25 research outputs found
Tehnološka infrastruktura CRM-KAM koncepta : faktor konkurentnosti finansijskih organizacija
Izvanredan tehnološki i inovacioni dinamizam portfolia na tržištu finansijskih usluga uslovljava konstantnu potrebu unapređenja poslovne konkurentnosti i profitabilnost finansijskih organizacija. Otuda je fokus ovog rada tehnološka infrastruktura CRM-KAM procesa, odnosno procesa upravljanja odnosima sa klijentima (CRM - Customer Relationship Management) s fokusom na upravljanje odnosima sa ključnim klijentima finansijskih organizacija (KAM - Key Account Management) koji svojim lojalnošću uzrokovanom visokim nivoom pružene usluge, doprinose većoj konkurentnosti i bržem ostvarenju ciljeva finansijske organizacije. S tim u vezi, ukazano je na značajnu ulogu primene informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija, s posebnim akcentom na ažurne baze podataka kao osnove efektivnog CRM-KAM i predložen je okvir aktivnosti koji je u funkciji efikasne implemetacije CRM-KAM koncepta. Takodje, u radu su prikazani i rezultati
empirijskog istraživanja o razvijenosti i stepenu implementiranosti CRM-KAM sistema u finansijskom sektoru kao jednom od najpropulzivnijih u Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja potvđuju da su najznačajnije koristi od implementiranja sistem CRM/KAM za finansijske organizacije Srbije: efikasnija unakrsna prodaja, kreiranje efikasnije strategije prodaje i kvalitetna analiza prodaje, analiza klijenata prema relevantnim karakteristikama, merenje profitabilnosti klijenta, integrisane informacije o klijentu, ušteda u vremenu za razne analize i bolje poznavanje tržišta
Specificities of Online Concept in Comparision with a Classic Concept of Marketing Research
Generation of quality marketing decisions necessarily anticipates existence of a developed system of marketing research. The paper assesses limits of a classic concept of marketing research and stresses specificities of online concepts. The accent is put to a role of information and communications technology and a process and organization of online concepts of marketing research.
The paper also analyzes the comparison of these concepts of marketing research and underlines their complementarities and a possibility to eliminate individual limitations of each of the concepts in order to establish an effective process of marketing research with a function to support the process of generation of marketing decisions
Managing customer relationship within financial organisations
The paper points out the key market changes in the first decades of the twenty-first century and their implications on business philosophy, concepts, principles and techniques of relationship marketing from the point of making strategic marketing decisions within financial organizations. In this context points are made to the important role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in accomplishing executive and creative marketing activities, highlighting the analysis of the process of customer relationship management (CRM) in financial organizations and providing rational insight in CRM potential for improving business results, in order to identify useful tools in this complex area, and offer appropriate solutions, which confirms the benefits of its application in financial services
Specifičnosti marketinga finansijskih organizacija
Osnovni cilj marketing orijentisane finansijske organizacije jeste superiorno (u odnosu na konkurente) zadovoljenje sadašnjih i budućih potreba klijenata uz ostvarivanje željene dobiti koja će obezbediti njen dalji (održivi) rast i razvoj i jačanje tržišne pozicije u odnosu na konkurenciju. Ostvarivanje dobrih marketinških i ukupnih poslovnih performasi podrazumeva da finansijska organizacija kontinuirano inovira svoj portfolio proizvoda i usluga. Finansijski resursi svake organizacije su limitirani i, sledstveno tome, moraju se alocirati na pojedinačne
instrumente marketing miksa na takav način koji će doneti najbolje rezultate organizaciji i istovremeno pružiti najviše koristi potrošačima i drugim stejkholderima. Koliki će iznos sredstava odvojiti za svaki
pojedinačni element marketing miksa, u dobroj meri zavisi i od toga koliki stepen važnosti finansijska organizacija pridaje pojedinim elementima, od stepena njihove delotvornosti i doprinosa pojedinih instrumenata učinku ukupnog miksa. U ovom radu se prezentuju osnovni modeli marketinga finansijskih usluga i budžetiranja promocije, kao i rezultati empirijskog
istraživanja strukture i dinamike ulaganja finansijskih organizacija Srbije u promociju u proteklom četvorogodišnjem periodu. U tom kontekstu prikazani su i empirijski rezultati koji otkrivaju učestalost upotrebe
metoda koje finansijske organizacije Srbije primenjuju prilikom određivanja svojih budžeta za marketing
Strengthening Economic Subjects' Internal Capacities: marketing management and CRM
Radical changes in business environment, especially those that are generated by
global economic/financial crisis, highlight the importance of applying modern
marketing management concepts. The concept of crisis management concept
provides rational analytical framework for performing necessary structural changes
as a response to the environment challenges. Achieving a sustainable competitive
advantage and high level of satisfaction of increasingly demanding customers with
the decreasing effective demand market conditions, implies complex corporate
restructuring, based on market reorganizing and strengthening the internal capacity
of the company. This can provide a new strategic leverage through innovations in
business portfolio and implementation of internal and strategic marketing activities.
With the help of CRM system, that provides relevant information basis, strengthening
internal capacity can secure company’s growth and development
Razvoj i upravljanje odnosima sa klijentima u industriji finansijskih usluga
Intenzivne tržišne i tehnološke promene u okruženju finansijskih organizacija, imaju značajne implikacije u obavljanju izvršnih i kreativnih aktivnosti marketinga. U ovom radu se posebno analizira razvoj
procesa upravljanja odnosima sa klijentima u industriji finansijskih usluga i argumentovano sagledaju mogućnosti doprinosa sistema upravljanja odnosima sa klijentima (CRM/CRM - Customer Relationship Management) poslovnim rezultatima kako bi se identifikovali upotrebljivi
instrumenti u ovoj kompleksnoj oblasti i ponudila odgovarajuća rešenja, koja potvrđuju korisnost njegove primene u industriji finansijskih usluga. CRM koncept predstavlja usklađivanje poslovnih strategija, organizacione strukture i kulture preduzeća, na osnovu informacija o klijentima i informatičke tehnologije, sa ciljem da se u svim kontaktima
sa klijentima zadovolje njihove potrebe i ostvari poslovna korist odnosno dobit, te je primena CRM koncepta značajan faktor konkurentske prednosti u industriji finansijskih usluga. Otuda su u radu prezentovani rezultati istraživanja o stepenu implementiranosti CRM sistema u finansijskim organizacijama Srbije, kao svojevrstan indikator ukupne
razvijenosti industrije finansijskih usluga
Mortgage Securities as Funding Source for Mortgage Loans in the European Union
In this paper we analyzed mortgage securities as a source of financing credit activities in the mortgage market of the European Union. Although they basically provide the same products – mortgages, credit institutions differ in the way of financing their activities. While some institutions finance their activities by deposits, others issue mortgage securities (mortgage bonds and mortgage-backed securities) through the capital market. This analysis based on relevant literature and appropriate statistical data showed that the importance of mortgage securities vary from country to country. At the level of the European Union its overall importance is very high, since more than ¼ of all credit activities on the mortgage market are financed by these instruments. Moreover, it has been proved that mortgage bonds and mortgage backed securities in many ways satisfy various needs of creditors. The selection of the instrument depends on the creditor's and investor's requirements and it is
determined by historical, legal and regulatory framework, as well as with the structure of the mortgage market in which the creditor operated. In many countries, mortgage bonds and mortgage backed securities are accepted as alternative and complementary source of finance, which results in the coexistence of these two types of mortgage securities. Historical data and recent trends suggest that, in the future, both of these instruments (especially mortgage bonds) will represent a significant source of financing credit activities in the mortgage market
Modelling of claim counts as a base for premium system determination
The aim of this paper is the analysis of the problem of modelling of claim counts in insurance that implies the study of variations of their occurance
through inding out the distribution which its the observed data most adequately. In that sense, the most important aspects in the process of choosing the probability of claim numbers have been studied on a chosen sample from a Serbian insurance company and it has been found that appropriate sample analysis that was based upon the study of the previous experience of the insured was one of the key elements from the point of view of determining adequate premium systems
Foreign exchange rate as a factor to improve the business environment – the case of Serbia
Foreign exchange rate represents an important determinant of the economic policy of each country. The exchange rate affects inflation and balance of payments, economic profitability and social status of the population. Foreign exchange rate is an instrument by which a country can affect the export competitiveness, while by stability of the national currency it may create a favorable macroeconomic environment and thus encourage the inflow of foreign capital. For countries facing inflation, a fixed exchange rate is potentially a more appropriate solution. On the other hand, for countries facing impaired trade balance and slow economic growth, perhaps the best suited decision is the implementation of a more flexible foreign currency-exchange arrangement, while intermediate regimes may provide significant benefits – since they encompass positive aspects of both extremes at the same time avoiding many of the costs. However, the survey results show that the proportion of countries adopting intermediate regimes was reduced either in favor of greater flexibility, or in favor of greater rigidity. Hence, this paper analyzes the basic characteristics of the current exchange rate regimes, and the implications of a managed floating exchange rate application on the success of the Serbian economy
Istraživanje tržišta – Faktor uspešnog strategijskog marketinga finansijskih organizacija
Istraživanje tržišta obezbedjuje informacione inpute za unapredjenje poslovanja, smanjujući rizik od pogrešno donetih strategijskih odluka iz oblasti marketinga, te predstavlja značajnu aktivnost na kojoj kompanije baziraju svoje marketing strategije i poslovno ponašnje. Istraživanje poslovnog okruženja, a pre svega stavova klijenata, je posebno zna-
čajno u sektoru finansijskih usluga. Zbog specifičnih karakteristika finansijskih usluga koje se ogledaju, pre svega, u neopipljivosti
(nematerijalnosti), varijabilnosti (heterogenosti) i prolaznosti usluge, ali i
kroz trajanje i kontingent potrošnje kao i povereničku odgovornost koju finansijske organizacije imaju, istraživanje tržišta u ovom segmentu ima posebnu dimenziju. Cilj ovog rada je analiza koncepta i
procesa istraživanja tržišta u segmentu finansijskih usluga i osvetljavanje uloge i značaja istraživanja tržišta kao bazične aktivnosti koja treba da obezbedi inpute za donošenje strategijskih marketinških odluka vezanih za: segmentaciju tržišta, ciljanje (targetiranje) tržišnog segmenta
i pozicioniranje na targetiranom tržišnom segmentu. U radu su, pored ostalog, prezentovani rezultati istraživanja tržišta, odnosno stavovi korisnika finansijskih usluga osiguranja od autoodgovornosti u
Srbiji, pri čemu se pošlo od hipoteze da su osnovni faktori pri izboru kompanije za osiguranje od autoodgovornost: reputacija osiguravajućeg društva, poverenje da će osiguravač isplatiti štetu kada se ona
dogodi i cena usluge