200 research outputs found


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    この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。Immunohistochemical distribution of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) subunits in human lung cancer cells were studied using fluorescent antibody technique. Both in cytological and histological specimen, specific fluorescence of LDH-H and LDH-M were seen in the cytoplasm of cancer cells, and in most cases no remarkable difference could be demonstrated between the distribution of H and M subunit. But in some cases specific fluorescence of M-subunit was stronger than that of H-subunit. The fluorescence of M-subunit was demonstrated as fine granules diffusely in the cytoplasm. On the other hand the fluorescence of H-subunit was rather localized and demonstrated as rather coarse granules. And this observation was discussed

    Ascitic Bile Acids in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis

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    Ascitic bile acids of 8 patients with liver cirrhosis were analyzed in order to elucidate the clinical significance. The results were as follows. 1) Ascitic bile acid concentrations in intractable ascites were high, although low in tractable ascites. 2) Among the 8 patients, 4 had serum bile acid analysis performed and a significant correlation of bile acid concentration was found between ascites and serum (P<0.01). 3) Ascitic bile acid concentration was positively correlative with ascitic protein concentration (P(0.05). 4) In one patient whose group separation on Piperidinohydroxypropyl Sephadex LH-20 was determined, free bile acids were found to predominate the major part of the ascitic bile acids. These results suggest that ascitic bile acids reflect serum bile acids, and that bile acids with protein are filtered into ascitic fluid. Further patient studies will be necessary to shed light on the relationship between intractability of ascites and high ascitic bile acid concentrations

    Newly Synthesized Compound, PABA-Ursodeoxycholic Acid, for Evaluation of Intestinal Bacteria

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    From the standpoint of utilizing a distinctive feature of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and intestinal bile acid metabolism, a conjugate of ursodeoxycholic acid with PABA (PABA-UDCA) was newly synthesized for studying whether it can be a good material or not to evaluate enteric bacteria. In incubation experiment, this compound was reasonably deconjugated by cholylglycine hydrolase resulting in the release of PABA. In animal experiment, urinary excretions of PABA were determined during six hours following oral administration of 10 mg PABA-UDCA. Control rats (n=7) excreted 140.1 ± 59.5 μ,g (mean ± SD) of PABA. By contrast, the rats (n=9) with intestinal antisepsis by antibiotic administration excreted less (18.3 ± 16. 7 μg; P < 0.001) whereas those with intestinal bacterial overgrowth by making enteric blind loop excreted more (451.1 ± 223.6 μg; P < 0.01). These observations indicate that this new compound is likely to offer a simple and rapid method for evaluation of the intestinal microorganisms

    Identification of protease serine S1 family member 53 as a mitochondrial protein in murine islet beta cells

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    The aim of this study was to identify genes that are specifically expressed in pancreatic islet β-cells (hereafter referred to as β-cells). Large-scale complementary DNA-sequencing analysis was performed for 3,429 expressed sequence tags derived from murine MIN6 β-cells, through homology comparisons using the GenBank database. Three individual ESTs were found to code for protease serine S1 family member 53 (Prss53). Prss53 mRNA is processed into both a short and long form, which encode 482 and 552 amino acids, respectively. Transient overexpression of myc-tagged Prss53 in COS-7 cells showed that Prss53 was strongly associated with the luminal surfaces of organellar membranes and that it underwent signal peptide cleavage and N-glycosylation. Immunoelectron microscopy and western blotting revealed that Prss53 localized to mitochondria in MIN6 cells. Short hairpin RNA-mediated Prss53 knockdown resulted in Ppargc1a downregulation and Ucp2 and Glut2 upregulation. JC-1 staining revealed that the mitochondria were depolarized in Prss53-knockdown MIN6 cells; however, no change was observed in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Our results suggest that mitochondrial Prss53 expression plays an important role in maintaining the health of β-cells

    Image Analysis Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with 9.4 Tesla of Static Magnet Field

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    Magnetic resonance image (MRI) is characteristic of a fine spatial resolution compared with Computer tomography and Ultrasonic tomography. The intensity of the external static magnet field of MRI is important factor on the spatial resolution. The tomogram depend on the conditions of measurements and intensity of the external static magnetic field. Further more, difference of measurement conditions depends on tissues. We show measurement conditions of chest and abdomen and the principle of MRI


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    To identify the genes that determine differentiation phenotypes, we compared gene expression of pancreatic islet β- and α-cells, which are derived from the common precursor and secrete insulin and glucagon, respectively. The expression levels of homeotic genes including Hox genes known to determine region specificity in the antero-posterior (AP) body axis, tissue-specific homeobox genes, and other 8,734 genes were compared in a β- and α-cell line of MIN6 and αTC1.6. The expression of homeotic genes were surveyed with reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using degenerate primers corresponding to invariant amino acid sequences within the homeodomain and subsequently with specific primers. Expression of Hoxc6, Hoxc9, Hoxc10, Pdx1, Cdx2, Gbx2, Pax4, and Hlxb9 genes in MIN6 was higher than those in αTC1.6, while expression of Hoxa2, Hoxa3, Hoxa5, Hoxa6, Hoxa7, Hoxa9, Hoxa10, Hoxa13, Hoxb3, Hoxb5, Hoxb6, Hoxb13, Hoxb8, and Brain4 genes in αTC1.6 was higher than those in MIN6. Out of 8,734 mouse genes screened with high-density mouse cDNA microarrays for MIN6- and αTC1.6-derived cDNA, 58 and 25 genes were differentially over- and under-expressed in MIN6, respectively. GLUTag, which is derived from a large bowel tumor and expresses the proglucagon gene, showed a comparatively similar expression profile to that of αTC1.6 in both homeotic and other genes analyzed in cDNA microarray. Our results are consistent with the interpretation that not only the tissue-specific homeotic genes, but also Hox genes are related to differentiation phenotypes of pancreatic β- and α-cells rather than their regional specification of the body in vertebrates

    Effect of aging on pancreatic exocrine function -Aging and fecal chymotrypsin activity-

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    膵外分泌機能に及ぼす加齢の影響を検討する目的で,健常人43名,非膵疾患患者41名,老人ホーム入居者39名を対象として比色法により糞便中キモトリプシン活性(FCA)を測定し,以下の結論を得た。1)FCAは逐齢的に低下し,60歳以上は60歳未満より有意の低値を示した。しかし,分布図のretrospectiveな検討からは,膵外分泌機能の低下は,実際には65~70歳あたりから明らかになることが示唆された。2)FCAの正常下限値を14.5U/gに定めたが,高齢者の診療にあたってはこの正常値のみを根拠にして疾病の有無を判定すべきではない。3)老人ホーム入居者のFCAは特に低値を取ったがその主要因は高齢者が多いためと考えられた。To examine the effect of aging on the pancreatic exocrine function, fecal chymotrypsin activity (FCA) was measured by the photometric method in 43 healthy controls, 39 controls in an old-age home and 41 patients with non-pancreatic diseases. Following conclusions were obtained. 1) Pancreatic exocrine function showed a significant decrease with aging as indicated by the present prospective study : ① a significantly lower FCA in the B group of 22 healthy controls (≧ 60 years of age) than the A group of 21 healthy controls (< 60 years of ago) ; ② significant correlationship between aging and FCA in the 43 healthy controls and also in the 41 patients with non-pancreatic diseases. 2) FCA in controls in an old-age home was especially low. Presumably it was due to their far-advanced aging. 3) The calculated lower limit of normal in FCA was 14.5U/g. However, the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases should not be coined solely on the basis of decreased FCA value

    A Case of Ischemic Ileal Obstruction Secondary to Seat Belt Trauma

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    We report a case of seat belt trauma with delayed ischemic ileal obstruction. A 62-year-old woman presented with symptoms and signs of bowel obstruction three weeks after an automobile traffic accident. A plain radiograph of the abdomen showed dilated small bowel loops with air fluid levels that were consistent with intestinal obstruction. Enhanced computed tomography clearly demonstrated a stenotic ileal loop with mural thickening that was associated with a mesenteric hematoma. Upper endoscopy revealed an ulcer of the ischemic ileal obstruction. The patient underwent resection of the stenotic ileal loop by single-incision laparoscopic surgery. The stenotic ileal loop was located 120 cm oral side from the terminal ileum. In gross finding, the wall of stenotic ileal loop was thickened and the adjacent mesentery was shortened with a hematoma. The mucosa of the ischemic ileal obstruction showed ulcerative changes. The abnormal ileal loop, which was 15 cm in length, was resected. Postoperative recovery was uneventful

    Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis

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    近年,各種膵疾患に対する検査法の発達には目を見張るものがあるが,実際の運用にあたっては各検査法の適応,限界,組合わせおよび実施する順序等に迷うことが少なくない。本研究では,最近我々が経験した慢性膵炎Ⅰ群116例の診断過程を振り返ることにより,慢性膵炎の診断における理想的な検査法の組合わせとそれぞれの役割を検討し,同時に診断名のみならず病態と病期が容易に理解できる表現方法を提案した。画像診断法,膵外分泌機能検査法(EX),膵内分泌機能検査法(EN)を比較検討し,以下の結果を得た。①画像診断法は必須である。②内視鏡的逆行性膵胆管造影(ERCP)を軸とした腹部超音波検査(US)あるいは腹部CTスキャン(CT)の組合わせは欠くことができない。③EXもまた必須の検査法である。④ENは慢性膵炎の診断に必要不可欠ではないが,治療方針を決めるうえで重要である。⑤純粋膵液(PPJ)の生化学的検査と組織化学的検査は膵炎の診断と病態生理の解明に重要である。⑥PPJ中の細胞診は慢性膵炎に合併した膵癌の検索に有用である。⑦以下に示すような診断の記載方法を提案した。"Calcified chronic pancreatitis, alcoholic, diffuse, ERCP-3, US-2, CT-3, EX-2, EN-1, Lf(+)"。Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), exocrine pancreatic function test (EX), endocrine pancreatic function test (EN), and analysis of pure pancreatic juice (PPJ) are currently available for the investigation of pancreatic diseases. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the roles and preferable combinations of these tests in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis and then to propose a way to describe the results of the tests along with diagnosis for a better understanding of the disease process. Comparative studies of imaging, EX and EN led to the following conclusions. 1) imaging procedures (ERCP, US and CT) are mandatory, partly because they were frequently the test that showed diagnostic changes and partly because they often gave key information for operative treatment. Among the imaging procedures, ERCP combined with US and/or CT is mandatory because these combinations alone can reveal detailes of structural changes attendant on chronic pancreatitis. 2) EX is also mandatory, because it was occasionally the only test that showed diagnostic changes and partly because it often gave important information for medical treatment. 3) EN is also important, not because it was indispensable for detecting chronic pancreatitis, but because it often gave important information for medical treatment. For btter understanding of the disease process as well as diagnosis, we propose, as suggested by Seligson, that the test used for the establishment of the diagnosis and the degree as well as extent of abnormalities. An example is "Calcified chronic pancreatitis, alcoholic, diffuse, ERCP-3, US-2, CT-3, EX-2, EN-1, Lf(+)". This attitude will lead to a more rational approach to both diagnosis and treatment