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    Reply to Comment on "Roughness of Interfacial Crack Fronts: Stress-Weighted Percolation in the Damage Zone"

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    This is the reply to a Comment by Alava and Zapperi (cond-mat/0401568) on Schmittbuhl, Hansen and Batrouni, PRL, 90, 045505 (2003)

    Letter from Geo[rge] Hansen to [John Muir], 1903 Apr 3.

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    GEO. HANSENLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 2705 HEARST AVENUE, BERKELEY, CAL.ADVISORY ARCHITECT TO PARK COMMISSIONS,MUNICIPALITIES AND CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONSApril 3d., 1903.Dear Friend,It has been many a day since I have had SO unexpected and such sincere pleasure as a little item in the paper gave me. It may be silly some to express such to you. But I am nothing if I cannot follow the instinct of my heart, and I do such not then I tell you about it. Then you, alone with our so much admired President go into Yosemite and under the done of domen, it is to me as if the man was taken by the highpriest into the presence of the most High. It is not only that your guidance of that one man,-though he be the chosen of the land-shall be productive of a wonderfull and lasting impression with him. No, to me, it is the touch in the innermost of thousands of men and woman that shall be given through this example. I am a fortunate man for having drawn breath under the shadows of some of those majestic piles of living fibre, and it was with true religiosity that gain today took up your chapter on the Sequoia and read and read, slowly and piously what God dictated to your pen. I sat in the bright sunshine on outporch, and forgive a human the vain failing that he felt selfishly happy for being called your friend. - I cut out the clipping and pasted it in my book.Is it not queer how things happen and coincidences[03207] [2]play with us? - The moment that I wrote the letter to Charles Murdock (though unknown to him) to officiate at my burial, his well beloved wife pressed husband and children for the last time to her was heart. And now that man of years in left alone with a babe of two years. Wished that his children lived next door to ours. I could help open almonds for there and drawing ships for them.And the little birds sing just as street today as yesterday, and the little humming jewel flits back and forth before my eyes his bill filled with their and threads in build his heavenly Haven.I wish I could listen-to one of those concerts of blackbinds that I attended in Cancord. When you hear them again, member how appreciatively a listener I have been.Wished that the resident\u27 would be able to withdraw every section from settlement. I think he would of he could.Sincerely[illegible] [3]GEO. HANSENLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT2706 HEARST AVENUE, BERKELEY, CAL.ADVISORY ARCHITECT TO PARK COMMISSIONS,MUNICIPALITIES AND CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONSThe Bell of Hope from off the neck of a sturdy billy-goat feeding on the matten, below Mont Blanc, and the Bell of Love from off her who gave us the first bucket of milk when we set up housekeeping, these two were hoisted in the belfry of ours.It was the Bell of Faith that was lacking, and was yet ringing on the thyme-scened pasture of the little hamlet where I was farmed out as little boy when things at home didnt go just right.Bell of Faith, SO indeed it was. Did not the little boy look-in faith at everything he then beheld? And did not those cows walk by faith? Kind hands opened the gat for them, and as they singly turned down the lanes, they met their shepard at the end of the hamlet. What of it if the road was dusty, the sun hot, and but cockleburns along the way? Faith told them that their shepard lead them to green pastures besides still waters, and as the eye lost sight of them, the ear caught the music of a heavenly chorus in God\u27s own cathedral.34 years have passed, and my ear needed attuning to this chorus. I wrote to the postmaster of the hamlet, and he was happy to acquire the Bell of Faith and start it across lands and oceans to our belfry out here. But he also published the letter of the writer in their county paper to tell the mountaineers of the warmth with which a far-away man thought of childhood days and their hills.And it so happened that the innkeeper read the letter and besought himself of a bell that had been a keepsake in their herd for all of one hundred years and none. This is one of the bells of faith that yonder boy listened to, he said to himself, and he took if off his petcow and[03207] [4]and send her out with a new bell, saying go on Betsy, let us part with, our bell, and bless its new owner.And so it comes that our belfry has four bells, for deep and rich rings out the call of a Vesper Bell. And invisibly to the blind eye there [illegible] written on its WOrn sides these words.Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love of brethren, be pitifull, be courteous.Sent with the faith of a child to our friend [Contre Costa?] by The [Biffy?] Ma

    Letter from Geo[rge] Hansen to John Muir, 1902 Sep 25.

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    GEO. HANSENLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT2705 HEARST AVENUE, BERKELEY, CAL.ADVISORY ARCHITECT TO PARK COMMISSIONS,MUNICIPALITIES AND CHEMETRY ASSOCIATIONSSpt. 25th., 1902.My dear Sir,It is a pleasure for me to be able to [illegible] part of my promise this-week. For the [illegible] of your very kind order, please, show the indulging patience of which I feel assured. When a man lives in a hole, daylight is limited, and artificial light is a poor substitute.What I send today are the two remaining Babv Roland Booklets an already issued,(and two original booklets. Two booklets, now in print, as well as some more original stories will [illegible]in due time.I feel sure , Ascent of Man will appeal to you in its deepest significance. It is [illegible] of i meaning if rightly looked at, - Lima Beans is one of those cheery moments as they come to every home that God blesses with a child\u27s smile.---The original ones are both good. Easter is issued in only very few copies, and this one to you goes with as much goodwill and friendship as the others did. Comment is unnecessary, except mentioning of the fact, that no flower wan blooming at the time except wild oats and Canada Thistle. One of the latter he choose for Papa, schoene Blumen and I call them Easter Lily ever since. - His chance is one of the cleverest and most remarable. He expressed the desire to take my picture ( he was 24 months old) , and I granted his wish, giving my camera to him and using a borrowed one. The rest is plain enough, and the substitution of the cat for papa most amusing. None of these picture stories occupied ten minutes in taking.I wish dearly that all of these booklets could go to you without any[03061]03O(* I consideration having passed between us. If you made me rich, I feel with you, that you are at least equally rich. I have been showered upon with good things since I am in my present condition. God in his mercy and love clothes with flowers the scars that threaten to deface earth and is make.Since writing last, the good wife and dear babe have returned quite unexpectedly. The old, [illegible] was improving, and the wife and mother must have felt, that I was waiting for her with open arms. We have a feast of good feeling everyday, and the materialism of [illegible] the most delicious bunches of grapes that came to [illegible] house this [illegible] detracts none from the genuiness of happiness. I am a new man since, the [illegible] weeks. I will see the day yet when I plant [illegible]and trail them with rosebushes.The dear wife sends her kind regard end words of appreciation for your cheer for us. I enclose one half of the letter that babe wrote to me from the land where the pines grow.With best wishes for you and your home sincerely yours[illegible

    Letter from Geo[rge] Hansen to John Muir, 1902 Sep 17.

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    Spt. 17th., 1902Mr. John Muir.Martinez.My doar sir,Few words, but those good - that is what I like. To me this little Vespers is a volume pressed down with glacier force till twelve pictures are all that could pass the pressure. You characterize it in its quality, and your lines will go with my keepsakes for the chest of Roland.You ask me whether to order the others direct from be the publishers. I have lost my backbone, and stand there with hat in hand, almost on my knees. Order from me, as I make twenty cents a copy a profit on the two [illegible]now but) that enables my rare wife to keep house for one whole California day. The other three booklets - as goods these will not be out for about two months yet. - I have been slain wickedly-for the time being only-let us hope. [illegible]stilt about and crouch on crutches and have been unable to earn a copper for more than five months. It is a part paralyzes, and nothing but the head and the heart are left.If the clearness of the one and the warmness of the other are sufficient excuse for a man to further count amongst the living, I an a full fledged man. The dedication in the Vespers will convey to you all it does contain.I mean what I said in the dedication of Vespers to you , namely that the whole of the work as well as the boy is nothing more wonderfull[03053] then we could behold daily if only eyes were open . God has brightened my existence when he showed me how to picture. He let me see how the ideas of the unspeaking child are expressed, and how the portraying fixes the mood. I have a unique library, end only wish that you could move your chair closer and I let you share my rich gallery.And as I close ( after having [illegible]my heart in as many words as I could) , let me ask a selfish wav if I may , Do you know of any eastern magazine that would publish some of my stories ( I have about 75 excellent ones) in monthly issues and afterwards bring them out in a volume If you can think, favom me with a word , one word of yours to every fifty of my epistle, I have been told about Frederick Stokes, in New York , Do you know anything about him ?Sincerely yours[illegible]Look up once for me to Mount Diablo when he again looms up in brightness before you , and think a man who has to dream to wander henceforth Oh now I thank my fate that line shown we so many wonders of this earth ere this blight has cone over me

    Letter from G[eorge] H[ansen] to [John Muir], 1907 Nov 22.

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    GEO. HANSENLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT2705 HEARST AVENUE, BERKELEY, CAL.ADVISORY ARCHITECT TO PARK COMMISSIONS,MUNICIPALITIES AND CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONSTELEPHONE BERKELEY 745November 22, 1907.Good man and Friend,I hardly believe that you have had a sign of life from us me since we enjoyed your company when you were In Berkeley.But then, you know how things are here and they do not change very much. This is the year when I can do a little gardening work, and I am grateful that there are people who put trust in me and come to me with their needs.We have not heard how Wanda is getting along in her new house and it is about time that we learned the name of the new little California-Scotchman [illegible]. Give our love to them and to Sister Helen.I have just finished the letters to the President [illegible] and to the Secretary of the Interior and what I have said I have said briefly, and to the point. The result of all the petitions is plain to me because the President asked you for your opinion, and that is about all that he cares to have, I think. Let us trust that there will yet be some places reserved where no empty beer bottles, tomato cans, and shoe boxes litter the ground, instead of green grass and pretty flowers. I also think that the silence of those regions is too sacred to be interrupted by any graphophones.From our own home I only can send you good news. You know how good my wife is and you know that she dont change, only improves. And as to the boy, he is quite a lad now and about as good as we can wish him to be.The meadowlark knows that the rains are coming and she has03978 tuned up herefife before this. The robins will be in your red berries before long, and the quail come closer to your door when the cold days set in. I myself hav\u27nt changed except that I am more joyous and more grateful. Besides, you know that it is thanksgiving time.As ever your friend,[illegible

    Letter from Geo[rge] Hansen to [John Muir], 1902 Nov 25.

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    Geo. HansenLandscape ArchitectScenic Tract Berkeley Ca.Nov. 25th., 1902.My dear Sir,My last installment of Baby Roland Booklets , printed and original, leaves by even mail. I trust that you consider the entire let the equivalent of your very kind order. I wish that more were being printed, and that you could receive a wider range of effects of my work. But if you are a man who fraternizes with the Seouoia, it is not the bulk that overawes you, it is the majesty. And so it shall be the sweetness of my booklets that assesses their worth.I delight in the thought that my little bundle shall reach you on Thanksgiving day. I love to associates circumstances with feeling. Then first away from mother and home. I used to open my family album at the sunrise of every sunday, and other keepsakes were spreads along with it on the fresh tablelinnen of my room. May this package arrive in good time, and add to your feeling of Thanksgiving the mite of reliogisity which I have installed in the work.Look over the booklet In Company where I invoke the spirit of my only sister to also guard him if my time down here should be up [illegible] a father’s duty could find full satisfaction. I had a fain day when I scribbled those lines, and I think they are as true as the hand, then was steady. But the tight grip around the handles of my crutches makes them drawn out of shape, and the fingers, once able to draw and paint as near to nature as men dare immitate God\u27S handiwork, they now refuse, many a day, to sign the name beneath my typewriting. - I have a dear wish. I see by the papers that you are to be in Berkeley on Arborday. You know where Mr. Keeler lives. We are in the block next to him. Make a little circuit, and let me, once, see you face to face and let the warmth of your hand’s touch stroke the face of the child that God gave me to raise me when I was about to fall .I am unfortunate in always seeing the shortcomings of others. Perhaps that is no more a mere difference in opinion, and that my self-opinion[illegible]tedness prevents me from appreciating fully the efforts of others. I allude to the memorial for Joe LeCente, to be erected by our Sierra club. Memorial . It seems to me that the people cannot get over the idea of combining something churchy with the thought of memorial . The design looks to me like a chapel. Just think of the idea of men, men, the conceited men, attempting to erect a chapel inside of God’s grand church that he built with such master stroke in the Yosemite. It would sound to me like a goat-bell around the neck of the queencow of the choicest band of stock. Is not in the smile of a face as much of prayer as in the long drawn mistery of a sister of mercy? – If you cannot agree with me, you, surely, will sympethise with me in my sensitiveness.I know you will be glad to know that the first piece of work has come to me after six months’ idleness. I have to be carried into the carriage, but I can get there and do what is required of me. I am to design a tract into choice residence lots for the Oakland Realty Syndicate. They promised me this four years age, and they stick to me inspite of debility (in my nether parts). I shall start the work at New Years, when their contour survey is done. Mother will have flour, and the boy shall have jelly right along, and the salt I can gain when I burry my face in the pillow where once the most noble hope rose to God’s throne when the dreams of the night set in.With a blessing Thanksgiving for your Home[illegible

    Letter from Geo[rge] Hansen to John Muir, 1904 Jun 28.

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    GEO. HANSENLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT2705 HEARST AVENUE, BERKELEY, CAL.ADVISORY ARCHITECT TO PARK COMMISSIONS,MUNICIPALITIES AND CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONSJune 28th., 1904.Friend,You do hot know much about this house, and as t know that you dont waste time reading newspapers, I thought you would like to step in our circle just for ten minutes relief in your studies. I, or rather we, send you two letters that arrived from our neighbors who do Europe. They were perfect strangers to us till, now seven years since, I laid out their little bit of creek garden (below Keelers),(one man told me never to mention that I had anything to do with their garden because nobody could tell that anything had been done to it). Not till two sad death entered their homelife and till I got of my underpinning did they enter our homelife. (Mr. M. was a retired banker, and the widow is worth, at best, a round one hundred thousand). During two long years this old lady has come to this backdoor of ours not less than once a week, mostly oftener, never once with empty hands, if it be but a sprig of sweetbrier, or sprucelimb (that I had planted) and never once has she spoken to me one word abort my aliment. What else she and her daughter (who came regularly playing piano for us by the hour) have been to us, God keeps track of in his garden where he plants a daisy for every good deed of ours. - And as they are to us, so to everybody, and their company recruits from the highways and byways.I have asked my friends back hone to be good to them. You see what Mr. o\u27Brien does; and their Christmas was in the hones of my best friends in the town where I was born.Please, let us have the letters back, and do not waste words commenting. Just an envelope and stamp, and your postmark Martinez ; the rest we know.03392Swe had a man yesterday cleaning the yard before summerschool students come in and could get their dresses filled with stickers. He was a perfectly new man to us. When he left he divided his wages with the child outside and he run in to slip it into his mother\u27s purse. Our house is built upon rock, and whoever touches its foundation draws the crystalspring of living water. I pray to God that he mix one drop of it into each draft that any of our friends drink anywhere.Who took [illegible] to put it into his bank bookYour friend,[illegible

    Letter from Geo[rge] Hansen to [John Muir and family], 1905 Jul 22.

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    GEO. HANSENLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT3706 HEARST AVENUE, BERKELEY,CAL.ADVISORY ARCHITECT TO PARK COMMISSIONS,MUNICIPALITIES AND CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONS [illegible] July nil., 2905. [illegible]Dear fother and mother and sisters, [illegible]We let the child go on with his , cheery play while we, bend, the hearts athrobbing, over the worning-news that tells of the affliction in your home. A man\u27s heart deviseth his way: but Lord directeth his steps, and from the desert you have returned to fan coolness to the heated template of the one that stayed home , stayed home and kept home. home for your bodies, under roof end at table, and home for your souls in benediction and prayer.It is but few nights since when I sat up in the balming evening hours and watched the stars that man was sending skyward in brightest [illegible] as they rose, they fell short of the eternaly lighted ones up there in His [illegible]; seing those stars, your mother was seing them. and we were seing them. Perchance you thought of us, as I thought of all of you, and we enjoyed the at-one-ment of Mind. I tell you how you were brought so close to me, that I could call the good wife and tell her Mother. I smell Alhambra Valley . It was for the first time that the heat of the valley had freed the oils of gladness that the weeds of the fields, the Lilies, had accumulated for their annual offering, and so great was the wave of frankincense that it overflowed to me at the base of the holy hill.Gratefully have I, have we, taken in the sweet smelling savour, and it is for us today, to bring back, manifold, the good that was extended to us. And how shall it be? It is said that voice shall be03591 be given to man when the time is come to open his lips. But let a greater singer voice out sympathy today, and speak to you in strength and banish fear and trembling, and give to you the peace that is past understanding. Commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still.Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord.There may be many that say, Who will show us any good? Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us.Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased.I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.[illegible
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