99 research outputs found

    A statistical analysis of murine incisional and excisional acute wound models

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    YesMice represent the most commonly used species for preclinical in vivo research. While incisional and excisional acute murine wound models are both frequently employed, there is little agreement on which model is optimum. Moreover, current lack of standardization of wounding procedure, analysis time point(s), method of assessment, and the use of individual wounds vs. individual animals as replicates makes it difficult to compare across studies. Here we have profiled secondary intention healing of incisional and excisional wounds within the same animal, assessing multiple parameters to determine the optimal methodology for future studies. We report that histology provides the least variable assessment of healing. Furthermore, histology alone (not planimetry) is able to detect accelerated healing in a castrated mouse model. Perhaps most importantly, we find virtually no correlation between wounds within the same animal, suggesting that use of wound (not animal) biological replicates is perfectly acceptable. Overall, these findings should guide and refine future studies, increasing the likelihood of detecting novel phenotypes while reducing the numbers of animals required for experimentation

    State and trait influences on attentional bias to food-cues: The role of hunger, expectancy, and self-perceived food addiction

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    Food-related attentional bias (AB) varies both between individuals (i.e. trait differences) and within individuals (i.e. state differences), as a function of a food’s momentary incentive value. People with self-perceived food addiction (SPFA) find food particularly rewarding and may therefore demonstrate increased AB to food-related cues, relative to those who do not perceive themselves as food addicts. However, these trait differences may interact with state factors, such as hunger and the perceived availability of food, to differentially affect AB to food-cues. In the current study, female participants (N=120) completed an eye-tracking task to assess AB to chocolate pictures in which the expectancy of receiving chocolate was manipulated on a trial-by-trial basis (0%, 50%, 100%). Participants were randomly allocated such that half completed the task when hungry (hungry condition), and half completed the task following a lunch meal (satiated condition). Participants also indicated the extent to which they perceived themselves to be ‘food addicts’ (SPFAs: n=37; Non-addicts: n=53; Undecided: n=28). Consistent with previous findings, there was a significant main effect of chocolate expectancy; food-related AB was greater on 100% and 50% trials, compared to 0% trials. However, there was no effect of hunger condition (hungry vs. satiated) on AB. Contrary to our hypotheses, SPFAs did not show increased AB to food-cues, and this was not moderated by hunger condition or the expectancy information. Exploratory analyses revealed that higher desire-to-eat (DtE) chocolate was associated with increased AB to chocolate pictures. These findings partially support contemporary theoretical models of AB by indicating a key role for state factors (reward expectancy, DtE) in determining AB to food- cues, while a trait factor (SPFA) was not a significant determinant of food AB

    An epidermal-specific role for arginase1 during cutaneous wound repair

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    YesNon-healing wounds are a major area of unmet clinical need remaining problematic to treat. Improved understanding of pro-healing mechanisms is invaluable. The enzyme arginase1 is involved in pro-healing responses with its role in macrophages best characterized. Arginase1 is also expressed by keratinocytes; however, arginase1 function in these critical wound repair cells is not understood. We characterized arginase1 expression in keratinocytes during normal cutaneous repair and reveal de novo temporal and spatial expression at the epidermal wound edge. Interestingly, epidermal arginase1 expression was decreased in both human and murine delayed healing wounds. We therefore generated a keratinocyte specific arginase1-null mouse model (K14-cre;Arg1fl/fl) to explore arginase function. Wound repair, linked to changes in keratinocyte proliferation, migration and differentiation, was significantly delayed in K14-cre;Arg1fl/fl mice. Similarly, using the arginase inhibitor nor-NOHA, human in vitro and ex vivo models further confirmed this finding, revealing the importance of the downstream polyamine pathway in repair. Indeed, restoring the balance in arginase1 activity via addition of putrescine, proved beneficial in wound closure. In summary, we demonstrate that epidermal arginase1 plays a, to our knowledge, previously unreported intrinsic role in cutaneous healing, highlighting epidermal arginase1 and downstream mediators as potential targets for the therapeutic modulation of wound repair

    Deep carbon through time: Earth’s diamond record and its implications for carbon cycling and fluid speciation in the mantle

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    Diamonds are unrivalled in their ability to record the mantle carbon cycle and mantle fO2 over a vast portion of Earth’s history. Diamonds’ inertness and antiquity means their carbon isotopic characteristics directly reflect their growth environment within the mantle as far back as ∼3.5 Ga. This paper reports the results of a thorough secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) carbon isotope and nitrogen concentration study, carried out on fragments of 144 diamond samples from various locations, from ∼3.5 to 1.4 Ga for P [peridotitic]-type diamonds and 3.0 to 1.0 Ga for E [eclogitic]-type diamonds. The majority of the studied samples were from diamonds used to establish formation ages and thus provide a direct connection between the carbon isotope values, nitrogen contents and the formation ages. In total, 908 carbon isotope and nitrogen concentration measurements were obtained. The total δ13C data range from −17.1 to −1.9 ‰ (P = −8.4 to −1.9 ‰; E = −17.1 to −2.1‰) and N contents range from 0 to 3073 at. ppm (P = 0 to 3073 at. ppm; E = 1 to 2661 at. ppm). In general, there is no systematic variation with time in the mantle carbon isotope record since > 3 Ga. The mode in δ13C of peridotitic diamonds has been at −5 (±2) ‰ since the earliest diamond growth ∼3.5 Ga, and this mode is also observed in the eclogitic diamond record since ∼3 Ga. The skewness of eclogitic diamonds’ δ13C distributions to more negative values, which the data establishes began around 3 Ga, is also consistent through time, with no global trends apparent. No isotopic and concentration trends were recorded within individual samples, indicating that, firstly, closed system fractionation trends are rare. This implies that diamonds typically grow in systems with high excess of carbon in the fluid (i.e. relative to the mass of the growing diamond). Any minerals included into diamond during the growth process are more likely to be isotopically reset at the time of diamond formation, meaning inclusion ages would be representative of the diamond growth event irrespective of whether they are syngenetic or protogenetic. Secondly, the lack of significant variation seen in the peridotitic diamonds studied is in keeping with modeling of Rayleigh isotopic fractionation in multicomponent systems (RIFMS) during isochemical diamond precipitation in harzburgitic mantle. The RIFMS model not only showed that in water-maximum fluids at constant depths along a geotherm, fractionation can only account for variations of <1‰, but also that the principal δ13C mode of −5 ± 1‰ in the global harzburgitic diamond record occurs if the variation in fO2 is only 0.4 log units. Due to the wide age distribution of P-type diamonds, this leads to the conclusion that the speciation and oxygen fugacity of diamond forming fluids has been relatively consistent. The deep mantle has therefore generated fluids with near constant carbon speciation for 3.5 Ga

    Dimethyl fumarate in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial

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    Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) inhibits inflammasome-mediated inflammation and has been proposed as a treatment for patients hospitalised with COVID-19. This randomised, controlled, open-label platform trial (Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy [RECOVERY]), is assessing multiple treatments in patients hospitalised for COVID-19 (NCT04381936, ISRCTN50189673). In this assessment of DMF performed at 27 UK hospitals, adults were randomly allocated (1:1) to either usual standard of care alone or usual standard of care plus DMF. The primary outcome was clinical status on day 5 measured on a seven-point ordinal scale. Secondary outcomes were time to sustained improvement in clinical status, time to discharge, day 5 peripheral blood oxygenation, day 5 C-reactive protein, and improvement in day 10 clinical status. Between 2 March 2021 and 18 November 2021, 713 patients were enroled in the DMF evaluation, of whom 356 were randomly allocated to receive usual care plus DMF, and 357 to usual care alone. 95% of patients received corticosteroids as part of routine care. There was no evidence of a beneficial effect of DMF on clinical status at day 5 (common odds ratio of unfavourable outcome 1.12; 95% CI 0.86-1.47; p = 0.40). There was no significant effect of DMF on any secondary outcome

    Clustering semantics for hypermedia presentation

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    Semantic annotations of media repositories make relationships among the stored media and relevant concepts explicit. However, these relationships and the media they join are not directly presentable as hypermedia. Previous work shows how clustering over the annotations in the repositories can determine hypermedia presentation structure. Here we explore the application of different clustering techniques to generating hypermedia interfaces to media archives. This paper also describes the effect of each type of clustering on the end user's experience. We then generalize and unify these techniques with the use of proximity measures in further improving generated presentation structur
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