86 research outputs found

    Sensormodelle zur Simulation der Umfelderfassung für Systeme des automatisierten Fahrens

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    The use of sensor models allows the simulation of environmental perception in automated driving systems, aiding in development and testing efforts. This work systematically discusses the different types of sensor models and introduces an architecture for statistics based as well as for physically motivated sensor models. Each approach is grounded in real world observations of sensor measurements and is designed for portability and the ease of further extensions.Die Nutzung von Sensormodellen für die Umfelderfassung ebnet den Weg für die simulationsgestützte Entwicklung von Systemen des automatisierten Fahrens. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Systematik für verschiedene Arten von Sensormodellen eingeführt und eine Umsetzung von statistischen sowie von physikalisch motivierten Modellen vorgestellt. Beide Ansätze basieren auf realen Sensormessdaten und zielen auf eine leichte Übertragbarkeit sowie die Möglichkeit der Erweiterung der Modelle für verschiedene Anwendungsbereiche

    Understanding Collective Dynamics of Soft Active Colloids by Binary Scattering

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    Collective motion in actively propelled particle systems is triggered on the very local scale by nucleation of coherently moving units consisting of just a handful of particles. These units grow and merge over time, ending up in a long-range ordered, coherently-moving state. So far, there exists no bottom-up understanding of how the microscopic dynamics and interactions between the constituents are related to the system's ordering instability. In this paper, we study a class of models for propelled colloids allowing an explicit treatment of the microscopic details of the collision process. Specifically, the model equations are Newtonian equations of motion with separate force terms for particles' driving, dissipation and interaction forces. Focusing on dilute particle systems, we analyze the binary scattering behavior for these models, and determine-based on the microscopic dynamics-the corresponding collision-rule, i.e., the mapping of pre-collisional velocities and impact parameter on post-collisional velocities. By studying binary scattering we also find that the considered models for active colloids share the same principle for parallel alignment: the first incoming particle (with respect to the center of collision) is aligned to the second particle as a result of the encounter. This behavior is distinctively different to alignment in non-driven dissipative gases. Moreover, the obtained collision rule lends itself as a starting point to apply kinetic theory for propelled particle systems in order to determine the phase boundary to a long-range ordered, coherently-moving state. The microscopic origin of the collision rule offers the opportunity to quantitatively scrutinize the predictions of kinetic theory for propelled particle systems through direct comparison with multi-particle simulations.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Sensormodelle zur Simulation der Umfelderfassung für Systeme des automatisierten Fahrens

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    The use of sensor models allows the simulation of environmental perception in automated driving systems, aiding in development and testing efforts. This work systematically discusses the different types of sensor models and introduces an architecture for statistics based as well as for physically motivated sensor models. Each approach is grounded in real world observations of sensor measurements and is designed for portability and the ease of further extensions.Die Nutzung von Sensormodellen für die Umfelderfassung ebnet den Weg für die simulationsgestützte Entwicklung von Systemen des automatisierten Fahrens. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Systematik für verschiedene Arten von Sensormodellen eingeführt und eine Umsetzung von statistischen sowie von physikalisch motivierten Modellen vorgestellt. Beide Ansätze basieren auf realen Sensormessdaten und zielen auf eine leichte Übertragbarkeit sowie die Möglichkeit der Erweiterung der Modelle für verschiedene Anwendungsbereiche