6 research outputs found

    SNM1A is crucial for efficient repair of complex DNA breaks in human cells

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    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), such as those produced by radiation and radiomimetics, are amongst the most toxic forms of cellular damage, in part because they involve extensive oxidative modifications at the break termini. Prior to completion of DSB repair, the chemically modified termini must be removed. Various DNA processing enzymes have been implicated in the processing of these dirty ends, but molecular knowledge of this process is limited. Here, we demonstrate a role for the metallo-β-lactamase fold 5′−3′ exonuclease SNM1A in this vital process. Cells disrupted for SNM1A manifest increased sensitivity to radiation and radiomimetic agents and show defects in DSB damage repair. SNM1A is recruited and is retained at the sites of DSB damage via the concerted action of its three highly conserved PBZ, PIP box and UBZ interaction domains, which mediate interactions with poly-ADP-ribose chains, PCNA and the ubiquitinated form of PCNA, respectively. SNM1A can resect DNA containing oxidative lesions induced by radiation damage at break termini. The combined results reveal a crucial role for SNM1A to digest chemically modified DNA during the repair of DSBs and imply that the catalytic domain of SNM1A is an attractive target for potentiation of radiotherapy

    Cell-active small molecule inhibitors validate the SNM1A DNA repair nuclease as a cancer target

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    The three human SNM1 metallo-β-lactamase fold nucleases (SNM1A–C) play key roles in DNA damage repair and in maintaining telomere integrity. Genetic studies indicate that they are attractive targets for cancer treatment and to potentiate chemo- and radiation-therapy. A high-throughput screen for SNM1A inhibitors identified diverse pharmacophores, some of which were shown by crystallography to coordinate to the di-metal ion centre at the SNM1A active site. Structure and turnover assay-guided optimization enabled the identification of potent quinazoline–hydroxamic acid containing inhibitors, which bind in a manner where the hydroxamic acid displaces the hydrolytic water and the quinazoline ring occupies a substrate nucleobase binding site. Cellular assays reveal that SNM1A inhibitors cause sensitisation to, and defects in the resolution of, cisplatin-induced DNA damage, validating the tractability of MBL fold nucleases as cancer drug targets

    Antiviral activity of bone morphogenetic proteins and activins

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    Understanding the control of viral infections is of broad importance. Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection causes decreased expression of the iron hormone hepcidin, which is regulated by hepatic bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)/SMAD signalling. We found that HCV infection and the BMP/SMAD pathway are mutually antagonistic. HCV blunted induction of hepcidin expression by BMP6, probably via tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-mediated downregulation of the BMP co-receptor haemojuvelin. In HCV-infected patients, disruption of the BMP6/hepcidin axis and genetic variation associated with the BMP/SMAD pathway predicted the outcome of infection, suggesting that BMP/SMAD activity influences antiviral immunity. Correspondingly, BMP6 regulated a gene repertoire reminiscent of type I interferon (IFN) signalling, including upregulating interferon regulatory factors (IRFs) and downregulating an inhibitor of IFN signalling, USP18. Moreover, in BMP-stimulated cells, SMAD1 occupied loci across the genome, similar to those bound by IRF1 in IFN-stimulated cells. Functionally, BMP6 enhanced the transcriptional and antiviral response to IFN, but BMP6 and related activin proteins also potently blocked HCV replication independently of IFN. Furthermore, BMP6 and activin A suppressed growth of HBV in cell culture, and activin A inhibited Zika virus replication alone and in combination with IFN. The data establish an unappreciated important role for BMPs and activins in cellular antiviral immunity, which acts independently of, and modulates, IFN

    Structure of the p53 degradation complex from HPV16

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    Abstract Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a significant contributor to the global cancer burden, and its carcinogenic activity is facilitated in part by the HPV early protein 6 (E6), which interacts with the E3-ligase E6AP, also known as UBE3A, to promote degradation of the tumor suppressor, p53. In this study, we present a single-particle cryoEM structure of the full-length E6AP protein in complex with HPV16 E6 (16E6) and p53, determined at a resolution of ~3.3 Å. Our structure reveals extensive protein-protein interactions between 16E6 and E6AP, explaining their picomolar binding affinity. These findings shed light on the molecular basis of the ternary complex, which has been pursued as a potential therapeutic target for HPV-driven cervical, anal, and oropharyngeal cancers over the last two decades. Understanding the structural and mechanistic underpinnings of this complex is crucial for developing effective therapies to combat HPV-induced cancers. Our findings may help to explain why previous attempts to disrupt this complex have failed to generate therapeutic modalities and suggest that current strategies should be reevaluated

    Characterization of the SARS-CoV-2 ExoN (nsp14ExoN–nsp10) complex: implications for its role in viral genome stability and inhibitor identification

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    The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is the causal agent of the current global pandemic. SARS-CoV-2 belongs to an order, Nidovirales, with very large RNA genomes. It is proposed that the fidelity of coronavirus (CoV) genome replication is aided by an RNA nuclease complex, comprising the non-structural proteins 14 and 10 (nsp14–nsp10), an attractive target for antiviral inhibition. Our results validate reports that the SARS-CoV-2 nsp14–nsp10 complex has RNase activity. Detailed functional characterization reveals nsp14–nsp10 is a versatile nuclease capable of digesting a wide variety of RNA structures, including those with a blocked 3′-terminus. Consistent with a role in maintaining viral genome integrity during replication, we find that nsp14–nsp10 activity is enhanced by the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase complex (RdRp) consisting of nsp12–nsp7–nsp8 (nsp12–7–8) and demonstrate that this stimulation is mediated by nsp8. We propose that the role of nsp14–nsp10 in maintaining replication fidelity goes beyond classical proofreading by purging the nascent replicating RNA strand of a range of potentially replication-terminating aberrations. Using our developed assays, we identify drug and drug-like molecules that inhibit nsp14–nsp10, including the known SARS-CoV-2 major protease (Mpro) inhibitor ebselen and the HIV integrase inhibitor raltegravir, revealing the potential for multifunctional inhibitors in COVID-19 treatment