1,421 research outputs found

    A Simple Model for Magnetization Ratios in Doped Nanocrystals

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    Recent experiments on Mn-doped ZnS nanocrystals have shown unusual magnetization properties. We describe a nearest-neighbor Heisenberg exchange model for calculating the magnetization ratios of these antiferromagnetically doped crystals, in which the dopant atoms are distributed inhomogeneously within the nanocrystal. This simple inhomogeneous doping model is capable of reproducing the experimental results, and suggests that interior dopant atoms are localized within the crystal.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables. Submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    Pembuatan Game Labirin dengan Menggunakan Blender 3d

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    A game, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform an educational, simulational, or psychological role.Game maze is a type of game that could be considered old-fashioned, but this type of game is still enjoyed in your spare time, and there are many games that use the concept of the labyrinth.Blender is free software, that can be used to implement a labyrinth game with a low polygon modeling because blender has the ability like pay aplikasi tough. Blender has a lot of ability ranging from 3D modeling, rendering, shading, 3D animation, to 3D game development as a whole

    Pengaruh Citra Destinasi Terhadap Kepuasan Wisatawan Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Loyalitas Wisatawan (Studi Pada Wisatawan Nusantara Yang Berkunjung Ke Kota Batu)

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    This research aims to clarify: the influence of destination image variable to tourist satisfaction variable, tourist satisfaction\u27s influence to tourist loyalty, and tourist satisfaction\u27s influence to tourist loyalty in Batu city. This research use quantitative approach with explanatory research. This research use three variables: tourist satisfaction, destination image, and tourist loyalty. The collection of data obtained through a questionnaire which distributed to 113 respondents. The sampling technique of this research use purposive sampling and the respondent is domestic tourist who come from outside Batu city, at least twice visited to the tour attraction in Batu city for tour, started in 2010 since the Batu city decided as a tourism city until the time of the research carried out. The data analysis in this research use descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results showed that: destination image variable significantly influence tourist satisfaction variable, the destination image variable significantly influence tourist loyalty variable, and tourist satisfaction variable significantly influence tourist loyalty variable. Based on this research\u27s result, the government and the tourism\u27s entrepreneur have to keep the image of Batu city and increase the tourist\u27s visit intention by promoting all types of tour attraction, and optimizing the variety of tour attraction by creating tour packages

    Optimasi Proses Likuifaksi Mikroalga Spirulina SP. untuk Produksi Bahan Bakar Cair Menggunakan Metode Respon Permukaan : Pengaruh Tekanan Awal dan Konsentrasi Katalis

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    Mikroalga merupakan sumber daya biomassa yang mengandung banyak komponen yang berguna seperti protein, karbohidrat, lemak dan lain-lain. Kandungan komponen pada mikroalga tersebut dapat dikonversi oleh beberapa proses untuk dijadikan padat, gas, maupun gas bio, hal ini sering dikatakan bahwa mikroalga memiliki potensi memasok 30% dari permintaan bahan bakar global tanpa mempengaruhi produksi pangan. Aplikasi teknologi likuifaksi memiliki keunggulan dari sisi ekonomi karena dapat menggunakan mikroalga basah tanpa proses pengeringan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan optimasi dan menginvestigasi pengaruh dari tekanan awal dan konsentrasi katalis pada proses likuifaksi dalam memproduksi bahan bakar cair. Konversi dari biomassa ini menggunakan mikroalga Spirulina sp. kering yang memiliki kandungan kandungan lipid 17,92% berat, protein 56,39% berat dan karbohidrat 8,03% berat. Bubuk Spirulina sp. ditambahkan akuades dengan rasio 1:3 dan dilakukan konversi secara hidrotermal likuifaksi dalam reaktor autoklaf berpengaduk yang memiliki tekanan dan suhu yang tinggi dengan suhu reaksi sebesar 300oC. dalam konversi biomassa ini menggunakan katalis berbasis besi (5% berat) dan diaktifasi dengan sulfur (0.8% berat). Optimasi proses likuifaksi dilakukan dengan metode statistik respon permukaan pada variasi tekanan awal 0,5-2 MPa dan variasi konsentrasi katalis 0-7%. Optomasi kondisi proses tersebut dilakukan dalam 13 kali percobaan dengan berbagai pasangan variasi. Rancangan percobaan, analisis variansi, model percobaan, dan kondisi proses di optimasi menggunakan perangkat lunak komersial (DesignExpert®). Dari analisis yang dilakukan oleh perangkat lunak DesignExpert®, diperoleh kondisi optimum proses pada tekanan awal 2 Mpa dan konsentrasi katalis sebanyak 7% dengan perolehan yield bahan bakar cair sebesar 27,49 % berat. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa bahan bakar cair dari Chlorella sp. memiliki karakteristik yang hampir sama dengan minyak bumi mentah dengan rasio H/C= 0,86 dan nilai kalor 32,04 MJ/kg

    Redefining Tourism Governance in Raja Ampat: Sustainable Development Plus, Governance Index and Android Based App Open Access

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    To develop tourism sustainably in an emerging tourism destination especially Raja Ampat, there is a need to manage regional identity and develop governance arrangements that bond tourism development and community together. The government as a key initiator of community empowerment, needs to ensure its governance arrangements are efficient. This paper develops a framework to measure the effectiveness of regional governance for sustainable tourism development based on two main elements: sustainable development plus and tourism governance. Sustainable development plus consists of two core named internal and external layers. The tourism governance is then measured by data triangulation, and analysis. The result of the analysis is articulated into tourism governance index and management strategy based on Boston Consulting Group Matrix. This framework which later transformed into governance matrix can be used to set up governance index to help the government improve the governance performance. The android based app open access is also developed to bring policy making process closer to the community and global sphere

    In vitro evaluation of berries of various Vitis genotypes for disease resistance to Botrytis cinerea

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    Berries of 41 Vitis genotypes were evaluated for resistance to B. cinerea. Evaluation revealed that four genotypes were highly resistant (HR), eight resistant (R), eighteen susceptible (S) and eleven highly susceptible (HS). We further evaluated HR genotype 'Dong fang zhi xing' and HS genotype 'Gold finger' by comparing the fungal growth, reactive oxygen species (ROS) responses, jasmonic acid (JA) levels, anti-oxidants, e.g., Peroxidase (POD), Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Malondialhydrate (MDA) content changes after infection with B. cinerea. Our results confirmed that the elevated resistance of 'Dong fang zhi xing' was due to weak fungal development, low ROS production, timely elevation of anti-oxidative functions, and high JA levels. Moreover, HS 'Gold finger' infection was severe and sustained ROS production which may be due to its relatively unchanged anti-oxidative activities and low JA level. Our results could help grape breeders to select suitable germplasm for future research work

    Prevalence of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis among patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: a retrospective hospital-based study

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    Background & Objective: Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) is a difficult-to-treat form of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). High rates of XDR-TB have been reported from India. We sought to ascertain the prevalence of XDR-TB among patients with MDR-TB treated at a tertiary care centre in New Delhi, India. Methods: Case records of patients treated for MDR-TB at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences hospital, New Delhi, between 1997 and 2003 were retrospectively reviewed. All patients underwent a pretreatment drug-susceptibility testing (DST) to first- as well as second-line drugs. XDR-TB was defined as TB caused by bacilli showing resistance to rifampicin and isoniazid in addition to any fluoroquinolone and to at least one of the three following injectable drugs: capreomycin, kanamycin, and amikacin. Results: A total of 211 laboratory-confirmed cases of MDR-TB were reviewed. The mean age of the patients was 33 ± 12 yr. Fifty one (24%) patients were females. All patients were sero-negative for human immunodeficiency virus infection. Five of the 211 MDR-TB patients had XDR-TB. The prevalence of XDR-TB was 2.4 per cent among MDR-TB patients. Interpretation & Conclusion: Our results showed that XDR-TB was rare among patients with MDR-TB treated between 1997 and 2003 at our centre. Unreported selection bias might have been responsible for the high prevalence of XDR-TB reported in previous hospital-based studies from India

    Face and content validity of a novel, web-based otoscopy simulator for medical education.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the fact that otoscopy is a widely used and taught diagnostic tool during medical training, errors in diagnosis are common. Physical otoscopy simulators have high fidelity, but they can be expensive and only a limited number of students can use them at a given time. OBJECTIVES: 1) To develop a purely web-based otoscopy simulator that can easily be distributed to students over the internet. 2) To assess face and content validity of the simulator by surveying experts in otoscopy. METHODS: An otoscopy simulator, OtoTrain™, was developed at Western University using web-based programming and Unity 3D. Eleven experts from academic institutions in North America were recruited to test the simulator and respond to an online questionnaire. A 7-point Likert scale was used to answer questions related to face validity (realism of the simulator), content validity (expert evaluation of subject matter and test items), and applicability to medical training. RESULTS: The mean responses for the face validity, content validity, and applicability to medical training portions of the questionnaire were all ≤3, falling between the Agree , Mostly Agree , and Strongly Agree categories. The responses suggest good face and content validity of the simulator. Open-ended questions revealed that the primary drawbacks of the simulator were the lack of a haptic arm for force feedback, a need for increased focus on pneumatic otoscopy, and few rare disorders shown on otoscopy. CONCLUSION: OtoTrain™ is a novel, web-based otoscopy simulator that can be easily distributed and used by students on a variety of platforms. Initial face and content validity was encouraging, and a skills transference study is planned following further modifications and improvements to the simulator

    Clinical presentation of hypothyroidism: a study of 50 cases

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    Background: When the thyroid gland does not produce and release enough thyroid hormone into your circulation, it is known as hypothyroidism. Your metabolism becomes slower as a result. Hypothyroidism, also known as an underactive thyroid, can make you feel exhausted, put-on weight, and have trouble with cold weather. In utero, throughout infancy, during youth, or even during maturity, it may begin to develop. The frequency of unanticipated overt hypothyroidism varies from 1 to 18 cases per thousand persons when accompanied by biochemical and clinical symptoms of hypothyroidism. The aim of the study was to observe the various clinical presentations of hypothyroidismMethods: This cross-sectional observational case-based study was conducted at the institute of nuclear medicine, Dhaka medical college hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The study duration was 6 months, from January 2005 to July 2005. A total of 50 patients attended at the study place during the study period who were biochemically hypothyroid were included in the study.Results: The age range of the patients was 13 months to 54 years with a mean age of 29.5 years in this series. The majority of the patients were between 20 to 49 years of age. Female comprises 80.0% in comparison to 20.0% of male cases of hypothyroidism. Spontaneous primary (idiopathic) hypothyroidism (90.0%), post-radioiodine therapy, and post-ablative hypothyroidism were the most important causes of hypothyroidism in this series. Most typical symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism were found in this study. The most common symptoms were generalized weakness, lethargy, slowness of activities, impairment of memory, loss of scalp hair, somnolence, dry skin, puffiness of the face, constipation, weight gain, hoarseness of voice, swelling of the body, decreased sweating and paraesthesia. Cases of idiopathic hypothyroidism and other types had similar symptoms. The mean duration of symptoms before medical consultation was 2.9 years. Dry and coarse skin topped the list of physical findings and was present in 60.0% of the cases. Other findings in order of frequency include goiter (56.0%), puffiness of the face (38.0%), cold and thick skin (44.0%), thick tongue (24.0%), peripheral edema (24.0%), Anemia (20.0%), pallor of the face (12.0%), bradycardia (08.0%), thick lips (4.0%), ascites (2.0%) and pericardial effusion (2.0%).Conclusions: Although in the present series a limited number of patients were included, it encompassed varieties of cases. Moreover, an attempt was made to evaluate the common presentation, age incidence, sex distribution, and laboratory status of hypothyroidism in our country, giving more emphasis on clinical findings
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