261 research outputs found

    Sentence Directed Video Object Codetection

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    We tackle the problem of video object codetection by leveraging the weak semantic constraint implied by sentences that describe the video content. Unlike most existing work that focuses on codetecting large objects which are usually salient both in size and appearance, we can codetect objects that are small or medium sized. Our method assumes no human pose or depth information such as is required by the most recent state-of-the-art method. We employ weak semantic constraint on the codetection process by pairing the video with sentences. Although the semantic information is usually simple and weak, it can greatly boost the performance of our codetection framework by reducing the search space of the hypothesized object detections. Our experiment demonstrates an average IoU score of 0.423 on a new challenging dataset which contains 15 object classes and 150 videos with 12,509 frames in total, and an average IoU score of 0.373 on a subset of an existing dataset, originally intended for activity recognition, which contains 5 object classes and 75 videos with 8,854 frames in total

    Discriminative Training: Learning to Describe Video with Sentences, from Video Described with Sentences

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    We present a method for learning word meanings from complex and realistic video clips by discriminatively training (DT) positive sentential labels against negative ones, and then use the trained word models to generate sentential descriptions for new video. This new work is inspired by recent work which adopts a maximum likelihood (ML) framework to address the same problem using only positive sentential labels. The new method, like the ML-based one, is able to automatically determine which words in the sentence correspond to which concepts in the video (i.e., ground words to meanings) in a weakly supervised fashion. While both DT and ML yield comparable results with sufficient training data, DT outperforms ML significantly with smaller training sets because it can exploit negative training labels to better constrain the learning problem

    Interactive Grounded Language Acquisition and Generalization in a 2D World

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    We build a virtual agent for learning language in a 2D maze-like world. The agent sees images of the surrounding environment, listens to a virtual teacher, and takes actions to receive rewards. It interactively learns the teacher's language from scratch based on two language use cases: sentence-directed navigation and question answering. It learns simultaneously the visual representations of the world, the language, and the action control. By disentangling language grounding from other computational routines and sharing a concept detection function between language grounding and prediction, the agent reliably interpolates and extrapolates to interpret sentences that contain new word combinations or new words missing from training sentences. The new words are transferred from the answers of language prediction. Such a language ability is trained and evaluated on a population of over 1.6 million distinct sentences consisting of 119 object words, 8 color words, 9 spatial-relation words, and 50 grammatical words. The proposed model significantly outperforms five comparison methods for interpreting zero-shot sentences. In addition, we demonstrate human-interpretable intermediate outputs of the model in the appendix.Comment: ICLR 2018 (Figure 6 caption improved

    Guided Feature Transformation (GFT): A Neural Language Grounding Module for Embodied Agents

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    Recently there has been a rising interest in training agents, embodied in virtual environments, to perform language-directed tasks by deep reinforcement learning. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective neural language grounding module for embodied agents that can be trained end to end from scratch taking raw pixels, unstructured linguistic commands, and sparse rewards as the inputs. We model the language grounding process as a language-guided transformation of visual features, where latent sentence embeddings are used as the transformation matrices. In several language-directed navigation tasks that feature challenging partial observability and require simple reasoning, our module significantly outperforms the state of the art. We also release XWorld3D, an easy-to-customize 3D environment that can potentially be modified to evaluate a variety of embodied agents.Comment: CoRL 201

    A Faster Method for Tracking and Scoring Videos Corresponding to Sentences

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    Prior work presented the sentence tracker, a method for scoring how well a sentence describes a video clip or alternatively how well a video clip depicts a sentence. We present an improved method for optimizing the same cost function employed by this prior work, reducing the space complexity from exponential in the sentence length to polynomial, as well as producing a qualitatively identical result in time polynomial in the sentence length instead of exponential. Since this new method is plug-compatible with the prior method, it can be used for the same applications: video retrieval with sentential queries, generating sentential descriptions of video clips, and focusing the attention of a tracker with a sentence, while allowing these applications to scale with significantly larger numbers of object detections, word meanings modeled with HMMs with significantly larger numbers of states, and significantly longer sentences, with no appreciable degradation in quality of results

    Collecting and Annotating the Large Continuous Action Dataset

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    We make available to the community a new dataset to support action-recognition research. This dataset is different from prior datasets in several key ways. It is significantly larger. It contains streaming video with long segments containing multiple action occurrences that often overlap in space and/or time. All actions were filmed in the same collection of backgrounds so that background gives little clue as to action class. We had five humans replicate the annotation of temporal extent of action occurrences labeled with their class and measured a surprisingly low level of intercoder agreement. A baseline experiment shows that recent state-of-the-art methods perform poorly on this dataset. This suggests that this will be a challenging dataset to foster advances in action-recognition research. This manuscript serves to describe the novel content and characteristics of the LCA dataset, present the design decisions made when filming the dataset, and document the novel methods employed to annotate the dataset

    Robot Language Learning, Generation, and Comprehension

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    We present a unified framework which supports grounding natural-language semantics in robotic driving. This framework supports acquisition (learning grounded meanings of nouns and prepositions from human annotation of robotic driving paths), generation (using such acquired meanings to generate sentential description of new robotic driving paths), and comprehension (using such acquired meanings to support automated driving to accomplish navigational goals specified in natural language). We evaluate the performance of these three tasks by having independent human judges rate the semantic fidelity of the sentences associated with paths, achieving overall average correctness of 94.6% and overall average completeness of 85.6%

    Interactive Language Acquisition with One-shot Visual Concept Learning through a Conversational Game

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    Building intelligent agents that can communicate with and learn from humans in natural language is of great value. Supervised language learning is limited by the ability of capturing mainly the statistics of training data, and is hardly adaptive to new scenarios or flexible for acquiring new knowledge without inefficient retraining or catastrophic forgetting. We highlight the perspective that conversational interaction serves as a natural interface both for language learning and for novel knowledge acquisition and propose a joint imitation and reinforcement approach for grounded language learning through an interactive conversational game. The agent trained with this approach is able to actively acquire information by asking questions about novel objects and use the just-learned knowledge in subsequent conversations in a one-shot fashion. Results compared with other methods verified the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: ACL 201

    Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning By Discovering Intrinsic Options

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    We propose a hierarchical reinforcement learning method, HIDIO, that can learn task-agnostic options in a self-supervised manner while jointly learning to utilize them to solve sparse-reward tasks. Unlike current hierarchical RL approaches that tend to formulate goal-reaching low-level tasks or pre-define ad hoc lower-level policies, HIDIO encourages lower-level option learning that is independent of the task at hand, requiring few assumptions or little knowledge about the task structure. These options are learned through an intrinsic entropy minimization objective conditioned on the option sub-trajectories. The learned options are diverse and task-agnostic. In experiments on sparse-reward robotic manipulation and navigation tasks, HIDIO achieves higher success rates with greater sample efficiency than regular RL baselines and two state-of-the-art hierarchical RL methods.Comment: ICLR 2021. 19 pages, 9 figures. Code at https://www.github.com/jesbu1/hidi

    Resource-Efficient Neural Architect

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    Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is a laborious process. Prior work on automated NAS targets mainly on improving accuracy, but lacks consideration of computational resource use. We propose the Resource-Efficient Neural Architect (RENA), an efficient resource-constrained NAS using reinforcement learning with network embedding. RENA uses a policy network to process the network embeddings to generate new configurations. We demonstrate RENA on image recognition and keyword spotting (KWS) problems. RENA can find novel architectures that achieve high performance even with tight resource constraints. For CIFAR10, it achieves 2.95% test error when compute intensity is greater than 100 FLOPs/byte, and 3.87% test error when model size is less than 3M parameters. For Google Speech Commands Dataset, RENA achieves the state-of-the-art accuracy without resource constraints, and it outperforms the optimized architectures with tight resource constraints
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