228 research outputs found

    A Non-stochastic Optimization Algorithm for Neural-network Quantum States

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    Neural-network quantum states (NQS) employ artificial neural networks to encode many-body wave functions in second quantization through variational Monte Carlo (VMC). They have recently been applied to accurately describe electronic wave functions of molecules and have shown the challenges in efficiency comparing with traditional quantum chemistry methods. Here we introduce a general non-stochastic optimization algorithm for NQS in chemical systems, which deterministically generates a selected set of important configurations simultaneously with energy evaluation of NQS. This method bypasses the need for Markov-chain Monte Carlo within the VMC framework, thereby accelerating the entire optimization process. Furthermore, this newly-developed non-stochastic optimization algorithm for NQS offers comparable or superior accuracy compared to its stochastic counterpart and ensures more stable convergence. The application of this model to test molecules exhibiting strong electron correlations provides further insight into the performance of NQS in chemical systems and opens avenues for future enhancements.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, and 1 tabl

    High-dimensional frequency conversion in hot atomic system

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    One of the major difficulties in realizing a high-dimensional frequency converter for conventional optical vortex (COV) stems from the difference in ring diameter of COV modes with different topological charge numbers l. Here, we implement a high-dimensional frequency convertor for perfect optical vortex (POV) modes with invariant size through the four-wave mixing (FWM) process by utilizing Bessel-Gaussian beams instead of Laguerre-Gaussian beams. The measured conversion efficiency from 1530 nm to 795 nm is independent of l at least in subspace of {-6,...,6}, and the achieved conversion fidelities for two-dimensional (2D) superposed POV states exceed 97%. We further realize the frequency conversion of 3D, 5D and 7D superposition states with fidelities as high as 96.70%, 89.16% and 88.68%, respectively. The reported scheme is implemented in hot atomic vapor, it's also compatible with the cold atomic system and may find applications in high-capacity and long-distance quantum communication

    Optical Memory for Arbitrary Perfect Poincar\'e States in an Atomic Ensemble

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    Inherent spin angular momentum (SAM) and orbital angular momentum (OAM) which manifest as polarization and spatial degrees of freedom (DOF) of photons, hold a promise of large capability for applications in classical and quantum information processing. To enable these photonic spin and orbital dynamic properties strongly coupled with each other, Poincar\'{e} states have been proposed and offer advantages in data multiplexing, information encryption, precision metrology, and quantum memory. However, since the transverse size of Laguerre Gaussian beams strongly depends on their topological charge numbers ∣l∣\left| l \right|, it is difficult to store asymmetric Poincar\'{e} states due to the significantly different light-matter interaction for distinct spatial modes. Here, we experimentally realize the storage of perfect Poincar\'{e} states with arbitrary OAM quanta using the perfect optical vortex, in which 121 arbitrarily-selected perfect Poincar\'{e} states have been stored with high fidelity. The reported work has great prospects in optical communication and quantum networks for dramatically increased encoding flexibility of information

    Detection of infrared light through stimulated four-wave mixing process

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    Infrared optical measurement has a wide range of applications in industry and science, but infrared light detectors suffer from high costs and inferior performance than visible light detectors. Four-wave mixing (FWM) process allows detection in the infrared range by detecting correlated visible light. We experimentally investigate the stimulated FWM process in a hot 85^{85}Rb atomic vapor cell, in which a weak infrared signal laser at 1530 1530~nm induces the FWM process and is amplified and converted into a strong FWM light at 780 780~nm, the latter can be detected more easily. We find the optimized single- and two-photon detunings by studying the dependence of the frequency of input laser on the generated FWM light. What's more, the power gain increases rapidly as the signal intensity decreases, which is consistent with our theoretical analysis. As a result, the power gain can reach up to 500 at a signal laser power of 0.1 μ0.1~\muW and the number of detected photons increased by a factor of 250. Finally, we experimentally prove that our amplification process can work in a broad band in the frequency domain by exploring the response rate of our stimulated FWM process.Comment: 4 figure

    Experimental realization of quantum non-reciprocity based on cold atomic ensembles

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    In analog to counterparts widely used in electronic circuits, all optical non-reciprocal devices are basic building blocks for both classical and quantum optical information processing. Approaching the fundamental limit of such devices, where the propagation of a single photon exhibits a good non-reciprocal characteristic, requires an asymmetric strong coupling between a single photon and a matter. Unfortunately it has been not realized yet. Here, we propose and experimentally realize a quantum non-reciprocity device with low optical losses and a high isolation of larger than 14 dB based on the cold atoms. Besides, the non-reciprocal transmission of a quantum qubit and non-reciprocal quantum storage of a true single photon are also realized. All results achieved would be very promising in building up quantum non-reciprocal devices for quantum networks.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure


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