12 research outputs found

    Atteindre les ODD avec la biodiversité

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    L’Agenda 2030 pour le dĂ©veloppement durable, assorti de ses 17 objectifs de dĂ©veloppement durable (ODD), trace une nouvelle voie d’équilibre pour la planĂšte et l’humanitĂ©. Les ODD, Ă©troitement interconnectĂ©s, ne pourront se rĂ©aliser que moyennant de profonds changements dans nos sociĂ©tĂ©s. Des Ă©tudes rĂ©centes concernant les interactions entre les ODD identifient la sauvegarde de la biodiversitĂ© comme Ă©tant l’un des leviers les plus efficaces pour rĂ©aliser la durabilitĂ©. Les ODD 14 (vie aquatique) et 15 (vie terrestre) axĂ©s sur la biodiversitĂ© apparaissent comme des multiplicateurs de co-bĂ©nĂ©fices. La prĂ©sente fiche d’information a pour but d’expliquer l’importance de la biodiversitĂ© dans la mise en Ɠuvre de tous les ODD et de fournir aux dĂ©cideurs des options et des points d’accĂšs Ă  un changement en profondeur.Obrecht A, Pham-Truffert M, Spehn E et al (2021) Atteindre les ODD avec la biodiversitĂ©. Swiss Academies Factsheet 16 (1

    Mit BiodiversiÀt die SDGs erreichen

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    Die Agenda 2030 fĂŒr nachhaltige Entwicklung mit den darin enthaltenen 17 globalen Zielen fĂŒr nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals SDGs) zeigt einen neuen Weg des Gleichgewichts fĂŒr die Menschheit und den Planeten auf. Die SDGs sind stark miteinander verknĂŒpft. Deshalb werden sie in ihrer Gesamtheit nur durch transformativen Wandel unserer Gesellschaften erreicht werden können. Neuere Studien zu den Wechselwirkungen zwischen den SDGs haben den Erhalt der BiodiversitĂ€t als einen der stĂ€rksten Hebel zur Erreichung von Nachhaltigkeit identifiziert. Die auf BiodiversitĂ€t fokussierten SDGs 14 (Leben unter Wasser) und 15 (Leben an Land) zeigen eine ausgesprochen positive Wirkung, einen Zusatznutzen, auf die Erreichung anderer Ziele. Dieses Faktenblatt erlĂ€utert die Bedeutung der BiodiversitĂ€t und zeigt Optionen fĂŒr EntscheidungstrĂ€ger auf, welche Ansatzpunkte fĂŒr transformativen Wandel genutzt werden können

    The programme on ecosystem change and society (PECS)–a decade of deepening social-ecological research through a place-based focus

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    The Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) was established in 2011, and is now one of the major international social-ecological systems (SES) research networks. During this time, SES research has undergone a phase of rapid growth and has grown into an influential branch of sustainability science. In this Perspective, we argue that SES research has also deepened over the past decade, and helped to shed light on key dimensions of SES dynamics (e.g. system feedbacks, aspects of system design, goals and paradigms) that can lead to tangible action for solving the major sustainability challenges of our time. We suggest four ways in which the growth of place-based SES research, fostered by networks such as PECS, has contributed to these developments, namely by: 1) shedding light on transformational change, 2) revealing the social dynamics shaping SES, 3) bringing together diverse types of knowledge, and 4) encouraging reflexive researchers

    Achieving the SDGs with Biodiversity

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    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) charts a new path of balance for humanity and the planet. The highly interconnected SDGs will only be achieved in their entirety through transformative changes in our societies. Recent studies on the interactions between the SDGs identify the conservation of biodiversity as one of the most potent levers to achieve sustainability. The biodiversity-focused SDGs 14 (life below water) and 15 (life on land) emerge as multipliers of co-benefits across the goals. This factsheet aims to explain the importance of biodiversity for implementing all SDGs and to provide decision makers with options and entry points for transformative change

    National survey to co-design the Europa Biodiversity Observation Network (EuropaBON)

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    In order to assess user and policy needs related to biodiversity monitoring and data, the EuropaBON project invited national experts to fill in this survey in August 2021. The survey was tailored to the national level and aimed at identifying current monitoring efforts, data flows from collection to reporting, data uptake by policymaking, challenges and roadblocks, as well as biodiversity variables and indicators for a desirable future. On behalf of the European Commission (DG Environment) and EuropaBON, the surveys were sent out to all national focal points of the European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet) as well as key national agencies. Eionet is a partnership network of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its 38 member and cooperating countries to gather and develop data, knowledge, and advice to policy makers about Europe's environment. The results of our surveys form the basis for the analysis of the EuropaBON User and Policy Needs Assessment (DOI) and inform the design of the Europa Biodiversity Observation Network and its work programme. We published the original responses of survey sections A and B in the annex of the User and Policy Needs Assessment. Responses of section C were synthesised in the assessment

    Framing natural assets for advancing sustainability research: translating different perspectives into actions

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    Sustainability is a key challenge for humanity in the context of complex and unprecedented global changes. Future Earth, an international research initiative aiming to advance global sustainability science, has recently launched knowledge–action networks (KANs) as mechanisms for delivering its research strategy. The research initiative is currently developing a KAN on “natural assets” to facilitate and enable action-oriented research and synthesis towards natural assets sustainability. ‘Natural assets’ has been adopted by Future Earth as an umbrella term aiming to translate and bridge across different knowledge systems and different perspectives on peoples’ relationships with nature. In this paper, we clarify the framing of Future Earth around natural assets emphasizing the recognition on pluralism and identifying the challenges of translating different visions about the role of natural assets, including via policy formulation, for local to global sustainability challenges. This understanding will be useful to develop inter-and transdisciplinary solutions for human–environmental problems by (i) embracing richer collaborative decision processes and building bridges across different perspectives; (ii) giving emphasis on the interactions between biophysical and socioeconomic drivers affecting the future trends of investments and disinvestments in natural assets; and (iii) focusing on social equity, power relationships for effective application of the natural assets approach. This understanding also intends to inform the scope of the natural asset KAN’s research agenda to mobilize the translation of research into co-designed action for sustainability

    The Global Forest Transition as a Human Affair

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    Forests across the world stand at a crossroads where climate and land-use changes are shaping their future. Despite demonstrations of political will and global efforts, forest loss, fragmentation, and degradation continue unabated. No clear evidence exists to suggest that these initiatives are working. A key reason for this apparent ineffectiveness could lie in the failure to recognize the agency of all stakeholders involved. Landscapes do not happen. We shape them. Forest transitions are social and behavioral before they are ecological. Decision makers need to integrate better representations of people?s agency in their mental models. A possible pathway to overcome this barrier involves eliciting mental models behind policy decisions to allow better representation of human agency, changing perspectives to better understand divergent points of view, and refining strategies through explicit theories of change. Games can help decision makers in all of these tasks