23 research outputs found

    On-Policy Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning Without On-Policy Sampling

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    On-policy reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms perform policy updates using i.i.d. trajectories collected by the current policy. However, after observing only a finite number of trajectories, on-policy sampling may produce data that fails to match the expected on-policy data distribution. This sampling error leads to noisy updates and data inefficient on-policy learning. Recent work in the policy evaluation setting has shown that non-i.i.d., off-policy sampling can produce data with lower sampling error than on-policy sampling can produce. Motivated by this observation, we introduce an adaptive, off-policy sampling method to improve the data efficiency of on-policy policy gradient algorithms. Our method, Proximal Robust On-Policy Sampling (PROPS), reduces sampling error by collecting data with a behavior policy that increases the probability of sampling actions that are under-sampled with respect to the current policy. Rather than discarding data from old policies -- as is commonly done in on-policy algorithms -- PROPS uses data collection to adjust the distribution of previously collected data to be approximately on-policy. We empirically evaluate PROPS on both continuous-action MuJoCo benchmark tasks as well as discrete-action tasks and demonstrate that (1) PROPS decreases sampling error throughout training and (2) improves the data efficiency of on-policy policy gradient algorithms. Our work improves the RL community's understanding of a nuance in the on-policy vs off-policy dichotomy: on-policy learning requires on-policy data, not on-policy sampling

    State-Action Similarity-Based Representations for Off-Policy Evaluation

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    In reinforcement learning, off-policy evaluation (OPE) is the problem of estimating the expected return of an evaluation policy given a fixed dataset that was collected by running one or more different policies. One of the more empirically successful algorithms for OPE has been the fitted q-evaluation (FQE) algorithm that uses temporal difference updates to learn an action-value function, which is then used to estimate the expected return of the evaluation policy. Typically, the original fixed dataset is fed directly into FQE to learn the action-value function of the evaluation policy. Instead, in this paper, we seek to enhance the data-efficiency of FQE by first transforming the fixed dataset using a learned encoder, and then feeding the transformed dataset into FQE. To learn such an encoder, we introduce an OPE-tailored state-action behavioral similarity metric, and use this metric and the fixed dataset to learn an encoder that models this metric. Theoretically, we show that this metric allows us to bound the error in the resulting OPE estimate. Empirically, we show that other state-action similarity metrics lead to representations that cannot represent the action-value function of the evaluation policy, and that our state-action representation method boosts the data-efficiency of FQE and lowers OPE error relative to other OPE-based representation learning methods on challenging OPE tasks. We also empirically show that the learned representations significantly mitigate divergence of FQE under varying distribution shifts. Our code is available here: https://github.com/Badger-RL/ROPE.Comment: Accepted to Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 202

    Understanding when Dynamics-Invariant Data Augmentations Benefit Model-Free Reinforcement Learning Updates

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    Recently, data augmentation (DA) has emerged as a method for leveraging domain knowledge to inexpensively generate additional data in reinforcement learning (RL) tasks, often yielding substantial improvements in data efficiency. While prior work has demonstrated the utility of incorporating augmented data directly into model-free RL updates, it is not well-understood when a particular DA strategy will improve data efficiency. In this paper, we seek to identify general aspects of DA responsible for observed learning improvements. Our study focuses on sparse-reward tasks with dynamics-invariant data augmentation functions, serving as an initial step towards a more general understanding of DA and its integration into RL training. Experimentally, we isolate three relevant aspects of DA: state-action coverage, reward density, and the number of augmented transitions generated per update (the augmented replay ratio). From our experiments, we draw two conclusions: (1) increasing state-action coverage often has a much greater impact on data efficiency than increasing reward density, and (2) decreasing the augmented replay ratio substantially improves data efficiency. In fact, certain tasks in our empirical study are solvable only when the replay ratio is sufficiently low

    A Joint Imitation-Reinforcement Learning Framework for Reduced Baseline Regret

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    In various control task domains, existing controllers provide a baseline level of performance that -- though possibly suboptimal -- should be maintained. Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms that rely on extensive exploration of the state and action space can be used to optimize a control policy. However, fully exploratory RL algorithms may decrease performance below a baseline level during training. In this paper, we address the issue of online optimization of a control policy while minimizing regret w.r.t a baseline policy performance. We present a joint imitation-reinforcement learning framework, denoted JIRL. The learning process in JIRL assumes the availability of a baseline policy and is designed with two objectives in mind \textbf{(a)} leveraging the baseline's online demonstrations to minimize the regret w.r.t the baseline policy during training, and \textbf{(b)} eventually surpassing the baseline performance. JIRL addresses these objectives by initially learning to imitate the baseline policy and gradually shifting control from the baseline to an RL agent. Experimental results show that JIRL effectively accomplishes the aforementioned objectives in several, continuous action-space domains. The results demonstrate that JIRL is comparable to a state-of-the-art algorithm in its final performance while incurring significantly lower baseline regret during training in all of the presented domains. Moreover, the results show a reduction factor of up to 2121 in baseline regret over a state-of-the-art baseline regret minimization approach.Comment: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 202

    Tackling Unbounded State Spaces in Continuing Task Reinforcement Learning

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    While deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have been successfully applied to many tasks, their inability to extrapolate and strong reliance on episodic resets inhibits their applicability to many real-world settings. For instance, in stochastic queueing problems, the state space can be unbounded and the agent may have to learn online without the system ever being reset to states the agent has seen before. In such settings, we show that deep RL agents can diverge into unseen states from which they can never recover due to the lack of resets, especially in highly stochastic environments. Towards overcoming this divergence, we introduce a Lyapunov-inspired reward shaping approach that encourages the agent to first learn to be stable (i.e. to achieve bounded cost) and then to learn to be optimal. We theoretically show that our reward shaping technique reduces the rate of divergence of the agent and empirically find that it prevents it. We further combine our reward shaping approach with a weight annealing scheme that gradually introduces optimality and log-transform of state inputs, and find that these techniques enable deep RL algorithms to learn high performing policies when learning online in unbounded state space domains