9 research outputs found

    Prefiks super-: kognitivnolingvistički pristup

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    The aim of this paper is to shed more light on the semantic network of the prefix super- and to prove that what lends systematicity to the semantic structure of prefixes is that they are underlyingly not arbitrary but motivated. Cognitive linguistics offers many approaches helpful in explaining this phenomenon. Some of the mechanisms used for this paper are conceptual metaphor and metonymy.Cilj je ovoga rada dati prikaz semantičke strukture prefiksa SUPER- i pokazati da je ono što daje sustavnost semantičkoj strukturi spomenutoga prefiksa činjenica da su njegova značenja motivirana. Kognitivna lingvistika nudi mnoštvo pristupa pomoću kojih se može objasniti taj fenomen. Neki od mehanizama korištenih u ovom radu jesu konceptualna metafora i metonimija

    The power of metaphor in thesis writing process

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    The article contributes to the discussion of writing at the master’s level by investigating metaphors underlying the process of writing a master’s thesis from the perspective of graduate students. The analysis focuses on the use of metaphors in semi-structured interviews conducted with graduate students who defended their thesis and reflected on the whole process. Their metaphor use is non-elicited and this rhetorical device is spontaneously used showing that thesis writers conceptualize their research and all it entails in metaphorical terms to a significant extent. Despite the fact that thesis writers themselves were not encouraged to pay attention to or use metaphorical language, their narratives reveal the interplay of metaphors when describing the writing process

    Prefiksi i prototipovi: kontrastivno proučavanje glagolskog prefiksa un- u engleskom i raz- u bosanskom

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    Prefixation is traditionally studied and regarded as the process of word formation. However, in this paper we try to approach the issue of prefixation from a different perspective. This paper describes the semantic structure of the verbal prefix UN- in English and one of its Bosnian counterparts RAZ- within the theoretical and methodological framework of cognitive linguistics. The first part of the paper gives a brief theoretical account of relevant issues: categorization, prototype theory, and polysemy. The second part of the paper presents the analysis of semantic structure of the verbal prefix UN- in English and the verbal prefix RAZ- in Bosnian. In this paper, we will try to provide a cognitively based account of the meanings of the prefixes mentioned. The sub-meanings will also be given within a cognitive prototype model together with the meaning extensions which are achieved through the mechanisms of conceptual metaphor and metonymy.Prefiksacija se tradicionalno proučava kao proces tvorbe riječi. U ovom radu pokušavamo prefiksaciju proučavati iz druge perspektive. U prilogu se opisuje semantička struktura glagolskog prefiksa UN- u engleskom i njegovog bosanskog ekvivalenta RAZ- u okviru kognitivne lingvistike. U prvom se dijelu daje prikaz relevantnih teorijskih zasada: kategorizacije, teorije prototipova i polisemije. Drugi je dio analiza semantičke strukture engleskih glagola prefigiranih pomou UN- i bosanskih glagola prefigiranih pomoću RAZ-. Uz korištenje prototipnog modela razlikuje se niz glavnih značenja i podznačenja te prikazuje značenjske ekstenzije koje se temelje na konceptualnim metaforama i metonimijama

    Journey through the writing process: Metaphors of thesis writing experience

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    This paper aimed to investigate metaphorical images used by master’s students in order to gain an insight into their schemata for thinking about the process of master’s thesis writing. Semi-structured interviews on the topic of master’s thesis writing with three students coming from humanities, social sciences and natural sciences served as a corpus from which the data were extracted. The paper analysed participants’ unconscious use of metaphorical language in their narratives, mirroring their perception of the thesis writing process. The results revealed that the participants’ personal experience revolves around the concept of journey as the central image they share and the journey metaphor, along with a group of related specific metaphors, serves to illustrate the complexity of the writing process itself

    Translating emotion-related metaphors: A cognitive approach

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    The paper explores the existence of cognitive linguistics principles in translation of emotion-related metaphorical expressions. Cognitive linguists (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980; Lakoff, 1987) define metaphor as a mechanism used for understanding one conceptual domain, target domain, in terms of another conceptual domain, source domain, through sets of correspondences between these two domains. They also claim that metaphor is omnipresent in ordinary discourse. Cognitive linguists, however, also real-ized that certain metaphors can be recognized and identified in different languages and cultures whereas some are language- and culture-specific. This paper focuses on similarities and variations in metaphors which have recently become popular within the discipline of Translation Studies. Transferring and translating metaphors from one language to another can represent a challenge for translators due to a multi-faceted process of translation including both linguistic and non-linguistic elements. A number of methods and procedures have been developed to overcome potential difficulties in translating metaphorical expressions, with the most frequent ones being substitution, paraphrase, or deletion. The analysis shows the transformation of metaphorical expressions from one language into another and the procedures involving underlying conceptual metaphors, native speaker competence, and the influence of the source language

    The sense of control and power with OVER

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    The classical category theory uses a homonymy approach, where different meanings of one lexeme are symbolized by the same form without any particular relations between them. Cognitive linguistics reduces this sense arbitrariness and offers mechanisms of meaning extensions, one of which is the theory of conceptual metaphor. In this paper, we study some aspects of the particle OVER as a formative element in verbs in relation to Langacker\u27s (1987) distinction between trajector and landmark. The analysis here focuses on some metaphors for power and control within the framework of cognitive linguistics. Verbs formed with OVER will be shown to behave differently depending on the metaphors which underlie them

    Translating emotion-related metaphors: A cognitive approach

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    The paper explores the existence of cognitive linguistics principles in translation of emotion-related metaphorical expressions. Cognitive linguists (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980; Lakoff, 1987) define metaphor as a mechanism used for understanding one conceptual domain, target domain, in terms of another conceptual domain, source domain, through sets of correspondences between these two domains. They also claim that metaphor is omnipresent in ordinary discourse. Cognitive linguists, however, also realized that certain metaphors can be recognized and identified in different languages and cultures whereas some are language- and culture-specific. This paper focuses on similarities and variations in metaphors which have recently become popular within the discipline of Translation Studies. Transferring and translating metaphors from one language to another can represent a challenge for translators due to a multi-faceted process of translation including both linguistic and non-linguistic elements. A number of methods and procedures have been developed to overcome potential difficulties in translating metaphorical expressions, with the most frequent ones being substitution, paraphrase, or deletion. The analysis shows the transformation of metaphorical expressions from one language into another and the procedures involving underlying conceptual metaphors, native speaker competence, and the influence of the source language

    Journey through the writing process: Metaphors of thesis writing experience

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    This paper aimed to investigate metaphorical images used by master’s students in order to gain an insight into their schemata for thinking about the process of master’s thesis writing. Semistructured interviews on the topic of master’s thesis writing with three students coming from humanities, social sciences and natural sciences served as a corpus from which the data were extracted. The paper analysed participants’ unconscious use of metaphorical language in their narratives, mirroring their perception of the thesis writing process. The results revealed that the participants’ personal experience revolves around the concept of journey as the central image they share and the journey metaphor, along with a group of related specific metaphors, serves to illustrate the complexity of the writing process itself