930 research outputs found

    Grundvandsbeskyttelse ved økologisk jordbrug

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    Økologisk jordbrug udgør et samlet koncept, som både kombinerer stor dannelse af grundvand, pesticicforbud, mange positive miljøeffekter og merindtjening i landbrugserhvervet som følge af en merpris på produkterne. Økologisk jordbrug er derfor i mange tilfælde at foretrække frem for f.eks. skovrejsning eller pesticidfri dyrkning. Der er imidlertid problemer med at kunne forudsige kvælstofudvaskningen fra økologisk jordbrug især på grund af vanskeligheder med at kunne simulere udvaskningen fra forskellige typer græsmarker, som anvendes i stor udstrækning i økologisk jordbrug. Hvis der i grundvandsfølsomme områder stilles krav om pesticidfri dyrkning og at nitratkoncentrationen skal være under f.eks. 50 mg/l vurderes det, at disse krav vil kunne opfyldes relativt enklest og billigst ved økologisk drift

    Sorption of dissolved organic C and P to agricultural top- and subsoil

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    In order to study the mobility of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic P (DOP) in soil, the pH-dependent sorption of dissolved organic matter to an agricultural top- and subsoil was investigated. In general, sorption isotherms had convex shapes and DOC and DOP sorption increased with time of reaction. There was a very pronounced effect of pH resulting in much higher sorption of DOC at pH 5 than at pH 7; actually extensive desorption was observed at pH 7 especially for the topsoil. Similar sorption patterns were observed for DOP, but they were not as pronounced as for DOC

    Food safety in an organic perspective

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    The holistic perspective of organic farming implies a broader conception of food safety that includes both product safety and agri-food system safety. The credibility of organic food can only be maintained if the organic agri-food system is developed in correspondence with the basic organic principles. In this way it will be possible to show the whole organic agri-food system as a safer alternative to conventional farming. Thereby trust will be supported in organic foods despite the sparse (and often unattainable) hard scientific evidence that organic food is healthier

    Risikosamfundet:afvikling eller udvikling

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    Does road salt affect groundwater in Denmark?

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    Chloride (Cl) from dissolved salt is a major threat to groundwater quality in many regions of the world. In arid regions near present-day coastlines, where old seawater occurs in deeper sediments and where road salt is frequently used, Cl can be a significant pollutant (European Environmental Agency 2009). European Union member states have recently reported that next to nitrogen, Cl is the most commonly found pollutant and is often responsible for groundwater bodies being at risk or having a poor ecological status (European Commission 2010)

    Lateral Strategies for Scientists and Those Who Study Them

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    The thesis Adapting in the Knowledge Economy investigates the strategies deployed by academic scientists when trying to adapt and maneuver within an increasingly complex mixture of scientific, industrial and governmental agendas. Chapter one “From insights to invoice” summarizes the last decade of Danish research policy as a tendency towards intensified focus on interaction between the university and “outside” actors. Looking at Danish policy documents and interview data the chapter shows how policy changes responded to an idea of “ivory tower” researchers isolating themselves in Danish universities. Furthermore, the interaction agenda was motivated by the perception that knowledge was produced but not sufficiently used. Strongly influenced by the concept of the knowledge economy and that of mode 2 knowledge production, policy changes were directed at bridging a gap between the producers and the consumers of knowledge. A series of reforms and initiatives were launched to facilitate more interaction between science and industry as well as more responsiveness towards societies’ problems on behalf of the universities. This interaction agenda was coupled with an increase in the economic investment in research and an increased focus on competition between researchers in order to ensure high quality in knowledge production...