174 research outputs found

    AVIRIS ground data processing system

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    During the last year and a half, Feb. 1991 to Jun. 1992, a major upgrade of the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometers (AVIRIS) ground data processing system took place. Both the hardware and software components were changed significantly to improve the processing capacity and performance and to structure a data facility capable of handling the projected work load into the near future. A summary report of these changes and some projections for the future are provided. The objectives of the AVIRIS data facility are to decommutate and archive AVIRIS data and to provide raw or radiometrically calibrated data products to the science investigator. These primary objectives have not changed from the initial concepts. The upgrade effort has greatly improved the processing system. These objectives can now be accomplished in a more timely fashion at a reasonable cost and there is sufficient capacity to manage the current processing load and provide for future growth. The method of implementation added the flexibility to provide better service to the investigator and allow for future changes

    Preprocessing: Geocoding of AVIRIS data using navigation, engineering, DEM, and radar tracking system data

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    Remotely sensed data have geometric characteristics and representation which depend on the type of the acquisition system used. To correlate such data over large regions with other real world representation tools like conventional maps or Geographic Information System (GIS) for verification purposes, or for further treatment within different data sets, a coregistration has to be performed. In addition to the geometric characteristics of the sensor there are two other dominating factors which affect the geometry: the stability of the platform and the topography. There are two basic approaches for a geometric correction on a pixel-by-pixel basis: (1) A parametric approach using the location of the airplane and inertial navigation system data to simulate the observation geometry; and (2) a non-parametric approach using tie points or ground control points. It is well known that the non-parametric approach is not reliable enough for the unstable flight conditions of airborne systems, and is not satisfying in areas with significant topography, e.g. mountains and hills. The present work describes a parametric preprocessing procedure which corrects effects of flight line and attitude variation as well as topographic influences and is described in more detail by Meyer

    Response to "Toward Unified Satellite Climatology of Aerosol Properties. 3. MODIS Versus MISR Versus AERONET"

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    A recent paper by Mishchenko et al. compares near-coincident MISR, MODIS, and AERONET aerosol optical depth (AOD) products, and reports much poorer agreement than that obtained by the instrument teams and others. We trace the reasons for the discrepancies primarily to differences in (1) the treatment of outliers, (2) the application of absolute vs. relative criteria for testing agreement, and (3) the ways in which seasonally varying spatial distributions of coincident retrievals are taken into account

    A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Business Complaint Management Expectations

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    This paper is in closed access until 9th Dec 2016.Copyright Β© Taylor and Francis Group, LLC. This study explores the complaint management expectations of 72 British and 74 German organizational buyers using automated online means-end laddering and a Hierarchical Value Map presentation. It conceptualizes the links between expected complaint resolution attributes by the buyer (i.e., means) and the buyer's value perceptions (i.e., ends). Unlike previous research, we highlight similarities and differences in the drivers behind and attributes of complaint management expectations across two countries (Germany and the United Kingdom). Even in countries appearing to be similar economically and culturally, we find differences in the desired attributes. British buyers, for example, emphasize softer complaint resolution attributes compared to Germans. Our study is the first to present a model of complaint management expectations incorporating the role of culture, and it provides managerial directions on standardization and adaption of complaint resolution attributes. Furthermore, it evaluates justice dimensions (especially interactional justice) and their impact on perceptions of complaint management

    Practical assessment on the run – iPads as an effective mobile and paperless tool in physical education and teaching

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    This paper investigates the use of iPads in the assessment of predominantly second year Bachelor of Education (Primary/Early Childhood) pre-service teachers undertaking a physical education and health unit. Within this unit, practical assessment tasks are graded by tutors in a variety of indoor and outdoor settings. The main barriers for the lecturer or tutor for effective assessment in these contexts include limited time to assess and the provision of explicit feedback for large numbers of students, complex assessment procedures, overwhelming record-keeping and assessing students without distracting from the performance being presented. The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate whether incorporating mobile technologies such as iPads to access online rubrics within the Blackboard environment would enhance and simplify the assessment process. Results from the findings indicate that using iPads to access online rubrics was successful in streamlining the assessment process because it provided pre-service teachers with immediate and explicit feedback. In addition, tutors experienced a reduction in the amount of time required for the same workload by allowing quicker forms of feedback via the iPad dictation function. These outcomes have future implications and potential for mobile paperless assessment in other disciplines such as health, environmental science and engineering

    Expanding the Repertoire of Modified Vaccinia Ankara-Based Vaccine Vectors via Genetic Complementation Strategies

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    nkara (MVA) is a safe, highly attenuated orthopoxvirus that is being developed as a recombinant vaccine vector for immunization against a number of infectious diseases and cancers. However, the expression by MVA vectors of large numbers of poxvirus antigens, which display immunodominance over vectored antigens-of-interest for the priming of T cell responses, and the induction of vector-neutralizing antibodies, which curtail the efficacy of subsequent booster immunizations, remain as significant impediments to the overall utility of such vaccines. Thus, genetic approaches that enable the derivation of MVA vectors that are antigenically less complex may allow for rational improvement of MVA-based vaccines. during infection, and that the processes governing the generation of antiviral antibody responses are more readily saturated by viral antigen than are those that elicit CD8+ T cell responses. deletion, enables the generation of novel replication-defective MVA mutants and expands the repertoire of genetic viral variants that can now be explored as improved vaccine vectors

    Evolutionary Patterning: A Novel Approach to the Identification of Potential Drug Target Sites in Plasmodium falciparum

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    Malaria continues to be the most lethal protozoan disease of humans. Drug development programs exhibit a high attrition rate and parasite resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs exacerbates the problem. Strategies that limit the development of resistance and minimize host side-effects are therefore of major importance. In this study, a novel approach, termed evolutionary patterning (EP), was used to identify suitable drug target sites that would minimize the emergence of parasite resistance. EP uses the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions (Ο‰) to assess the patterns of evolutionary change at individual codons in a gene and to identify codons under the most intense purifying selection (ω≀0.1). The extreme evolutionary pressure to maintain these residues implies that resistance mutations are highly unlikely to develop, which makes them attractive chemotherapeutic targets. Method validation included a demonstration that none of the residues providing pyrimethamine resistance in the Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase enzyme were under extreme purifying selection. To illustrate the EP approach, the putative P. falciparum glycerol kinase (PfGK) was used as an example. The gene was cloned and the recombinant protein was active in vitro, verifying the database annotation. Parasite and human GK gene sequences were analyzed separately as part of protozoan and metazoan clades, respectively, and key differences in the evolutionary patterns of the two molecules were identified. Potential drug target sites containing residues under extreme evolutionary constraints were selected. Structural modeling was used to evaluate the functional importance and drug accessibility of these sites, which narrowed down the number of candidates. The strategy of evolutionary patterning and refinement with structural modeling addresses the problem of targeting sites to minimize the development of drug resistance. This represents a significant advance for drug discovery programs in malaria and other infectious diseases

    The genome landscape of indigenous African cattle

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    Background: The history of African indigenous cattle and their adaptation to environmental and human selection pressure is at the root of their remarkable diversity. Characterization of this diversity is an essential step towards understanding the genomic basis of productivity and adaptation to survival under African farming systems. Results: We analyze patterns of African cattle genetic variation by sequencing 48 genomes from five indigenous populations and comparing them to the genomes of 53 commercial taurine breeds. We find the highest genetic diversity among African zebu and sanga cattle. Our search for genomic regions under selection reveals signatures of selection for environmental adaptive traits. In particular, we identify signatures of selection including genes and/ or pathways controlling anemia and feeding behavior in the trypanotolerant N’Dama, coat color and horn development in Ankole, and heat tolerance and tick resistance across African cattle especially in zebu breeds. Conclusions: Our findings unravel at the genome-wide level, the unique adaptive diversity of African cattle while emphasizing the opportunities for sustainable improvement of livestock productivity on the continent
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