1,339 research outputs found

    Robust reflection principles

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    A cardinal λ\lambda satisfies a property P robustly if, whenever Q\mathbb{Q} is a forcing poset and ∣Q∣+<λ|\mathbb{Q}|^+ < \lambda, λ\lambda satisfies P in VQV^{\mathbb{Q}}. We study the extent to which certain reflection properties of large cardinals can be satisfied robustly by small cardinals. We focus in particular on stationary reflection and the tree property, both of which can consistently hold but fail to be robust at small cardinals. We introduce natural strengthenings of these principles which are always robust and which hold at sufficiently large cardinals, consider the extent to which these strengthenings are in fact stronger than the original principles, and investigate the possibility of these strengthenings holding at small cardinals, particularly at successors of singular cardinals.Comment: 20 page

    On the growth rate of chromatic numbers of finite subgraphs

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    We prove that, for every function f:N→Nf:\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}, there is a graph GG with uncountable chromatic number such that, for every k∈Nk \in \mathbb{N} with k≥3k \geq 3, every subgraph of GG with fewer than f(k)f(k) vertices has chromatic number less than kk. This answers a question of Erd\H{o}s, Hajnal, and Szemeredi.Comment: 10 page

    Bounded stationary reflection II

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    Bounded stationary reflection at a cardinal λ\lambda is the assertion that every stationary subset of λ\lambda reflects but there is a stationary subset of λ\lambda that does not reflect at arbitrarily high cofinalities. We produce a variety of models in which bounded stationary reflection holds. These include models in which bounded stationary reflection holds at the successor of every singular cardinal μ>ℵω\mu > \aleph_\omega and models in which bounded stationary reflection holds at μ+\mu^+ but the approachability property fails at μ\mu

    Good and bad points in scales

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    We address three questions raised by Cummings and Foreman regarding a model of Gitik and Sharon. We first analyze the PCF-theoretic structure of the Gitik-Sharon model, determining the extent of good and bad scales. We then classify the bad points of the bad scales existing in both the Gitik-Sharon model and other models containing bad scales. Finally, we investigate the ideal of subsets of singular cardinals of countable cofinality carrying good scales.Comment: 26 page

    Pseudo-Prikry sequences

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    We generalize results of Gitik, Dzamonja-Shelah, and Magidor-Sinapova on the existence of pseudo-Prikry sequences, which are sequences that approximate the behavior of the generic objects introduced by Prikry-type forcings, in outer models of set theory. Such sequences play an important role in the study of singular cardinal combinatorics by placing restrictions on the type of behavior that can consistently be obtained in outer models. In addition, we provide results about the existence of diagonal pseudo-Prikry sequences, which approximate the behavior of the generic objects introduced by diagonal Prikry-type forcings. Our proof techniques are substantially different from those of previous results and rely on an analysis of PCF-theoretic objects in the outer model.Comment: 15 page

    Squares and narrow systems

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    A narrow system is a combinatorial object introduced by Magidor and Shelah in connection with work on the tree property at successors of singular cardinals. In analogy to the tree property, a cardinal κ\kappa satisfies the \emph{narrow system property} if every narrow system of height κ\kappa has a cofinal branch. In this paper, we study connections between the narrow system property, square principles, and forcing axioms. We prove, assuming large cardinals, both that it is consistent that ℵω+1\aleph_{\omega+1} satisfies the narrow system property and □ℵω,<ℵω\square_{\aleph_{\omega}, < \aleph_{\omega}} holds and that it is consistent that every regular cardinal satisfies the narrow system property. We introduce natural strengthenings of classical square principles and show how they can be used to produce narrow systems with no cofinal branch. Finally, we show that the Proper Forcing Axiom implies that every narrow system of countable width has a cofinal branch but is consistent with the existence of a narrow system of width ω1\omega_1 with no cofinal branch.Comment: 26 page

    Covering properties and square principles

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    Covering matrices were introduced by Viale in his proof that the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis follows from the Proper Forcing Axiom. In the course of his work and in subsequent work with Sharon, he isolated two reflection principles, CP\mathrm{CP} and S\mathrm{S}, which may hold of covering matrices. In this paper, we continue previous work of the author investigating connections between failures of CP\mathrm{CP} and S\mathrm{S} and variations on Jensen's square principle. We prove that, for a regular cardinal λ>ω1\lambda > \omega_1, assuming large cardinals, □(λ,2)\square(\lambda, 2) is consistent with CP(λ,θ)\mathrm{CP}(\lambda, \theta) for all θ\theta with θ+<λ\theta^+ < \lambda. We demonstrate how to force nice θ\theta-covering matrices for λ\lambda which fail to satisfy CP\mathrm{CP} and S\mathrm{S}. We investigate normal covering matrices, showing that, for a regular uncountable κ\kappa, □κ\square_\kappa implies the existence of a normal ω\omega-covering matrix for κ+\kappa^+ but that cardinal arithmetic imposes limits on the existence of a normal θ\theta-covering matrix for κ+\kappa^+ when θ\theta is uncountable. We also investigate certain increasing sequences of functions which arise from covering matrices and from PCF-theoretic considerations and show that a stationary reflection hypothesis places limits on the behavior of these sequences.Comment: 22 page

    Aronszajn trees, square principles, and stationary reflection

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    We investigate questions involving Aronszajn trees, square principles, and stationary reflection. We first consider two strengthenings of □(κ)\square(\kappa) introduced by Brodsky and Rinot for the purpose of constructing κ\kappa-Souslin trees. Answering a question of Rinot, we prove that the weaker of these strengthenings is compatible with stationary reflection at κ\kappa but the stronger is not. We then prove that, if μ\mu is a singular cardinal, □μ\square_\mu implies the existence of a special μ+\mu^+-tree with a cf(μ)\mathrm{cf}(\mu)-ascent path, thus answering a question of L\"ucke

    Knaster and friends I: Closed colorings and precalibers

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    The productivity of the κ\kappa-chain condition, where κ\kappa is a regular, uncountable cardinal, has been the focus of a great deal of set-theoretic research. In the 1970s, consistent examples of κ\kappa-cc posets whose squares are not κ\kappa-cc were constructed by Laver, Galvin, Roitman and Fleissner. Later, ZFC\mathsf{ZFC} examples were constructed by Todorcevic, Shelah, and others. The most difficult case, that in which κ=ℵ2\kappa = \aleph_2, was resolved by Shelah in 1997. In this work, we obtain analogous results regarding the infinite productivity of strong chain conditions, such as the Knaster property. Among other results, for any successor cardinal κ\kappa, we produce a ZFC\mathsf{ZFC} example of a poset with precaliber κ\kappa whose ωth\omega^{\mathrm{th}} power is not κ\kappa-cc. To do so, we carry out a systematic study of colorings satisfying a strong unboundedness condition. We prove a number of results indicating circumstances under which such colorings exist, in particular focusing on cases in which these colorings are moreover closed

    A forcing axiom deciding the generalized Souslin Hypothesis

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    We derive a forcing axiom from the conjunction of square and diamond, and present a few applications, primary among them being the existence of super-Souslin trees. It follows that for every uncountable cardinal λ\lambda, if λ++\lambda^{++} is not a Mahlo cardinal in G\"odel's constructible universe, then 2λ=λ+2^\lambda = \lambda^+ entails the existence of a λ+\lambda^+-complete λ++\lambda^{++}-Souslin tree
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