137 research outputs found

    The impact of depreciation expense on performance of trade in Serbia

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    Large retail chains conduct intensive replacement of old technology with new, more efficient one, especially in the field of energy, and in accordance with the application of the concept of sustainable development in business. These changes affect depreciation expenses and profits. Due to this, in this paper we will primarily research the dynamics of depreciation expenses and their impact on profit in sales of US, Japan, European Union, Russia, with special insight into Serbia based on original collected data. In order to thoroughly process given issues, numerous cases from practice were analyzed – depreciation of retail companies from different countries, especially the developed market economies. Presented methodological approach (comparative analysis, ratio analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, case studies) and research results(especially to point out the significance of continuous complex analysis of all relevant angles) should serve as a basis for more efficient management of depreciation expenses in modern trade

    Perspektive i razvoj finansijskih derivata u Srbiji

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    Finansijski derivati se mogu definisati kao vrlo aktivan finansijski instrument s obzirom na uticaj koji imaju na ekonomiju jedne zemlje. Iako su mnogi ekonomisti za nastanak svetske ekonomske krize „okrivili“ upravo derivate, problem nije bio u tim finansijskim instrumentima već u načinu njihovog upravljanja i kreiranja instrumenata koji u suštini i nisu mogli biti finansijski pokriveni niti realizovani. Jedna od najvećih prednosti ovih instrumenata jeste upravljanje rizikom, cenom otkrića ali i smanjenjem transakcijskih troškova. Svetske ekonomije uveliko koriste derivate u svojim finansijskim aktivnostima. Pored razvijenih zemalja veliku ulogu imaju i zemlje u razvoju koje, za razliku od tranzicijskih zemalja, imaju znatno veći stepen korišćenja finansijskih derivata posebno u domenu zaštite od valutnog rizika. Zemlje u tranziciji, poput Srbije, nemaju razvijeno ovo tržište a sama definicija u zakonu koji se bavi ovom tematikom spominje se samo u vidu da se može organizovati kao vanberzansko tržište što je više nego usko i nedovoljno da bi se stvorila podloga za razvoj ovog tržišta. Srbija kao tranziciona zemlja koja teži ekonomskom oporavku i stabilizaciji treba da uradi veći napor kako bi došlo do razvoja ovog vida tržišta jer stepen razvijenosti zemlje može se posmatrati upravo putem stepena razvijenosti tržišta finansijskih inovacija odnosno finansijskih derivata

    Prefiks super-: kognitivnolingvistički pristup

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    The aim of this paper is to shed more light on the semantic network of the prefix super- and to prove that what lends systematicity to the semantic structure of prefixes is that they are underlyingly not arbitrary but motivated. Cognitive linguistics offers many approaches helpful in explaining this phenomenon. Some of the mechanisms used for this paper are conceptual metaphor and metonymy.Cilj je ovoga rada dati prikaz semantičke strukture prefiksa SUPER- i pokazati da je ono što daje sustavnost semantičkoj strukturi spomenutoga prefiksa činjenica da su njegova značenja motivirana. Kognitivna lingvistika nudi mnoštvo pristupa pomoću kojih se može objasniti taj fenomen. Neki od mehanizama korištenih u ovom radu jesu konceptualna metafora i metonimija

    Tehnološka infrastruktura CRM-KAM koncepta : faktor konkurentnosti finansijskih organizacija

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    Izvanredan tehnološki i inovacioni dinamizam portfolia na tržištu finansijskih usluga uslovljava konstantnu potrebu unapređenja poslovne konkurentnosti i profitabilnost finansijskih organizacija. Otuda je fokus ovog rada tehnološka infrastruktura CRM-KAM procesa, odnosno procesa upravljanja odnosima sa klijentima (CRM - Customer Relationship Management) s fokusom na upravljanje odnosima sa ključnim klijentima finansijskih organizacija (KAM - Key Account Management) koji svojim lojalnošću uzrokovanom visokim nivoom pružene usluge, doprinose većoj konkurentnosti i bržem ostvarenju ciljeva finansijske organizacije. S tim u vezi, ukazano je na značajnu ulogu primene informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija, s posebnim akcentom na ažurne baze podataka kao osnove efektivnog CRM-KAM i predložen je okvir aktivnosti koji je u funkciji efikasne implemetacije CRM-KAM koncepta. Takodje, u radu su prikazani i rezultati empirijskog istraživanja o razvijenosti i stepenu implementiranosti CRM-KAM sistema u finansijskom sektoru kao jednom od najpropulzivnijih u Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja potvđuju da su najznačajnije koristi od implementiranja sistem CRM/KAM za finansijske organizacije Srbije: efikasnija unakrsna prodaja, kreiranje efikasnije strategije prodaje i kvalitetna analiza prodaje, analiza klijenata prema relevantnim karakteristikama, merenje profitabilnosti klijenta, integrisane informacije o klijentu, ušteda u vremenu za razne analize i bolje poznavanje tržišta

    Uticaj globalizacije na prehrambenu industriju putem genetski modificiranih organizama u Bosni i Hercegovini i Srbiji

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    Cilj ovog rada jeste prikazati kako globalizacija utiče na prehrambenu industriju Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbije, u kontekstu upotrebe genetski modificiranih organizama (GMO), kao jedine dvije zemlje regiona koje nisu članice Svjetske trgovinske organizacije (STO) čime im se uslovljava ulazak u EU. GMO su posljedica tehnološkog razvoja koji je nosilac procesa globalizacije. Svaka zemlja mora proizvesti dovoljnu količinu hrane za svoje stanovništvo a većina zemalja primorana je uvoziti hranu jer ne posjeduje uslove za proizvodnju u okviru svojih granica. GM proizvodi su prisutni i na tržištu zemalja regiona iako je zvanično na teritoriji ovih država zabranjen uzgoj GMO. Standardi EU zahtijevaju označavanje GM proizvoda ukoliko je GMO prisutan do 0,9 %. U SAD označavanje GM proizvoda je zabranjeno čime se putem transnacionalnih korporacija (TNK), koje uglavnom dolaze iz SAD, jasno otvara put ovim proizvodima do kupaca širom svijeta a tako i do tržišta BiH i Srbije

    The power of metaphor in thesis writing process

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    The article contributes to the discussion of writing at the master’s level by investigating metaphors underlying the process of writing a master’s thesis from the perspective of graduate students. The analysis focuses on the use of metaphors in semi-structured interviews conducted with graduate students who defended their thesis and reflected on the whole process. Their metaphor use is non-elicited and this rhetorical device is spontaneously used showing that thesis writers conceptualize their research and all it entails in metaphorical terms to a significant extent. Despite the fact that thesis writers themselves were not encouraged to pay attention to or use metaphorical language, their narratives reveal the interplay of metaphors when describing the writing process

    Specificities of Online Concept in Comparision with a Classic Concept of Marketing Research

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    Generation of quality marketing decisions necessarily anticipates existence of a developed system of marketing research. The paper assesses limits of a classic concept of marketing research and stresses specificities of online concepts. The accent is put to a role of information and communications technology and a process and organization of online concepts of marketing research. The paper also analyzes the comparison of these concepts of marketing research and underlines their complementarities and a possibility to eliminate individual limitations of each of the concepts in order to establish an effective process of marketing research with a function to support the process of generation of marketing decisions

    Managing customer relationship within financial organisations

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    The paper points out the key market changes in the first decades of the twenty-first century and their implications on business philosophy, concepts, principles and techniques of relationship marketing from the point of making strategic marketing decisions within financial organizations. In this context points are made to the important role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in accomplishing executive and creative marketing activities, highlighting the analysis of the process of customer relationship management (CRM) in financial organizations and providing rational insight in CRM potential for improving business results, in order to identify useful tools in this complex area, and offer appropriate solutions, which confirms the benefits of its application in financial services

    Zakonska regulativa zaštite životne sredine, prirodnih i zajedničkih dobara u BiH i njena usaglašenost sa regulativom EU

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    Zakonska regulativa iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine zauzima važnu poziciju u pravnom poretku EU kojoj zemlje u tranziciji, Bosna i Hercegovina, Srbija, ali i ostale zemlje bivše Jugoslavije teže. Pravne odredbe EU iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine moraju biti ugrađene u pravne sisteme nacionalnih zakonodavstva ovih zemalja. Do sada su urađene različite pripremne radnje u harmonizaciji legislative u navedenoj oblasti

    Promotion of Serbian national image in the light of EU accession

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    The main objective of this chapter is to affirm the importance of the branding process and creating a positive image of Serbia which, for many years, was faced with negative image. As a result of this fact, Serbia occupied a low position on the world map of country brand values, as presented by the leading research agencies dealing with the topics of country branding area. As a candidate for EU membership, Serbia has got potential access to the market of more than 370 million consumers, where the positive image can be a significant competitive advantage in ruthless unfair market competition. Improvement of the national image is primarily dependent on an effective promotional campaign designed to influence adequately on the attitudes of the target market. Hence, the emphasis in this work has been placed on several crucial areas, such as: development of effective communication of the national image of Serbia, the use of marketing communications mix to promote the country image and the use of integrated marketing communications for the purpose of creating the country’s image