26 research outputs found


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    The recent financial crisis showed the need for more robust decision support systems. In this paper, we introduce a novel type of recurrent artificial neural network, the shared layer perceptron, which allows forecasts that are robust by design. This is achieved by not over-fitting to a specific variable. An entire market is forecast. By training not one, but many networks, we obtain a distribution of outcomes. Further, multi-step forecasts are possible. Our system uses hidden states to model internal dynamics. This allows the network to build a memory and hardens it against external shocks. Using a single shared weight matrix offers the possibility of interpreting system output. An often cited disadvantage of neural networks, the black box character, is not an issue with our approach. We focus on two case studies: determining value at risk and transaction decision support. We also present other applications, including load forecast in electricity networks


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    Risk management is essential in a modern financial services industry. Derivative instruments like options have a particular status. Appropriate derivatives allow financial service providers to redistribute risks towards others. The process of creating customer tailored derivatives is not wellinvestigated today. With the financial information system (FIS) WARRANT-PRO-2 derivative prices are computed for given payments. The deviation, for example, from a predefinable Delta of an option can be minimized. Automatic creation of optimally synthesized options is very promising for buyer and seller. An example is presented to show the easy process of creating a customer tailored option

    Advanced neural networks : finance, forecast, and other applications

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    Load Management in Power Grids - Towards a Decision Support System for Portfolio Operators

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    Decentralized renewable energy sources become more and more common. This leads to stability problems in power grids. Conventional energy sources are easy to control. In contrast, wind and solar power are much more difficult to forecast. Forecasts are only possible short term and are more imprecise. Producers and consumers of energy can try to help reducing stability problems. Contributions towards a decision support system are proposed and recommend how to alter the behavior of producers and consumers. On the producer side centrally controlled heat and power plants are able to shift load in a virtual power plant. The plant operator offers a load curve based on forecasts. The centrally controlled heat and power plants help to mitigate the effect of revised forecasts. An incentive based control on the consumer side is also proposed. Smart appliances react to pricing information. They alter their execution window towards the cheapest time slot, if possible. The exact behavior of appliances in the expected field experiment is still partially unknown. It is necessary to simulate the behavior of these appliances and to train an artificial neural network. The artificial neural network allows computing the pricing signal leading to a desired load shift

    Decision Support for the Automotive Industry: Forecasting Residual Values using Artificial Neural Networks

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    The leasing business is one of the most important distribution channels for the automotive industry. This implies that forecasting accurate residual values for the vehicles is a major factor for determining monthly leasing rates: Either a systematic overestimation or underestimation of future residual values can incur large potential losses in resale value or, respectively, competitive disadvantages. In this paper, an operative DSS with the purpose of facilitating residual value related management decisions is introduced, with a focus on its forecasting capabilities. Practical implications are discussed, a multi-variate linear model and an artificial neural network approach are benchmarked and further, the effects of price trends and seasonal influences are investigated. The analysis is based on more than 150,000 data sets from a major German car manufacturer. We show that artificial neural network ensembles with only a few input variables are capable of achieving a significant improvement in forecasting accuracy

    Decision Support for the Automotive Industry - Forecasting Residual Values Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    In the automotive industry, it is very common for new vehicles to be leased rather than sold. This implies forecasting an accurate residual value for the vehicles, which is a major factor for determining monthly leasing rates. Either a systematic overestimation or underestima- tion of future residual values can incur large potential losses in resale value or, respectively, competitive disad- vantages. For the purpose of facilitating residual value related management decisions, an operative decision sup- port system is introduced with emphasis on its forecasting capabilities. In the paper, the use of artificial neural net- works for this application is demonstrated in a case study based on more than 250,000 data sets of leasing contracts from a major German car manufacturer, completed between 2011 and 2017. The importance of determining price factors and the effect of different time horizons on forecasting accuracy are investigated and practical impli- cations are discussed. In addition, the authors neither found a significant explanatory nor predictive power of external economic factors, which underlines the importance of collecting and taking advantage of vehicle-specific data or, in more general terms, the exclusive data of corporations, which is often only available internally

    „Green by IT“ – Nachhaltiger Gütertransport durch Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme

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    Der Beitrag stellt ein Software Artefakt vor, das Disponenten beim Routing von Aufträgen in einem Transportnetzwerk unterstützt. Grundlage ist ein problembezogenes Modell zur Beschreibung der Transportprozesse in intermodalen Netzstrukturen. Ein hybrider Routingalgorithmus zur Lösung des operativen Transportproblems setzt darauf auf. Dieser führt das Routing der Transportaufträge in einem Netzwerk aus Knoten und Kanten aus. Unser Ansatz optimiert den Mobilitätsmix und trägt zu effizienterem und nachhaltigerem Gütertransport bei


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    Today artificial neural networks are very useful to solve complex dynamic games of various types, i.e., to approximate optimal strategies with sufficient accuracy. Exemplarily four synthesis approaches for the solution of zero-sum, noncooperative dynamic games are outlined and discussed. Either value function, adjoint vector components or optimal strategies can be synthesized as functions of the state variables. In principle all approaches enable the solution of dynamic games. Nevertheless every approach has advantages and disadvantages which are discussed. The neural network training usually is very difficult and computationally very expensive. The coarse-grained parallelization FAUN 1.0-HPC-PVM of the advanced neurosimulator FAUN uses PVM subroutines and runs on heterogeneous and decentralized networks interconnecting general-purpose workstations, PCs and also high-performance computers. Computing times of days, weeks or months can be cut down to hours. An enhanced cornered rat game — formulated and analyzed in 1993 — serves as an example. Optimal strategies for cat and rat are synthesized. For this purpose open-loop representations of optimal strategies on an equidistant grid in the state space are used. An important end game modification is presented.Dynamic games, artificial neural networks, parallel computation, synthesis of optimal strategies, cornered rat game, 49N70, 49N75, 49N90, 65Y05, 68T05, 68T20, 68W10, 68W25, 91A05, 91A10, 91A23, 91A25, 92B20