10 research outputs found

    Functional profiling of mercuric reductase (mer A) genes in biofilm communities of a technical scale biocatalyzer

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    BACKGROUND: Bacterial mercury resistance is based on enzymatic reduction of ionic mercury to elemental mercury and has recently been demonstrated to be applicable for industrial wastewater clean-up. The long-term monitoring of such biocatalyser systems requires a cultivation independent functional community profiling method targeting the key enzyme of the process, the merA gene coding for the mercuric reductase. We report on the development of a profiling method for merA and its application to monitor changes in the functional diversity of the biofilm community of a technical scale biocatalyzer over 8 months of on-site operation. RESULTS: Based on an alignment of 30 merA sequences from Gram negative bacteria, conserved primers were designed for amplification of merA fragments with an optimized PCR protocol. The resulting amplicons of approximately 280 bp were separated by thermogradient gelelectrophoresis (TGGE), resulting in strain specific fingerprints for mercury resistant Gram negative isolates with different merA sequences. The merA profiling of the biofilm community from a technical biocatalyzer showed persistence of some and loss of other inoculum strains as well as the appearance of new bands, resulting in an overall increase of the functional diversity of the biofilm community. One predominant new band of the merA community profile was also detected in a biocatalyzer effluent isolate, which was identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The isolated strain showed lower mercury reduction rates in liquid culture than the inoculum strains but was apparently highly competitive in the biofilm environment of the biocatalyzer where moderate mercury levels were prevailing. CONCLUSIONS: The merA profiling technique allowed to monitor the ongoing selection for better adapted strains during the operation of a biocatalyzer and to direct their subsequent isolation. In such a way, a predominant mercury reducing Ps. aeruginosa strain was identified by its unique mercuric reductase gene

    Species Diversity Improves the Efficiency of Mercury-Reducing Biofilms under Changing Environmental Conditions

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    Six mercury-resistant environmental proteobacterial isolates and one genetically modified mercury-resistant Pseudomonas putida strain were analyzed for physiological traits of adaptive relevance in an environment of packed-bed bioreactors designed for the decontamination of mercury-polluted chlor-alkali wastewater. The strains displayed characteristic differences in each trait (i.e., biofilm formation capability, growth rate in mercury contaminated wastewaters, and mercury reduction efficiency). Subsequently, they were immobilized either as a monoculture or as a mixed culture on porous carrier material in packed-bed bioreactors through which different batches of filter-sterilized industrial chlor-alkali wastewater were pumped. In monospecies bioreactors, the mercury retention efficiency was sensitive to rapidly increasing mercury concentrations in the wastewater. Mixed culture biofilms displayed a high mercury retention efficiency that was not affected by rapid increases in mercury or continuously high mercury concentrations. The dynamic in the community composition of the mixed culture bioreactors was determined by ribosomal intergenic spacer polymorphism analysis. Mercury-mediated selective pressure decreased the number of prevalent strains. Microbial diversity was completely restored after easing of the selective pressure. Microbial diversity provides a reservoir of strains with complementary ecological niches that results in a superior bioreactor performance under changing environmental conditions

    Secretion of flavins by Shewanella species and their role in extracellular electron transfer

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    Fe(III)-respiring bacteria such as Shewanella species play an important role in the global cycle of iron, manganese, and trace metals and are useful for many biotechnological applications, including microbial fuel cells and the bioremediation of waters and sediments contaminated with organics, metals, and radionuclides. Several alternative electron transfer pathways have been postulated for the reduction of insoluble extracellular subsurface minerals, such as Fe(III) oxides, by Shewanella species. One such potential mechanism involves the secretion of an electron shuttle. Here we identify for the first time flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and riboflavin as the extracellular electron shuttles produced by a range of Shewanella species. FMN secretion was strongly correlated with growth and exceeded riboflavin secretion, which was not exclusively growth associated but was maximal in the stationary phase of batch cultures. Flavin adenine dinucleotide was the predominant intracellular flavin but was not released by live cells. The flavin yields were similar under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, with total flavin concentrations of 2.9 and 2.1 μmol per gram of cellular protein, respectively, after 24 h and were similar under dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing conditions and when fumarate was supplied as the sole electron acceptor. The flavins were shown to act as electron shuttles and to promote anoxic growth coupled to the accelerated reduction of poorly crystalline Fe(III) oxides. The implications of flavin secretion by Shewanella cells living at redox boundaries, where these mineral phases can be significant electron acceptors for growth, are discussed

    Biomethan : Potenziale, Gas-Aufbereitung und Netzeinspeisung

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    Im Gegensatz zur klassischen Direktverstromung am Ort der Biogaserzeugung weist die Aufbereitung von Biogas zu Biomethan mit anschließender Einspeisung in das Erdgasnetz energiewirtschaftliche Vorteile auf:• Der Transport des aufbereiteten Biogases über das Erdgasnetz ermöglicht den hocheffizienten Einsatz in wärmegeführten KWK-Anlagen, Brennwertthermen und Erdgasfahrzeugen, wohingegen bei den derzeit ca. 7.000 Biogasanlagen ohne Gasaufbereitung trotz aller Anstrengungen bei der Erstellung von Wärmekonzepten und Satelliten-BHKW heute immer noch der größte Teil der bei der Stromerzeugung aus Biogas anfallenden Wärmeungenutzt an die Umgebung abgegeben wird,• Darüber hinaus fungiert das Erdgasnetz als Speicher, der eine räumliche und zeitliche Entkopplung der Biogaserzeugung von einem bedarfsgerechten Verbrauch ermöglicht, ohne dass ein zusätzliches Invest für Speicherinfrastruktur erforderlich ist