25 research outputs found

    Mycorrhizal fungi-mediated uptake of tree-derived nitrogen by maize in smallholder farms

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    Trees within farmers’ fields can enhance systems’ longer-term productivity, for example, via nutrient amelioration, which is indispensable to attain sustainable agroecosystems. While arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are known to improve plant access to soil nutrients, the potential of AMF to mediate nutrient uptake of tree-derived nitrogen (N) by crops from beyond the crops’ rooting zones is unclear. We hypothesized that AMF quantitatively contribute to the crop uptake of tree-derived N. We set up root- and AMF-exclusion and control plots around faidherbia trees (Faidherbia albida) and used the 15N natural abundance technique to determine the magnitude of AMF-mediated uptake of tree-derived N by maize from beyond its rooting zone in smallholder fields. We further tested whether AMF-mediated N uptake decreases with distance from tree. We show that within one cropping season, maize obtained approximately 35 kg ha–1 biologically fixed N from faidherbia. One-third of tree-derived N in maize leaves was attributed to AMF-mediated N uptake from beyond the maize rooting zone and two-thirds to N from tree leaf litter, regardless of distance from tree. As hypothesized, maize grown close (1 m) to faidherbia obtained significantly more tree-derived N than that at farther distances (4 and 5 m). Thus, the faidherbia–AMF association can enhance agroecosystem functioning.ISSN:2398-962

    Trees enhance abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, soil structure, and nutrient retention in low-input maize cropping systems

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    Retaining trees in low-input agroecosystems could be key to maintain mycelia of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and hence, improve soil fertility and crop performance. We assessed the impact of faidherbia (Faidherbia albida, Fabaceae) and mango (Mangifera indica, Anacardiaceae) trees on AMF and soil fertility in smallholder farmers’ maize fields. Along distance-from-tree gradients (1, 4, 10, 15 m), we collected soil to assess AMF hyphal density, soil aggregation, and aggregate-associated carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) at the end of the non-cropping season. Further, we determined maize biomass and yield. The impact of faidherbia on maize N nutrition was assessed using the 15N natural abundance methodology. Our results show that hyphal density was largest at 4 and 10 m from trees and greater around faidherbia than mango. Soil aggregation decreased with distance from mango and was greater around faidherbia than mango. Macroaggregate-associated C, N, and P decreased with distance-from-tree, due to differences in aggregate distribution. Maize biomass was smallest at 1 m from trees and did not differ when under faidherbia versus mango. On average 69 ± 14, 24 ± 9, 20 ± 6, and 12 ± 5% of total foliar N of maize grown at 1, 4, 10, and 15 m from faidherbia trees was tree-derived. Our results suggest that faidherbia and mango trees can maintain AMF mycelia and combat declining soil fertility. Faidherbia is particularly suited to enhance measured soil parameters commonly associated with soil fertility and alleviate soil mining for N via improved internal N cycling. As such, agroforestry trees can contribute to a more sustainable agriculture positively affecting the environment via mitigating soil degradation.ISSN:0167-8809ISSN:1873-230

    Establishment, persistence and effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculants in the field revealed using molecular genetic tracing and measurement of yield components

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    Inoculation of crop plants by non-native strains of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi as bio-enhancers is promoted without clear evidence for symbiotic effectiveness and fungal persistence. To address such gaps, the forage legume Medicago sativa was inoculated in an agronomic field trial with two isolates of Funneliformis mosseae differing in their nuclear rDNA sequences from native strains. The inoculants were traced by PCR with a novel combination of the universal fungal NS31 and Glomeromycota-specific LSUGlom1 primers which target the nuclear rDNA cistron. The amplicons were classified by restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing. The two applied fungal inoculants were successfully traced and discriminated from native strains in roots sampled from the field up to 2 yr post inoculation. Moreover, field inoculation with inocula of non-native isolates of F.similar to mosseae appeared to have stimulated root colonization and yield of M.similar to sativa. Proof of inoculation success and sustained positive effects on biomass production and quality of M.similar to sativa crop plants hold promise for the role that AM fungal inoculants could play in agriculture

    Green manure addition to soil increases grain zinc concentration in bread wheat

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    Zinc (Zn) deficiency is a major problem for many people living on wheat-based diets. Here, we explored whether addition of green manure of red clover and sunflower to a calcareous soil or inoculating a non-indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) strain may increase grain Zn concentration in bread wheat. For this purpose we performed a multifactorial pot experiment, in which the effects of two green manures (red clover, sunflower), ZnSO4 application, soil γ-irradiation (elimination of naturally occurring AMF), and AMF inoculation were tested. Both green manures were labeled with 65Zn radiotracer to record the Zn recoveries in the aboveground plant biomass. Application of ZnSO4 fertilizer increased grain Zn concentration from 20 to 39 mg Zn kg−1 and sole addition of green manure of sunflower to soil raised grain Zn concentration to 31 mg Zn kg−1. Adding the two together to soil increased grain Zn concentration even further to 54 mg Zn kg−1. Mixing green manure of sunflower to soil mobilized additional 48 µg Zn (kg soil)−1 for transfer to the aboveground plant biomass, compared to the total of 132 µg Zn (kg soil)−1 taken up from plain soil when neither green manure nor ZnSO4 were applied. Green manure amendments to soil also raised the DTPA-extractable Zn in soil. Inoculating a non-indigenous AMF did not increase plant Zn uptake. The study thus showed that organic matter amendments to soil can contribute to a better utilization of naturally stocked soil micronutrients, and thereby reduce any need for major external inputs.ISSN:1932-620

    Shifting carbon flow from roots into associated microbial communities in response to elevated atmospheric CO2

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    Rising atmospheric CO2 levels are predicted to have major consequences on carbon cycling and the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Increased photosynthetic activity is expected, especially for C-3 plants, thereby influencing vegetation dynamics; however, little is known about the path of fixed carbon into soil-borne communities and resulting feedbacks on ecosystem function. Here, we examine how arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) act as a major conduit in the transfer of carbon between plants and soil and how elevated atmospheric CO2 modulates the belowground translocation pathway of plant-fixed carbon. Shifts in active AMF species under elevated atmospheric CO2 conditions are coupled to changes within active rhizosphere bacterial and fungal communities. Thus, as opposed to simply increasing the activity of soil-borne microbes through enhanced rhizodeposition, elevated atmospheric CO2 clearly evokes the emergence of distinct opportunistic plant-associated microbial communities. Analyses involving RNA-based stable isotope probing, neutral/phosphate lipid fatty acids stable isotope probing, community fingerprinting, and real-time PCR allowed us to trace plant-fixed carbon to the affected soil-borne microorganisms. Based on our data, we present a conceptual model in which plant-assimilated carbon is rapidly transferred to AMF, followed by a slower release from AMF to the bacterial and fungal populations well-adapted to the prevailing (myco-)rhizosphere conditions. This model provides a general framework for reappraising carbon-flow paths in soils, facilitating predictions of future interactions between rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations and terrestrial ecosystems

    Percentage of zinc (Zn) recovered from green manure (Zn<sub>rec-gm</sub>) in the aboveground wheat biomass.

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    <p>Black bar filling denotes treatments with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) inoculation and light grey filling treatments without AMF inoculation. Bar hatching highlights treatments in which the naturally occurring AMF were missing after γ-irradiating the soil. Bars show mean values and associated standard errors of five experimental replicates. The significances (***, p<0.001) of the effect of green manure addition and mineral Zn fertilization from a fixed factor four-way analysis of variance are indicated above the bars. For full statistical details see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0101487#pone-0101487-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>.</p

    Zinc (Zn) uptake from soil to the aboveground biomass of bread wheat grown in a calcareous soil after addition of two types of green manure.

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    <p>The Zn taken up from soil either originated from the native soil Zn pool or from soil as well as applied ZnSO<sub>4</sub> fertilizer. Bar filling denoting the different green manure addition treatments is the same as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0101487#pone-0101487-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a>. Bars show mean values and associated standard errors of five experimental replicates. The significance (***, p<0.001) of the effect of mineral Zn fertilization from a fixed factorial four-way analysis of variance is indicated above the bars. Different letters indicate statistical differences of separate least significant difference tests at p<0.05 for the different green manure addition treatments within the different Zn fertilization levels. For full statistical details see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0101487#pone-0101487-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>.</p