5 research outputs found

    Feeding strategies and competition between terrestrial Haemadipsa leeches (Euhirudinea : Arhynchobdellida) in Danum Valley rainforest (Borneo, Sabah)

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    Haemadipsid leeches are among the most successful terrestrial invertebrates in Bornean rainforests. They are very common ectoparasites of vertebrates, and their abundance has facilitated the conduction of numerous projects in the fields of ecology, zoogeography and taxonomy. We undertook research on two species inhabiting lowland dipterocarp forest, Haemadipsa picta Moore, 1929 and Haemadipsa subagilis (Moore, 1929), in order to address the following questions: (a) is there a difference in leech abundance between trails and off-trails?; (b) is ambush location dependent on specimen size or is species-specific?; (c) is intra- and interspecific competition limited by differences in foraging behaviours or vertical niche partitioning? Our results clearly show that H. picta is more abundant on trails than on off-trails and is vertically dispersed within the understory; the size of a specimen is strongly correlated with plant height. Haemadipsa subagilis was found not to exhibit such patterns. We suggest a possible lowering of interspecific competition between these species as a result of: (i) size-dependent dispersion of H. picta (together with reduction of intraspecific competition); and (ii) habitat specialisation of H. subagilis. Moreover, we provide new observations on their foraging behaviour

    The organs of smell and taste in fish of different biology on the example of the Corydoras aeneus Gill 1858 and Macrognathus aculeatus Bloch 1786

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    Poni偶sza praca przedstawia por贸wnanie budowy anatomicznej i morfologi臋 narz膮du w臋chu oraz smaku dw贸ch gatunk贸w ryb : kiryska spi偶owego Corydoras aeneus z rodziny kiryskowatych (Callichthyidae) i d艂ugonosa ciernistego Macrognathus aculeatus z rodziny d艂ugonosowatych (Mastacembelidae). Gatunki te r贸偶ni膮 si臋 od siebie 艣rodowiskiem 偶ycia i biologi膮.Badane gatunki posiadaj膮 parzysty narz膮d w臋chu w przedoczodo艂owej cz臋艣ci g艂owy. Kirysek spi偶owy ma typowo wykszta艂cony narz膮d w臋chu w postaci komory w臋chowej o owalnym kszta艂cie z rozet膮 w臋chow膮. Natomiast komory w臋chowe d艂ugonosa ciernistego s膮 przekszta艂cone w d艂ugi w膮ski kana艂 z dwoma rz臋dami blaszek w臋chowych. U d艂ugonosa ciernistego od kana艂u w臋chowego na wysoko艣ci nozdrza wylotowego odchodz膮 dodatkowe worki nosowe (sitowe). Nozdrza (wlotowe i wylotowe) r贸偶ni膮 si臋 kszta艂tem pomi臋dzy gatunkami.U kiryska spi偶owego w miar臋 wzrostu osobnik贸w przybywa blaszek w臋chowych w rozecie w臋chowej i zwi臋ksza si臋 ich powierzchnia. Komponent膮 zmys艂ow膮 w nab艂onku receptorowym w臋chowym u kiryska spi偶owego s膮 kom贸rki w臋chowe z witkami w cz臋艣ci apikalnej.Narz膮dy smaku w postaci kubk贸w smakowych obecne s膮 w sk贸rze i 艣luz贸wce jamy g臋bowej i gardzieli u osobnik贸w obydwu gatunk贸w. Zag臋szczenie kubk贸w smakowych w wybranych okolicach jest wi臋ksze u kiryska spi偶owego.The following paper presents the anatomical structure and morphology of the olfactory organs and the taste of two species of fish: Corydoras aeneus from the family Callichthyidae and Macrognathus aculeatus from the family Mastacembelidae. These species differ in their environment of life and biology. The examined species have the olfactory organ in the preorbital part of the head. Corydoras aeneus has a typical olfactory chamber with an oval-shaped rosette. In contrary Macrognathus aculeatus has the olfactory chambers transformed into a long narrow canal with two rows of olfactory lamella. Macrognathus aculeatus has the pair of the accesory sacs. Nostrils (inlet and outlet) differ between species. As the individuals Corydoras aeneus grow, olfactory lamella changes and their surface rises. The sensory component in the olfactory epithelium of the Corydoras aeneus are ciliated cells.Taste buds are present in the skin and mucosa of the mouth and pharynx in individuals of both species. The taste buds in the selected areas are more dense in Corydoras aeneus

    Anadromous fish of Poland

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    W przyrodzie spotykamy si臋 ze zjawiskiem nazywanym migracj膮. Ryby jako jedne ze zwierz膮t w臋druj膮cych wykszta艂ci艂y u siebie ciekawe mechanizmy i zwyczaje podczas migracji. W臋dr贸wki mo偶na podzieli膰 wedle wielu kategori, np. ze wzg臋du na funkcj臋 czy miejsce wyst臋powania. Szczeg贸lnym rodzajem tego zjawiska jest migracja diadromiczna, kt贸ra polega na przemieszczaniu si臋 pomi臋dzy dwoma odmiennymi biomami. Je艣li kierunek migracji przebiega z w贸d s艂onych do s艂odkich to nazywamy j膮 anadromiczn膮. Istotne jest tak偶e funkcjonowanie ryb podczas w臋dr贸wek, to jak orientuj膮 si臋 w terenie czy nawiguj膮 do docelowego miejsca. Du偶y wp艂yw na migracje ryb ma cz艂owiek i rozw贸j antropogeniczny. W Polsce wyr贸偶niamy czterna艣cie gatunk贸w anadromicznych. Zwyczajowo na li艣cie pojawiaj膮 si臋 dwa gatunki z rodziny minogowatych, cho膰 s膮 to prymitywne bez偶uchwowce.One of the most interesting things in animals world is migration. Fish as animal which migrate, move between two different habitats to reproduction and feeding. We can divide migration into many categories based on function or habitat. Migration between oceans and freshwater is called anadromic and it is one of the most intersting acts in fishes bahavior. How they orient and navigate thru journey. In Poland we have 14 anadromic species, although 2 of them are not actual fishes and it is classical way to introduce them

    Working Conditions and Their Importance for Eliminating Errors in the Order Picking Process, Using an E-Commerce Commercial Enterprise as an Example

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    The research presented herein aims to pinpoint the factors that cause errors in the order picking process in an e-commerce enterprise and to confirm or deny the assumption that these factors largely concern employees and their working conditions. Research method: A case study strategy, observation (non-compliance cards and identification of working conditions), and Lorenz鈥揚areto and Ishikawa were the methods used. Results: The research results indicate that working conditions are a key factor influencing the number of errors in the picking process. The usefulness of the research: The results show that paying particular attention to working conditions is not only good in the context of caring for the well-being of employees, but also as a means to reduce the number of errors and improve the pace of work. Limitations: Due to the methods used, which in turn result from the large variety of e-commerce entities, the research results are not universal and are limited to a specific situational context

    Cross-cultural differences in metacognitive self

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