99 research outputs found

    Feeling the Florida Heat? How Low-Performing Schools Respond to Voucher and Accountability Pressure

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    While numerous recent authors have studied the effects of school accountability systems on student test performance and school "gaming" of accountability incentives, there has been little attention paid to substantive changes in instructional policies and practices resulting from school accountability. The lack of research is primarily due to the unavailability of appropriate data to carry out such an analysis. This paper brings to bear new evidence from a remarkable five-year survey conducted of a census of public schools in Florida, coupled with detailed administrative data on student performance. We show that schools facing accountability pressure changed their instructional practices in meaningful ways. In addition, we present medium-run evidence of the effects of school accountability on student test scores, and find that a significant portion of these test score gains can likely be attributed to the changes in school policies and practices that we uncover in our surveys.

    Value Added of Teachers in High-Poverty Schools and Lower-Poverty Schools

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    This paper examines whether teachers in schools serving students from high-poverty backgrounds are as effective as teachers in schools with more advantaged students. The question is important. Teachers are recognized as the most important school factor affecting student achievement, and the achievement gap between disadvantaged students and their better off peers is large and persistent. Using student-level microdata from 2000-2001 to 2004-2005 from Florida and North Carolina, the authors compare the effectiveness of teachers in high-poverty elementary schools (>70% FRL students) with that of teachers in lower-poverty elementary schools

    Why We Need a Ruminant Revolution: Combating Malnutrition and Metabolic Illnesses to Enable Sustainable Development

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    Animal source foods (ASF) are essential for proper human development and function. Livestock in general, and ruminants in particular, are essential components of our sustainable global food systems. Of significant worldwide impact, diets with higher-than-recommended levels of ASF can correct the symptoms of metabolic illnesses, offering hope in arresting the current worldwide epidemic of diabetes and other metabolic diseases. Most dietary policy and recommendations are based on the ill-founded belief that plant-based, high-carbohydrate diets are “healthy.” High-quality scientific evidence does not support the belief that vegetarian diets are healthier than omnivorous or animal-based diets. A Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction (TCR) lifestyle approach has demonstrated its efficacy in reversing Insulin Resistance (IR) and the non-communicable diseases associated with, or caused, by it. True sustainability is a multifaceted topic consisting of societal, economic, and ecological aspects. The enormous suffering and financial costs of chronic illness must be acknowledged. The production of high-quality animal protein and animal fat by ruminants from feed resources humans cannot directly utilize will be fundamental to feeding a growing population. This essential food production can preserve and enhance the diverse environments where it takes place. We need a revolution in our thinking of what constitutes a healthy diet, of what causes chronic illness, of the vital role that animal product play in the human diet, and the essential nature of ruminant animal agriculture in meeting humanity’s needs. This will mean overthrowing established policies and institutions, and confronting vested belief systems. We’ll need an effort, analogous to the Green Revolution, to develop and deploy the knowledge and technology necessary to meet the needs of the mid-21st Century world

    Leadership for health improvement: implementation and evaluation

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a co-authored reflection on the health improvement leadership development programme and the key evaluation messages derived from piloting in an English National Health Service region. It highlights the specific attributes of this approach to health improvement leadership development and clarifies health improvement development issues. Design/methodology/approach Appreciative inquiry and soft systems methodology are combined in an evaluation approach designed to capture individual as well as organisation learning and how it impacts on leadership in specific contexts. Findings The evaluation exposes the health improvement leadership needs of a multi-organisation cohort, offers some explanations for successful achievement of learning needs while also exposing of the challenges and paradoxes faced in this endeavour. Originality/value There are limited reported templates of how to develop leadership for health improvement. This paper details a whole systems approach, acknowledging the impact of context on leadership and an approach to evaluating such complex initiatives

    Using Recurrent Phenotypical Selection to Improve Drought Tolerance of Red Clover

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    Red clover is one of the most important forage legumes in the world. It is utilized extensively in European and North American farming systems. Approximately, 4 million hectares of red clover are grown globally each year for forage production, soil improvement, and as a pollen and nectar source for pollinators (Riday, 2010). In North America, red clover is widely used in temperate regions for pasture, hay, and silage in combination with grasses for soil improvement and as a pollen and nectar source for bumblebees (Bombus). In the northwest, it is also grown for seed production (Anderson et al., 2016) with Oregon farmers producing 89 % of the US total (USDA-NASS, 2019). Drought stress conditions negatively affect the productivity of red clover, therefore, developing red clover cultivars that are highly tolerant to drought is needed for changing climatic conditions. The main objective of this study was to select red clover germplasm with improved drought tolerance and to subsequently develop commercial cultivars with higher herbage accummulation and persistence when grown in low soil moisture conditions

    Computer-Based Forage Management Tools: Historical, Current, and Future Applications

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    Forage management has been an important human activity since the beginning of civilization. By comparison, the personal computer has been available only in the immediate past. The software developed to deal with the complexity of climate, soil, plant, animal, and socioeconomic factors has seen huge changes in a few decades. Mainframe computers facilitated numerical calculations for exploring relationships among dozens of variables. Personal computers opened the door for more individual scientist creativity and routine communication. Web-based communication globalised the option for multidisciplinary teams to tackle problems. Forage-related computer applications abound, allowing farmers, ranchers, and others to more effectively manage the land. This paper describes historical, current, and future computer-based applications that improve understanding and efficiency leading to more economically and environmentally sustainable forage-livestock systems

    GIS-Based Forage Species Adaptation Mapping

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    Selecting forage crops adapted to the climatic and edaphic conditions of specific locations is essential for economic sustainability and environmental protection. Yet, currently, proper selection is difficult due to the absence of advanced selection tools. Significant improvements are being made in the process through Geographic Information System (GIS)-based mapping. Climate and soil GIS layers are being matched with forage characteristics through rules describing species tolerances. Better matching will reduce economic risks and environmental hazards associated with sub-optimal crop selection and subsequent performance. Once developed, these forage crop selection strategies and tools can be adapted for use with other crops. A matrix of species characteristics is being assembled for 6 major forage crops. GIS-based climate and soils maps are being developed and reviewed. Base layer climate and soils maps and the species adaptation maps will be placed on a CD-ROM to help educators, consultants, farmers, and ranchers match their conditions to suitable forage crop species. A WWW segment is being developed to provide a source of current information and links to original data and supplementary materials

    A GIS Tool for Optimal Forage Species Selection

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    To determine appropriate forage species for US ecoregions, geographic information technologies (GIS) are being used to create climatic and soil factor maps. Excel spreadsheets and RStudio are used to create response functions of forage species to minimum and maximum temperature, annual precipitation, soil pH, soil salinity, and salinity. National forage data and expert opinion will evaluate quantitative tolerances, seasonal yield profiles, and pollinator suitability. These maps and agronomic and livestock use information will be shared with forage specialists and farmers to provide alternatives for improved perenniality, increased diversity, and system circularity. Future work will include development and evaluation of climate change scenarios for temperature and precipitation. Anticipated outcomes include improved species selection and decision making to develop and manage sustainable agricultural systems, improved national policies to provide incentives for agroecologically-matched agricultural systems, and improved likelihood of long-term agricultural production sustainability based on agroecological principles
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