4 research outputs found

    Digitalization and legal regulation of public and private transactions in the digital environment: Concepts and development prospects

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    Digitalization of social life, which has recently gained significant momentum, leads to an acceleration of the pace of development of all related areas that meet the needs of such a society. Information technology and private and public transactions were touched upon in the article. At the same time, currently, neither Ukraine nor any other state can claim a perfect normatively established settlement of issues of public and private transactions in the digital environment, which can include the prospect of introducing future innovations, since the daily rapid development of information technologies makes any the existing legislation is partially outdated and irrelevant. In turn, the analysis of the essence and features of electronic transactions, and the comparison of the regulation of their use in different countries will allow to development of a basis for a quick response to digitalization changes taking place, in particular, in the field of financial services. The method of analysis and synthesis, the method of theoretical generalization, and systematization serve as the methodological foundation of this study. The result of this study is the identification of problematic issues of regulation of public and private transactions in the digital environment in the conditions of digitalization, as well as the determination of the vector for future research on this topic and the introduction of changes to the regulatory and legal framework of Ukraine. A conclusion was made about the need to take digitalization into account in order to build an effective competitive digital economy with the appropriate tools to protect the rights of subjects of economic legal relations

    Contracts in the commercial law of foreign countries: topical issues of theory and practice

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    Commercial contracts are the main tool for regulating relations between enterprises, regardless of their geographical location.The purpose of the research is the analysis and study of modern trends, features, and problems related to the conclusion and execution of commercial contracts in foreign countries. The main tasks are: 1. Study of the main principles of commercial law of foreign countries. Consideration of key aspects of commercial law of different countries, such as the principles of contract law, executive law, and other important aspects affecting the conclusion and performance of contracts. 2. Study of current problems and challenges. Consideration of modern problems of conclusion, execution, and disputes under contracts in the commercial law of foreign countries, such as problems of electronic commerce, international trade disputes, protection of consumer rights, and other relevant issues. 3. Study of international trends. Analysis of modern international trends in the field of commercial law, such as the harmonization of legal norms, the development of electronic commerce, the impact of technology on the conclusion and performance of contracts, international cooperation, and integration. Current theoretical approaches, principles, and general rules related to commercial contracts in foreign countries are studied. The problems arising in the practice of conclusion and execution of such contracts have been identified. Common principles and features of regulation of commercial contracts in various foreign countries are established

    Realization and restriction of constitutional rights in vaccination against Covid-19

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    The democratic community has faced a challenge regarding the existence or absence of a legal basis for the introduction of compulsory vaccination. The scholars asked the question: Is compulsory vaccination against COVID-19 a violation of personal non-property human rights or the implementation by the state of its duty to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the entire population and protect society from a deadly disease? Methodology of work: logical-semantic, historical, analytical, extrapolation, comparative legal methods, methods of comparison and generalization, analysis, and synthesis. Results of the study: the assessment of the historical and international experience in the implementation of vaccination was carried out; the negative and positive aspects of mass vaccination were considered; the legal regulation of vaccination was studied; the legal framework in this area was compared; the judicial practice regarding legal relations that arise during vaccination was analyzed. The conclusion is made regarding priority in the context of the increasing spread of COVID-19, the observance of which rights is key during the mandatory mass vaccination (the right to a high-quality, highly effective vaccine, the right to choose a vaccine, equal availability of a vaccine, the right to receive compensation in case of negative consequences after vaccination, etc.)

    Scientific and expert opinion on the Concept of updating the Civil Code of Ukraine

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    5 січня 2021 року Перший заступник Голови Верховної Ради України Р.О. Стефанчук запросив фахівців до обговорення проєкту Концепції оновлення Цивільного кодексу України. Відповідне звернення було розміщене на сторінці у Facebook (https://m.facebook.com/stefanchuk.official/posts/420425702709269). Проєкт Концепції оновлення Цивільного кодексу України розміщено за посиланням: bit.ly/3rXx3a4. Реагуючи на це звернення, група експертів, предметом досліджень яких є питання правового регулювання економічних відносин, здійснили науковий аналіз зазначеної Концепції з урахуванням положень чинного законодавства України та сформулювали пропозиції щодо її вдосконалення. Науково-експертний висновок до Концепції оновлення Цивільного кодексу України було схвалено на розширеному засіданні Координаційного бюро з проблем правових основ підприємницької діяльності, господарського та комерційного права Відділення екологічного, господарського та аграрного права НАПрН України (протокол № 3 від 09.04.2021 р.). Для науковців, викладачів, аспірантів, студентів юридичних і економічних спеціальностей закладів вищої освіти, юристів-практиків, працівників органів державної влади і місцевого самоврядування.January 5, 2021 First Deputy Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine R.O. Stefanchuk invited experts to discuss the draft Concept of updating the Civil Code of Ukraine. The relevant appeal was posted on the Facebook page (https://m.facebook.com/stefanchuk.official/posts/420425702709269). The draft Concept of updating the Civil Code of Ukraine is posted at: bit.ly/3rXx3a4. Responding to this appeal, a group of experts, whose subject of research is the issue of legal regulation of economic relations, conducted a scientific analysis of this Concept in consideration of the provisions of current legislation of Ukraine and formulated proposals for its improvement. The scientific and expert opinion on the Concept of updating the Civil Code of Ukraine was approved at an extended meeting of the Coordination Bureau on the legal basis of business, Economic and Commercial law of the Department of Environmental, Economic and Agrarian law of NALS of Ukraine (Protocol № 3 of 09.04.2021). For scientists, teachers, graduate students, students of legal and economic specialties of higher education institutions, lawyers-practitioners, employees of public authorities and local governments