18,230 research outputs found

    Interlayer Exchange Coupling Beyond the Proximity Force Approximation

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    Ion bombardment has been shown to be capable of enhancing the interlayer exchange coupling in a trilayer system that exhibits giant magnetoresistance. We demonstrate that this phenomenon can be derived from the phase coherence among scattered paths within the two rough interfaces when their topographies are correlated. In the case of mild corrugations, our method reproduces the predictions by the proximity force approximation which does not consider the interference. When the characteristic Fourier conjugate of the tomography becomes large and comparable to the Fermi momentum, interesting new features arise and can only be captured by our more general approach. Among our findings, the scenario of an enhanced interlayer exchange coupling due to the interface roughness is explained, along with how it depends on the sample parameters. An additional channel for the resonant transmission is identified due to extra scattering paths from the roughness.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PRB (2010

    Systematic Distortion in Cosmic Microwave Background Maps

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    To minimize instrumentally induced systematic errors, cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy experiments measure temperature differences across the sky using paires of horn antennas, temperature map is recovered from temperature differences obtained in sky survey through a map-making procedure. To inspect and calibrate residual systematic errors in recovered temperature maps is important as most previous studies of cosmology are based on these maps. By analyzing pixel-ring couping and latitude dependence of CMB temperatures, we find notable systematic deviation from CMB Gaussianity in released Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) maps. The detected deviation is hard to explain by any process in the early universe and can not be ignored for a precision cosmology study.Comment: accepted for publication in Sci China G-Phy Mech Astro

    The Effects of Halo Assembly Bias on Self-Calibration in Galaxy Cluster Surveys

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    Self-calibration techniques for analyzing galaxy cluster counts utilize the abundance and the clustering amplitude of dark matter halos. These properties simultaneously constrain cosmological parameters and the cluster observable-mass relation. It was recently discovered that the clustering amplitude of halos depends not only on the halo mass, but also on various secondary variables, such as the halo formation time and the concentration; these dependences are collectively termed assembly bias. Applying modified Fisher matrix formalism, we explore whether these secondary variables have a significant impact on the study of dark energy properties using the self-calibration technique in current (SDSS) and the near future (DES, SPT, and LSST) cluster surveys. The impact of the secondary dependence is determined by (1) the scatter in the observable-mass relation and (2) the correlation between observable and secondary variables. We find that for optical surveys, the secondary dependence does not significantly influence an SDSS-like survey; however, it may affect a DES-like survey (given the high scatter currently expected from optical clusters) and an LSST-like survey (even for low scatter values and low correlations). For an SZ survey such as SPT, the impact of secondary dependence is insignificant if the scatter is 20% or lower but can be enhanced by the potential high scatter values introduced by a highly correlated background. Accurate modeling of the assembly bias is necessary for cluster self-calibration in the era of precision cosmology.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, replaced to match published versio

    Probing Color Octet Couplings at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Color-octet resonances arise in many well motivated theories beyond the standard model. As colored objects they are produced copiously at the LHC and can be discovered in early searches for new physics in dijet final states. Once they are discovered it will be important to measure the couplings of the new resonances to determine the underlying theoretical structure. We propose a new channel, associated production of W,ZW,Z gauge bosons and color-octet resonances, to help determine the chiral structure of the couplings. We present our analysis for a range of color-octet masses (2.5 to 4.5 TeV), couplings and decay widths for the LHC with center of mass energy of 14 TeV and 10 fb1{\rm fb}^{-1} or 100 fb1{\rm fb}^{-1} of integrated luminosity. We find that the LHC can probe a large region of the parameter space up to very small couplings.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    CMBR Constraint on a Modified Chaplygin Gas Model

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    In this paper, a modified Chaplygin gas model of unifying dark energy and dark matter with exotic equation of state p=BρAραp=B\rho-\frac{A}{\rho^{\alpha}} which can also explain the recent accelerated expansion of the universe is investigated by the means of constraining the location of the peak of the CMBR spectrum. We find that the result of CMBR measurements does not exclude the nonzero value of parameter BB, but allows it in the range 0.35B0.025-0.35\lesssim B\lesssim0.025.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Probing Quantum Hall Pseudospin Ferromagnet by Resistively Detected NMR

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    Resistively Detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (RD-NMR) has been used to investigate a two-subband electron system in a regime where quantum Hall pseudo-spin ferromagnetic (QHPF) states are prominently developed. It reveals that the easy-axis QHPF state around the total filling factor ν=4\nu =4 can be detected by the RD-NMR measurement. Approaching one of the Landau level (LL) crossing points, the RD-NMR signal strength and the nuclear spin relaxation rate 1/T11/T_{1} enhance significantly, a signature of low energy spin excitations. However, the RD-NMR signal at another identical LL crossing point is surprisingly missing which presents a puzzle

    Maximized string order parameters in the valence bond solid states of quantum integer spin chains

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    We propose a set of maximized string order parameters to describe the hidden topological order in the valence bond solid states of quantum integer spin-S chains. These optimized string order parameters involve spin-twist angles corresponding to ZS+1Z_{S+1} rotations around zz or xx-axes, suggesting a hidden ZS+1×ZS+1Z_{S+1}\times Z_{S+1} symmetry. Our results also suggest that a local triplet excitation in the valence bond solid states carries a ZS+1Z_{S+1} topological charge measured by these maximized string order parameters.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    String order and hidden topological symmetry in the SO(2n+1) symmetric matrix product states

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    We have introduced a class of exactly soluble Hamiltonian with either SO(2n+1) or SU(2) symmetry, whose ground states are the SO(2n+1) symmetric matrix product states. The hidden topological order in these states can be fully identified and characterized by a set of nonlocal string order parameters. The Hamiltonian possesses a hidden (Z2×Z2)n(Z_{2}\times Z_{2})^{n} topological symmetry. The breaking of this hidden symmetry leads to 4n4^{n} degenerate ground states with disentangled edge states in an open chain system. Such matrix product states can be regarded as cluster states, applicable to measurement-based quantum computation.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    A Model of DC Glow Discharges With Abnormal Cathode Fall

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    A model for an abnormal glow discharge, including a self‐consistent analysis of the cathode fall, was developed. It combines microscopic particle simulation by means of Monte Carlo methods with a fluid model of the gas discharge. The model allows calculations of the steady‐state electrical field distribution, the charged‐particle densities, and the current densities along the axis of the discharge. The model was used to simulate a glow discharge in 80% He and 20% SF6 at a pressure of 8 Torr with a current density of 1 A/cm2. The computed discharge voltage agrees well with measured values. The computer code can easily be modified to describe the charged‐particle densities and energies not only in the cathode fall region, but in any plasma boundary laye