical conductivity. We derive results in one, two and three dimensions for both the singlet and triplet channels, and in all cases find that the Wiedemann-Franz law is violated.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures Typos corrected in formulas (15) and (A.4) and Table 1; discussion of previous work in introduction extended; reference clarifying different definitions of parameter F adde

    Langmuir Wave Generation Through A Neutrino Beam Instability

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    A standard version of a kinetic instability for the generation of Langmuir waves by a beam of electrons is adapted to describe the analogous instability due to a beam of neutrinos. The interaction between a Langmuir wave and a neutrino is treated in the one-loop approximation to lowest order in an expansion in 1/MW21/M_W^2 in the standard electroweak model. It is shown that this kinetic instability is far too weak to occur in a suggested application to the reheating of the plasma behind a stalled shock in a type II supernova (SN). This theory is also used to test the validity of a previous analysis of a reactive neutrino beam instability and various shortcomings of this theory are noted. In particular, it is noted that relativistic plasma effects have a significant effect on the calculated growth rates, and that any theoretical description of neutrino-plasma interactions must be based directly on the electroweak theory. The basic scalings discussed in this paper suggest that a more complete investigation of neutrino-plasma processes should be undertaken to look for an efficient process capable of driving the stalled shock of a type II SN.Comment: 23 pages, incl. 5 postscript figure

    Gravitational Microlensing Near Caustics I: Folds

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    We study the local behavior of gravitational lensing near fold catastrophes. Using a generic form for the lensing map near a fold, we determine the observable properties of the lensed images, focusing on the case when the individual images are unresolved, i.e., microlensing. Allowing for images not associated with the fold, we derive analytic expressions for the photometric and astrometric behavior near a generic fold caustic. We show how this form reduces to the more familiar linear caustic, which lenses a nearby source into two images which have equal magnification, opposite parity, and are equidistant from the critical curve. In this case, the simplicity and high degree of symmetry allows for the derivation of semi-analytic expressions for the photometric and astrometric deviations in the presence of finite sources with arbitrary surface brightness profiles. We use our results to derive some basic properties of astrometric microlensing near folds, in particular we predict for finite sources with uniform and limb darkening profiles, the detailed shape of the astrometric curve as the source crosses a fold. We find that the astrometric effects of limb darkening will be difficult to detect with the currently planned accuracy of the Space Interferometry Mission. We verify our results by numerically calculating the expected astrometric shift for the photometrically well-covered Galactic binary lensing event OGLE-1999-BUL-23, finding excellent agreement with our analytic expressions. Our results can be applied to any lensing system with fold caustics, including Galactic binary lenses and quasar microlensing.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures. Revised version includes an expanded discussion of applications. Accepted to ApJ, to appear in the August 1, 2002 issue (v574

    On the theory of composition in physics

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    We develop a theory for describing composite objects in physics. These can be static objects, such as tables, or things that happen in spacetime (such as a region of spacetime with fields on it regarded as being composed of smaller such regions joined together). We propose certain fundamental axioms which, it seems, should be satisfied in any theory of composition. A key axiom is the order independence axiom which says we can describe the composition of a composite object in any order. Then we provide a notation for describing composite objects that naturally leads to these axioms being satisfied. In any given physical context we are interested in the value of certain properties for the objects (such as whether the object is possible, what probability it has, how wide it is, and so on). We associate a generalized state with an object. This can be used to calculate the value of those properties we are interested in for for this object. We then propose a certain principle, the composition principle, which says that we can determine the generalized state of a composite object from the generalized states for the components by means of a calculation having the same structure as the description of the generalized state. The composition principle provides a link between description and prediction.Comment: 23 pages. To appear in a festschrift for Samson Abramsky edited by Bob Coecke, Luke Ong, and Prakash Panangade

    A toy model for quantum mechanics

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    The toy model used by Spekkens [R. Spekkens, Phys. Rev. A 75, 032110 (2007)] to argue in favor of an epistemic view of quantum mechanics is extended by generalizing his definition of pure states (i.e. states of maximal knowledge) and by associating measurements with all pure states. The new toy model does not allow signaling but, in contrast to the Spekkens model, does violate Bell-CHSH inequalities. Negative probabilities are found to arise naturally within the model, and can be used to explain the Bell-CHSH inequality violations.Comment: in which the author breaks his vow to never use the words "ontic" and "epistemic" in publi

    Magneto-elastic coupling and unconventional magnetic ordering in triangular multiferroic AgCrS2

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    The temperature evolution of the crystal and magnetic structures of ferroelectric sulfide AgCrS2 have been investigated by means of neutron scattering. AgCrS2 undergoes at TN = 41.6 K a first-order phase transition, from a paramagnetic rhombohedral R3m to an antiferromagnetic monoclinic structure with a polar Cm space group. In addition to being ferroelectric below TN, the low temperature phase of AgCrS2 exhibits an unconventional collinear magnetic structure that can be described as double ferromagnetic stripes coupled antiferromagnetically, with the magnetic moment of Cr+3 oriented along b within the anisotropic triangular plane. The magnetic couplings stabilizing this structure are discussed using inelastic neutron scattering results. Ferroelectricity below TN in AgCrS2 can possibly be explained in terms of atomic displacements at the magneto-elastic induced structural distortion. These results contrast with the behavior of the parent frustrated antiferromagnet and spin-driven ferroelectric AgCrO2

    Energies and wave functions for a soft-core Coulomb potential

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    For the family of model soft Coulomb potentials represented by V(r) = -\frac{Z}{(r^q+\beta^q)^{\frac{1}{q}}}, with the parameters Z>0, \beta>0, q \ge 1, it is shown analytically that the potentials and eigenvalues, E_{\nu\ell}, are monotonic in each parameter. The potential envelope method is applied to obtain approximate analytic estimates in terms of the known exact spectra for pure power potentials. For the case q =1, the Asymptotic Iteration Method is used to find exact analytic results for the eigenvalues E_{\nu\ell} and corresponding wave functions, expressed in terms of Z and \beta. A proof is presented establishing the general concavity of the scaled electron density near the nucleus resulting from the truncated potentials for all q. Based on an analysis of extensive numerical calculations, it is conjectured that the crossing between the pair of states [(\nu,\ell),(\nu',\ell')], is given by the condition \nu'\geq (\nu+1) and \ell' \geq (\ell+3). The significance of these results for the interaction of an intense laser field with an atom is pointed out. Differences in the observed level-crossing effects between the soft potentials and the hydrogen atom confined inside an impenetrable sphere are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, title change, minor revision
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