53 research outputs found

    miRNA Profiling of NaΓ―ve, Effector and Memory CD8 T Cells

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    microRNAs have recently emerged as master regulators of gene expression during development and cell differentiation. Although profound changes in gene expression also occur during antigen-induced T cell differentiation, the role of miRNAs in the process is not known. We compared the miRNA expression profiles between antigen-specific naΓ―ve, effector and memory CD8+ T cells using 3 different methods-small RNA cloning, miRNA microarray analysis and real-time PCR. Although many miRNAs were expressed in all the T cell subsets, the frequency of 7 miRNAs (miR-16, miR-21, miR-142-3p, miR-142-5p, miR-150, miR-15b and let-7f) alone accounted for ∼60% of all miRNAs, and their expression was several fold higher than the other expressed miRNAs. Global downregulation of miRNAs (including 6/7 dominantly expressed miRNAs) was observed in effector T cells compared to naΓ―ve cells and the miRNA expression levels tended to come back up in memory T cells. However, a few miRNAs, notably miR-21 were higher in effector and memory T cells compared to naΓ―ve T cells. These results suggest that concomitant with profound changes in gene expression, miRNA profile also changes dynamically during T cell differentiation. Sequence analysis of the cloned mature miRNAs revealed an extensive degree of end polymorphism. While 3β€²end polymorphisms dominated, heterogeneity at both ends, resembling drosha/dicer processing shift was also seen in miR-142, suggesting a possible novel mechanism to generate new miRNA and/or to diversify miRNA target selection. Overall, our results suggest that dynamic changes in the expression of miRNAs may be important for the regulation of gene expression during antigen-induced T cell differentiation. Our study also suggests possible novel mechanisms for miRNA biogenesis and function

    Ago-2-Mediated Slicer Activity Is Essential for Anti-Flaviviral Efficacy of RNAi

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    RNA interference can be mediated by fully complementary siRNA or partially complementary miRNA. siRNAs are widely used to suppress viral replication and the fully complementary siRNA bound Ago-2 in the RISC is known to degrade the target RNA. Although other argonaute proteins lacking slicer activity can also bind oligonucleotides with both si and miRNA structures, whether they can also contribute to antiviral effects is not entirely clear. We tested si and miRNA structured oligos for target repression in dual luciferase assays as well as for inhibition of Dengue and West Nile virus replication in ES cells expressing individual Ago proteins. In luciferase assays, both fully complementary and partially complementary oligos effectively repressed their targets in all individual Ago expressing cell lines, although the efficacy with fully complementary oligos was higher in Ago-2+ cells. However, partially complementary oligos had no effect on virus replication in any cell line, while fully complementary siRNAs were highly effective in Ago-2 expressing, but not in cells expressing other Ago proteins. This occurred irrespective of whether the target sequences were located in the coding region or 3β€²UTR of the virus. We conclude that Ago-2 slicer activity is essential for anti-viral efficacy of siRNAs and miRNA-mediated translational repression/transcript destabilization is too weak to suppress the abundantly expressed flaviviral proteins

    Potential Application of MicroRNA Profiling to the Diagnosis and Prognosis of HIV-1 Infection

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) were first identified in Caenorhabditis briggsae and later recognized as playing pivotal roles in a vast range of cellular activities. It has been shown that miRNAs are an important mechanism not only for host defense against virus but also for the establishment of viral infection. During human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, host miRNA profiles are altered either as a host response against the virus or alternatively as a mechanism for the virus to facilitate viral replication and infection or to maintain latency. The altered miRNA profiles can be detected and quantified by various advanced assays, and potentially serve as more sensitive, accurate and cost-efficient biomarkers for HIV-1 diagnosis and disease progression than those detected by currently available standard clinical assays. Such new biomarkers are critical for optimizing treatment regimens. In this review, we focus on the potential application of miRNA profiling to the diagnosis of HIV-1 infection and the monitoring of disease progression

    Silencing Early Viral Replication in Macrophages and Dendritic Cells Effectively Suppresses Flavivirus Encephalitis

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    West Nile (WN) and St. Louis encephalitis (SLE) viruses can cause fatal neurological infection and currently there is neither a specific treatment nor an approved vaccine for these infections. In our earlier studies, we have reported that siRNAs can be developed as broad-spectrum antivirals for the treatment of infection caused by related viruses and that a small peptide called RVG-9R can deliver siRNA to neuronal cells as well as macrophages. To increase the repertoire of broad-spectrum antiflaviviral siRNAs, we screened 25 siRNAs targeting conserved regions in the viral genome. Five siRNAs were found to inhibit both WNV and SLE replication in vitro reflecting broad-spectrum antiviral activity and one of these was also validated in vivo. In addition, we also show that RVG-9R delivers siRNA to macrophages and dendritic cells, resulting in effective suppression of virus replication. Mice were challenged intraperitoneally (i.p.) with West Nile virus (WNV) and treated i.v. with siRNA/peptide complex. The peritoneal macrophages isolated on day 3 post infection were isolated and transferred to new hosts. Mice receiving macrophages from the anti-viral siRNA treated mice failed to develop any disease while the control mice transferred with irrelevant siRNA treated mice all died of encephalitis. These studies suggest that early suppression of viral replication in macrophages and dendritic cells by RVG-9R-mediated siRNA delivery is key to preventing the development of a fatal neurological disease

    Improved siRNA/shRNA Functionality by Mismatched Duplex

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    siRNA (small interfering RNA) and shRNA (small hairpin RNA) are powerful and commonly used tools in biomedical research. Currently, siRNAs are generally designed as two 21 nt strands of RNA that include a 19 nt completely complementary part and a 2 nt overhang. However, since the si/shRNAs use the endogenous miRNA machinery for gene silencing and the miRNAs are generally 22 nt in length and contain multiple internal mismatches, we tested if the functionality can be increased by designing the si/shRNAs to mimic a miRNA structure. We systematically investigated the effect of single or multiple mismatches introduced in the passenger strand at different positions on siRNA functionality. Mismatches at certain positions could significantly increase the functionality of siRNAs and also, in some cases decreased the unwanted passenger strand functionality. The same strategy could also be used to design shRNAs. Finally, we showed that both si and miRNA structured oligos (siRNA with or without mismatches in the passenger strand) can repress targets in all individual Ago containing cells, suggesting that the Ago proteins do not differentiate between si/miRNA-based structure for silencing activity


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    Designing Ago2-specific siRNA/shRNA to Avoid Competition with Endogenous miRNAs

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    Relatively large amounts of transfected siRNA can compete for Ago proteins and thus compromise endogenous miRNA function, potentially leading to toxicities. Here, we show that shRNA can also perturb endogenous miRNA function similarly. More importantly, we also show that the problem can be solved by designing shRNAs in the context of pre-miR-451 structure with completely complementary stem, which significantly improves the Ago2 specificity. This shRNA was shown to be Ago2-specific, and maintain target-silencing ability while avoiding competition with endogenous miRNAs by not competing for Agos 1, 3, and 4. We conclude that modified pre-miR-451 structure provides a general platform to design shRNAs that significantly reduce perturbation of miRNA function

    Alternative processing of primary microRNA transcripts by Drosha generates 5' end variation of mature microRNA.

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    BACKGROUND: It is generally believed that the miRNA processing machinery ensures the generation of a mature miRNA with a fixed sequence, particularly at its 5' end. However, we and others have recently noted that the ends of a given mature miRNA are not absolutely fixed, but subject to variation. Neither the significance nor the mechanism behind the generation of such miRNA polymorphism is understood. miR-142 is an abundantly expressed miRNA in hematopoietic cells and exhibits a high frequency of 5' end polymorphism. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we show that a shift in the Drosha processing of pri-miRNA generates multiple forms of miR-142s in vivo with differing 5' ends that might target different genes. Sequence analysis of several pre-miRNA ends cloned from T cells reveals that unlike many other pri-miRNAs that are processed into a single pre-miRNA, pri-miR-142 is processed into 3 distinct pre-miR-142s. Dicer processing studies suggest that each of the 3 pre-miR-142s is processed into a distinct double-stranded miRNA, giving rise to 4 mature miRNA variants that might regulate different target gene pools. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Thus, alternative Drosha processing might be a novel mechanism for diversification of the miRNA target gene pool

    A sliding-bulge structure at the Dicer processing site of pre-miRNAs regulates alternative Dicer processing to generate 5β€²-isomiRs

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    5β€²-isomiRs expand the repertoire of miRNA targets. However, how they are generated is not well understood. Previously, we showed that for some miRNAs in mammalian cells, Drosha cleaves at multiple sites to generate multiple pre-miRNAs that give rise to multiple 5β€²-isomiRs. Here, we showed that for some other miRNAs, 5β€²-isomiRs are generated by alternative Dicer processing. In addition, we showed that in miR-203, alternative Dicer processing is regulated by a conserved sliding-bulge structure at the Dicer processing site, which allows the pre-miRNA molecule to fold into two different structures that are processed differently by Dicer. So far no RNA motif that slides to change conformation and alter a protein–RNA interaction has been reported. Thus, our study revealed a novel RNA motif that regulates 5β€²-isomiR generation in some miRNAs. It might also contribute to regulating protein–RNA interactions in other biological processes, since it takes only one point mutation to generate the sliding bulge, and there are a large number of different RNAs in the cell
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