742 research outputs found

    Isocurvature forecast in the anthropic axion window

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    We explore the cosmological sensitivity to the amplitude of isocurvature fluctuations that would be caused by axions in the "anthropic window" where the axion decay constant f_a >> 10^12 GeV and the initial misalignment angle Theta_i << 1. In a minimal Lambda-CDM cosmology extended with subdominant scale-invariant isocurvature fluctuations, existing data constrain the isocurvature fraction to alpha < 0.09 at 95% C.L. If no signal shows up, Planck can improve this constraint to 0.042 while an ultimate CMB probe limited only by cosmic variance in both temperature and E-polarisation can reach 0.017, about a factor of five better than the current limit. In the parameter space of f_a and H_I (Hubble parameter during inflation) we identify a small region where axion detection remains within the reach of realistic cosmological probes.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; v2: matches published versio

    Majorana Neutrino, the Size of Extra Dimensions, and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    The problem of Majorana neutrino mass generated in Arkani-Hamed--Dimopoulos-Dvali model with n extra spatial dimensions is discussed. Taking into account constraints on neutrino masses coming from cosmological observations, it is possible to obtain lower limits on the size of extra dimensions as large as 10^{-6} mm. In the case of n=4 it is easy to lower the fundamental scale of gravity from the Planck energy to electroweak scale \~TeV without imposing any additional constraints. A link between the half-life of neutrinoless double beta decay and the size of extra dimensions is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, using RevTEX. Units conversion correcte

    Neutrino masses and cosmic radiation density: Combined analysis

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    We determine the range of neutrino masses and cosmic radiation content allowed by the most recent CMB and large-scale structure data. In contrast to other recent works, we vary these parameters simultaneously and provide likelihood contours in the two-dimensional parameter space of N_eff}, the usual effective number of neutrino species measuring the radiation density, and \sum m_nu. The allowed range of \sum m_nu and N_eff has shrunk significantly compared to previous studies. The previous degeneracy between these parameters has disappeared, largely thanks to the baryon acoustic oscillation data. The likelihood contours differ significantly if \sum m_nu resides in a single species instead of the standard case of being equally distributed among all flavors. For \sum m_nu=0 we find 2.7 < N_eff < 4.6 at 95% CL while \sum m_nu < 0.62 eV at 95% CL for the standard radiation content.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Constraining dark energy models using the lookback time to galaxy clusters and the age of the universe

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    An impressive amount of different astrophysical data converges towards the picture of a spatially flat universe undergoing a today phase of accelerated expansion. The nature of the dark energy dominating the energy content of the universe is still unknown and a lot of different scenarios are viable candidates to explain cosmic acceleration. Most of the methods employed to test these cosmological models are essentially based on distance measurements to a particular class of objects. A different method, based on the lookback time to galaxy clusters and the age of the universe, is used here. In particular, we constrain the characterizing parameters of three classes of dark energy cosmological models to see whether they are in agreement with this kind of data, based on time measurements rather than distance observations.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication on Physical Review

    Neutrino masses and the number of neutrino species from WMAP and 2dFGRS

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    We have performed a thorough analysis of the constraints which can be put on neutrino parameters from cosmological observations, most notably those from the WMAP satellite and the 2dF galaxy survey. For this data we find an upper limit on the sum of active neutrino mass eigenstates of \sum m_nu < 1.0 eV (95% conf.), but this limit is dependent on priors. We find that the WMAP and 2dF data alone cannot rule out the evidence from neutrinoless double beta decay reported by the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment. In terms of the relativistic energy density in neutrinos or other weakly interacting species we find, in units of the equivalent number of neutrino species, N_nu, that N_nu = 4.0+3.0-2.1 (95% conf.). When BBN constraints are added, the bound on N_\nu is 2.6+0.4-0.3 (95% conf.), suggesting that N_nu could possibly be lower than the standard model value of 3. This can for instance be the case in models with very low reheating temperature and incomplete neutrino thermalization. Conversely, if N_nu is fixed to 3 then the data from WMAP and 2dFGRS predicts that 0.2458 < Y_P < 0.2471, which is significantly higher than the observationally measured value. The limit on relativistic energy density changes when a small Îœe\nu_e chemical potential is present during BBN. In this case the upper bound on N_nu from WMAP, 2dFGRS and BBN is N_nu < 6.5. Finally, we find that a non-zero \sum m_nu can be compensated by an increase in N_nu. One result of this is that the LSND result is not yet ruled out by cosmological observations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Possible Constraints on the Time Variation of the Fine Structure Constant from Cosmic Microwave Background Data

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    The formation of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) provides a very powerful probe of the early universe at the epoch of recombination. Specifically, it is possible to constrain the variation of fundamental physical constants in the early universe. We have calculated the effect of a varying electromagnetic coupling constant (\alpha) on the CMBR and find that new satellite experiments should provide a tight constraint on the value of \alpha at recombination which is complementary to existing constraints. An estimate of the obtainable precision is |\dot{\alpha}/\alpha| \leq 7 x 10^{-13} y^{-1} in a realistic experiment.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript figures, matches version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Measuring neutrino masses with a future galaxy survey

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    We perform a detailed forecast on how well a Euclid-like photometric galaxy and cosmic shear survey will be able to constrain the absolute neutrino mass scale. Adopting conservative assumptions about the survey specifications and assuming complete ignorance of the galaxy bias, we estimate that the minimum mass sum of sum m_nu ~ 0.06 eV in the normal hierarchy can be detected at 1.5 sigma to 2.5 sigma significance, depending on the model complexity, using a combination of galaxy and cosmic shear power spectrum measurements in conjunction with CMB temperature and polarisation observations from Planck. With better knowledge of the galaxy bias, the significance of the detection could potentially reach 5.4 sigma. Interestingly, neither Planck+shear nor Planck+galaxy alone can achieve this level of sensitivity; it is the combined effect of galaxy and cosmic shear power spectrum measurements that breaks the persistent degeneracies between the neutrino mass, the physical matter density, and the Hubble parameter. Notwithstanding this remarkable sensitivity to sum m_nu, Euclid-like shear and galaxy data will not be sensitive to the exact mass spectrum of the neutrino sector; no significant bias (< 1 sigma) in the parameter estimation is induced by fitting inaccurate models of the neutrino mass splittings to the mock data, nor does the goodness-of-fit of these models suffer any significant degradation relative to the true one (Delta chi_eff ^2< 1).Comment: v1: 29 pages, 10 figures. v2: 33 pages, 12 figures; added sections on shape evolution and constraints in more complex models, accepted for publication in JCA

    Cosmological limit on the neutrino mass

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    We have performed a careful analysis of constraints on the neutrino mass from current cosmological data. Combining data from the cosmic microwave background and the 2dF galaxy survey yields an upper limit on the sum of the three neutrino mass eigenstates of \sum m_nu < 3 eV (95% conf.), without including additional priors. Including data from SNIa observations, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, and HST Hubble key project data on H_0 tightens the limit to \sum m_nu < 2.5 eV (95% conf.). We also perform a Fisher matrix analysis which illustrates the cosmological parameter degeneracies affecting the determination of \sum m_nu.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, uses Revtex

    New CMBR data and the cosmic neutrino background

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    New precision Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) anisotropy data are beginning to constrain physics beyond the standard model, for example in the form of additional light particle species. These constraints are complementary to what can be obtained from big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) considerations because they apply to much later times. We derive a constraint on the equivalent number of neutrino species, N_\nu, from the presently available data. Specifically we analyse two different CMBR data sets to test the robustness of our results. Analyzing only CMBR data yields an upper bound of N_\nu < 17 (95% confidence). Adding large scale structure (LSS) data from the PSC-z survey tightens the upper bound slightly. However, the addition of LSS data gives a non-trivial {\it lower} bound of N_\nu > 1.5/2.5 (95% confidence) for the two data sets. This is the first independent indication of the presence of the cosmological neutrino background which is predicted by the standard model, and seen in big bang nucleosynthesis. The value NΜ=0N_\nu = 0 is disfavoured at 3\sigma and 4\sigma for the two data sets respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
