8 research outputs found

    The broad phenotypic spectrum of PPP2R1A-related neurodevelopmental disorders correlates with the degree of biochemical dysfunction

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    Purpose: Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) caused by protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) dysfunction have mainly been associated with de novo variants in PPP2R5D and PPP2CA, and more rarely in PPP2R1A. Here, we aimed to better understand the latter by characterizing 30 individuals with de novo and often recurrent variants in this PP2A scaffolding Aα subunit. Methods: Most cases were identified through routine clinical diagnostics. Variants were biochemically characterized for phosphatase activity and interaction with other PP2A subunits. Results: We describe 30 individuals with 16 different variants in PPP2R1A, 21 of whom had variants not previously reported. The severity of developmental delay ranged from mild learning problems to severe intellectual disability (ID) with or without epilepsy. Common features were language delay, hypotonia, and hypermobile joints. Macrocephaly was only seen in individuals without B55α subunit-binding deficit, and these patients had less severe ID and no seizures. Biochemically more disruptive variants with impaired B55α but increased striatin binding were associated with profound ID, epilepsy, corpus callosum hypoplasia, and sometimes microcephaly. Conclusion: We significantly expand the phenotypic spectrum of PPP2R1A-related NDD, revealing a broader clinical presentation of the patients and that the functional consequences of the variants are more diverse than previously reported

    Growth regulation of simian and human AIDS-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cell lines by TGF-β1 and IL-6

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    BACKGROUND: AIDS-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (AIDS-NHL) is the second most frequent cancer associated with AIDS, and is a frequent cause of death in HIV-infected individuals. Experimental analysis of AIDS-NHL has been facilitated by the availability of an excellent animal model, i.e., simian Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SAIDS) in the rhesus macaque consequent to infection with simian immunodeficiency virus. A recent study of SAIDS-NHL demonstrated a lymphoma-derived cell line to be sensitive to the growth inhibitory effects of the ubiquitous cytokine, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). The authors concluded that TGF-beta acts as a negative growth regulator of the lymphoma-derived cell line and, potentially, as an inhibitory factor in the regulatory network of AIDS-related lymphomagenesis. The present study was conducted to assess whether other SAIDS-NHL and AIDS-NHL cell lines are similarly sensitive to the growth inhibitory effects of TGF-beta, and to test the hypothesis that interleukin-6 (IL-6) may represent a counteracting positive influence in their growth regulation. METHODS: Growth stimulation or inhibition in response to cytokine treatment was quantified using trypan blue exclusion or colorimetric MTT assay. Intracellular flow cytometry was used to analyze the activation of signaling pathways and to examine the expression of anti-apoptotic proteins and distinguishing hallmarks of AIDS-NHL subclass. Apoptosis was quantified by flow cytometric analysis of cell populations with sub-G1 DNA content and by measuring activated caspase-3. RESULTS: Results confirmed the sensitivity of LCL8664, an immunoblastic SAIDS-NHL cell line, to TGF-beta1-mediated growth inhibition, and further demonstrated the partial rescue by simultaneous treatment with IL-6. IL-6 was shown to activate STAT3, even in the presence of TGF-beta1, and thereby to activate proliferative and anti-apoptotic pathways. By comparison, human AIDS-NHL cell lines differed in their responsiveness to TGF-beta1 and IL-6. Analysis of a recently derived AIDS-NHL cell line, UMCL01-101, indicated that it represents immunoblastic AIDS-DLCBL. Like LCL-8664, UMCL01-101 was sensitive to TGF-beta1-mediated inhibition, rescued partially by IL-6, and demonstrated rapid STAT3 activation following IL-6 treatment even in the presence of TGF-beta1. CONCLUSION: These studies indicate that the sensitivity of immunoblastic AIDS- or SAIDS-DLBCL to TGF-beta1-mediated growth inhibition may be overcome through the stimulation of proliferative and anti-apoptotic signals by IL-6, particularly through the rapid activation of STAT3

    Comparison of different live/dead stainings for detection and quantification of adherent microorganisms in the initial oral biofilm

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to investigate different fluorescence-based, two-color viability assays for visualization and quantification of initial bacterial adherence and to establish reliable alternatives to the ethidium bromide staining procedure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Bacterial colonization was attained in situ on bovine enamel slabs (n = 6 subjects). Five different live/dead assays were investigated (fluorescein diacetate (FDA)/propidium iodide (PI), Syto 9/PI (BacLight®), FDA/Sytox red, Calcein acetoxymethyl (AM)/Sytox red, and carboxyfluorescein diacetate (CFDA)/Sytox red). After 120 min of oral exposure, analysis was performed with an epifluorescence microscope. Validation was carried out, using the colony-forming units for quantification and the transmission electron microscopy for visualization after staining. RESULTS: The average number of bacteria amounted to 2.9 ± 0.8 × 10(4) cm(-2). Quantification with Syto 9/PI and Calcein AM/Sytox red yielded an almost equal distribution of cells (Syto 9/PI 45 % viable, 55 % avital; Calcein AM/Sytox red 52 % viable, 48 % avital). The live/dead ratio of CFDA/Sytox red and FDA/Sytox red was 3:2. An aberrant dispersal was recorded with FDA/PI (viable 34 %, avital 66 %). The TEM analysis indicated that all staining procedures affect the structural integrity of the bacterial cells considerably. CONCLUSION: The following live/dead assays are reliable techniques for differentiation of viable and avital adherent bacteria: BacLight, FDA/Sytox red, Calcein AM/Sytox red, and CFDA/Sytox red. These fluorescence-based techniques are applicable alternatives to toxic and instable conventional assays, such as the staining procedure based on ethidium bromide. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Differentiation of viable and avital adherent bacteria offers the possibility for reliable evaluation of different mouth rinses, oral medication, and disinfections

    The broad phenotypic spectrum of PPP2R1A-related neurodevelopmental disorders correlates with the degree of biochemical dysfunction

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    Purpose: Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) caused by protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) dysfunction have mainly been associated with de novo variants in PPP2R5D and PPP2CA, and more rarely in PPP2R1A. Here, we aimed to better understand the latter by characterizing 30 individuals with de novo and often recurrent variants in this PP2A scaffolding Aα subunit. Methods: Most cases were identified through routine clinical diagnostics. Variants were biochemically characterized for phosphatase activity and interaction with other PP2A subunits. Results: We describe 30 individuals with 16 different variants in PPP2R1A, 21 of whom had variants not previously reported. The severity of developmental delay ranged from mild learning problems to severe intellectual disability (ID) with or without epilepsy. Common features were language delay, hypotonia, and hypermobile joints. Macrocephaly was only seen in individuals without B55α subunit-binding deficit, and these patients had less severe ID and no seizures. Biochemically more disruptive variants with impaired B55α but increased striatin binding were associated with profound ID, epilepsy, corpus callosum hypoplasia, and sometimes microcephaly. Conclusion: We significantly expand the phenotypic spectrum of PPP2R1A-related NDD, revealing a broader clinical presentation of the patients and that the functional consequences of the variants are more diverse than previously reported