26 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanisms in uterine epithelium during trophoblast binding: the role of small GTPase RhoA in human uterine Ishikawa cells

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    BACKGROUND: Embryo implantation requires that uterine epithelium develops competence to bind trophoblast to its apical (free) poles. This essential element of uterine receptivity seems to depend on a destabilisation of the apico-basal polarity of endometrial epithelium. Accordingly, a reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton regulated by the small GTPase RhoA plays an important role in human uterine epithelial RL95-2 cells for binding of human trophoblastoid JAR cells. We now obtained new insight into trophoblast binding using human uterine epithelial Ishikawa cells. METHODS: Polarity of Ishikawa cells was investigated by electron microscopy, apical adhesiveness was tested by adhesion assay. Analyses of subcellular distribution of filamentous actin (F-actin) and RhoA in apical and basal cell poles were performed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) with and without binding of JAR spheroids as well as with and without inhibition of small Rho GTPases by Clostridium difficile toxin A (toxin A). In the latter case, subcellular distribution of RhoA was additionally investigated by Western blotting. RESULTS: Ishikawa cells express apical adhesiveness for JAR spheroids and moderate apico-basal polarity. Without contact to JAR spheroids, significantly higher signalling intensities of F-actin and RhoA were found at the basal as compared to the apical poles in Ishikawa cells. RhoA was equally distributed between the membrane fraction and the cytosol fraction. Levels of F-actin and RhoA signals became equalised in the apical and basal regions upon contact to JAR spheroids. After inhibition of Rho GTPases, Ishikawa cells remained adhesive for JAR spheroids, the gradient of fluorescence signals of F-actin and RhoA was maintained while the amount of RhoA was reduced in the cytosolic fraction with a comparable increase in the membrane fraction. CONCLUSION: Ishikawa cells respond to JAR contact as well as to treatment with toxin A with rearrangement of F-actin and small GTPase RhoA but seem to be able to modify signalling pathways in a way not elucidated so far in endometrial cells. This ability may be linked to the degree of polar organisation observed in Ishikawa cells indicating an essential role of cell phenotype modification in apical adhesiveness of uterine epithelium for trophoblast in vivo

    Self-Organization of Stem Cell Colonies and of Early Mammalian Embryos: Recent Experiments Shed New Light on the Role of Autonomy vs. External Instructions in Basic Body Plan Development

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    “Organoids”, i.e., complex structures that can develop when pluripotent or multipotent stem cells are maintained in three-dimensional cultures, have become a new area of interest in stem cell research. Hopes have grown that when focussing experimentally on the mechanisms behind this type of in vitro morphogenesis, research aiming at tissue and organ replacements can be boosted. Processes leading to the formation of organoids in vitro are now often addressed as self-organization, a term referring to the formation of complex tissue architecture in groups of cells without depending on specific instruction provided by other cells or tissues. The present article focuses on recent reports using the term self-organization in the context of studies on embryogenesis, specifically addressing pattern formation processes in human blastocysts attaching in vitro, or in colonies of pluripotent stem cells (“gastruloids”). These morphogenetic processes are of particular interest because, during development in vivo, they lead to basic body plan formation and individuation. Since improved methodologies like those employed by the cited authors became available, early embryonic pattern formation/self-organization appears to evolve now as a research topic of its own. This review discusses concepts concerning the involved mechanisms, focussing on autonomy of basic body plan development vs. dependence on external signals, as possibly provided by implantation in the uterus, and it addresses biological differences between an early mammalian embryo, e.g., a morula, and a cluster of pluripotent stem cells. It is concluded that, apart from being of considerable biological interest, the described type of research needs to be contemplated carefully with regard to ethical implications when performed with human cells

    Autonomy in the Development of Stem Cell-Derived Embryoids: Sprouting Blastocyst-Like Cysts, and Ethical Implications

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    The experimental production of complex structures resembling mammalian embryos (e.g., blastoids, gastruloids) from pluripotent stem cells in vitro has become a booming research field. Since some of these embryoid models appear to reach a degree of complexity that may come close to viability, a broad discussion has set in with the aim to arrive at a consensus on the ethical implications with regard to acceptability of the use of this technology with human cells. The present text focuses on aspects of the gain of organismic wholeness of such stem cell-derived constructs, and of autonomy of self-organization, raised by recent reports on blastocyst-like cysts spontaneously budding in mouse stem cell cultures, and by previous reports on likewise spontaneous formation of gastrulating embryonic disc-like structures in primate models. Mechanisms of pattern (axis) formation in early embryogenesis are discussed in the context of self-organization of stem cell clusters. It is concluded that ethical aspects of development of organismic wholeness in the formation of embryoids need to receive more attention in the present discussions about new legal regulations in this field

    Mechanismen der Implantation des Säugetierembryos und ihre experimentelle Beeinflussung

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