30 research outputs found

    The Development of Security System for Sharing CAD Drawings in u-Environment

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    Because most CAD drawings are composed of a collection of files with various extensions, there exist problems associated with the processing speed and the accuracy of CAD files encryption (decryption) using file based secure methods. In this study, an innovative system of securing CAD files based on the workplace against illegal piracy of design knowledge in ubiquitous environment is presented. The proposed technology is to store all design files in the secure workplace which can be accessed by the authorized users and design applications only using Application Programming Hooking at user level and System Service Table at kernel level. The technology is demonstrated in this paper using its implementation example in an automobile company to verify it and CAD files can be shared among users without a concern of its leakage to the competitors by internal user

    A Case Study on Intelligent Service Design in Ubiquitous Computing

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    In this study we designed the killer services for the scene of labor learning in ubiquitous computing. To achieve this study, we have explored the unmet needs of teachers in the scene of labor learning and examined whether the unmet needs could be served by the resources and capabilities of ubiquitous computing. Then, we have crafted a detail killer services for the scene of labor learning proposed to serve educational users with the service architecture. The result of this study will be applied to develop new business model in ubiquitous computing as the basic research

    A Study on Intelligent System Design of U-Business Service by Using Ubiquitous Component Technologies

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    The u-Business service is prevailed trend due to rapid development of telecommunication technology and the growth of ubiquitous computing environments. However, since the majority of u-Business service cases such as home network service, location-based service have not been focused on user requirements, and deduced business services and built systems considering only technical issues, there may be a possibility to be an obstacle for spreading advanced future u-Business services. Therefore, this study investigated user requirements to model the u-Bookstore business service as a killer service of u-Businesses and designed a system for a large bookstore. By exploiting various ways to deduce u-Service's requirements needed in the future-enabled ubiquitous computing business environments and proposing directions to implement them. This study result is anticipated to suggest validity for developing ubiquitous computing technologies, and it is expected to utilize as fundamental data for spreading u-Business

    A Study on User-Oriented and Intelligent Service Design in Sustainable Computing: A Case of Shipbuilding Industry Safety

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    Most business services based on Ubiquitous Computing are being designed with a sole focus on the technological sector, without considering business elements. In light of this trend, this study was intended to design a user-oriented u-Business service for preventing and promptly responding to industrial disasters at shipbuilding sites using a systematic methodology. Specifically, major danger elements of disasters in need of preferential preventive and responsive measures were derived as business opportunities unfulfilled by the current process, and then a u-Business service was developed to prevent/respond to such dangers. Statistical analysis was performed on the developed services according to evaluation models, and the final u-Business service was selected based on this analysis. Resources and information systems were designed to support the chosen service

    A Meta-Analysis of Industrial Security Research for Sustainable Organizational Growth

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    As the world enters a fourth Industrial Revolution, organizations worldwide face challenges in dealing with important assets such as industrial technology. Leaking these assets can not only damage organizations economically but also negatively affect customer relationships and brand image. This has led to an increased awareness of industrial security in both the business and academic spheres and a focus on identifying and implementing countermeasures against security incidents, as future computing environments will continuously face security threats. This study first examines the literature on industrial security and its current status in South Korea, which is considered an active industrial security research environment. Subsequently, meta-analyses are conducted on South Korea and abroad to compare their status and research trends in the industrial security field. The results confirm that South Korea has more actively conducted relevant studies compared to international research. This study contributes to the current literature by not only increasing the awareness of industrial security but also encouraging future studies in the field to facilitate a safe and sustainable computing environment

    Smart IT Management Evaluation in Intelligent Environment Computing

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    As everything is integrated with smart IT technologies due to their rapid growth and enhancement, smart IT technologies and environments have been pervading business environments in the way of intelligent environment computing and have been embedded in them. Accordingly, it is expected that the number of information devices used and utilized in industry would be increased significantly. Therefore, intracompany smart IT management becomes more important to efficiently utilize information devices increased rapidly due to introduction of intelligent environment computing. In addition, there is a need of understanding corporate smart IT management levels in the intelligent environment computing to establish information strategies for flexibly responding to internal and external environment factors being varied rapidly by corporate policies. Therefore, this study would like to analyze management levels for smart IT to improve corporate smart IT application capabilities in the intelligent environment computing. In detail, it designed a conceptual system for analyzing smart IT management levels to analyze 282 companies. And it suggested a direction of utilizing smart IT efficiently and properly in the intelligent environment computing through comparative analysis of the smart IT management level cases analyzed by other organizations

    An Exploratory Research on Future ICT Convergence Research Design in Smart Sensor Environment

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    For the purpose of overcoming economic crisis resulting from continuing growth and employment recession recently, various convergence policies and strategies are being established and implemented. However, there is a lack of consented concept on the definition and scope of ICT convergence in the existing studies. In the case of considering convergence as an “innovation activity” in particular, there is a limitation of not being able to quantify it. In spite of the social consent and consensus on its importance, basic data, particularly quantified base data, is relatively lacking. Accordingly, this study examined the concept of the existing convergence and summarized the concept of ICT convergence based on which a methodology for researching the ecosystem of ICT convergence was designed. The significance of this study is in the fact that it proposed systemized research design and methodology for all industries for quantitative estimation of ICT convergence market scale. In the future, there is a need to research areas that were not included in this study and for gradual improvement of elements that need further specified criteria

    A Study on Industrial Security Experts Demanding Forecasting in Intelligent Sensor Network

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    There have been efforts made to come up with a solution through advancement based on developing technological solution. However, it has come to the point where various forms of the leakage centering on people that are the subject of core asset leakage cannot be solved through technological method. At present time in which the limitation of information security that seeks technological security has been clearly revealed, there is an increasing interest in industrial security for establishing convergence security system upon understanding technological/physical/managerial security measures and establishing security strategies. Accordingly, this paper conducted an analysis on the characteristics of industrial security manpower to present a vision and systematically cultivate industrial security experts manpower for protecting core technologies of companies in intelligent sensor network. In particular, occupational cluster of industrial security experts manpower was classified, which was verified by conducting case analysis. In addition, it estimated the demand for industrial security experts manpower by substituting it to the present condition of manpower of Korea. It is expected that the result of this study will be able to be used as basic information for cultivating industrial security experts manpower in intelligent sensor network

    The Development of a Security Evaluation Model Focused on Information Leakage Protection for Sustainable Growth

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    This research establishes a security evaluation model from the insider leakage perspective and suggests an objective evaluation measurement. Organizational security risks are fused and compounded both inside and outside the organization. Although multiple security controls are implemented to minimize an organization’s security risk, effective security control requires management to preemptively check the organization’s security level. Existing criteria for evaluating security level are limited to external security risks and have improper limit points for dealing with security risks that are fused and compounded within an organization. The focus of this study is the prevention of technical information leakage. Furthermore, we propose a method for measuring the level at which the objectivity of certain items is secured. We compiled 26 detailed evaluation items, considering the security requirements to prevent technical information leakage. We not only performed suitability, reliability, and factor analyses and statistical validation, but also established a method to measure the security level. This measurement method ensures the effectiveness and objectivity of the evaluation of security level, mitigating the risks of security incidents caused by insiders. The results serve as a reference for organizations when designing security evaluation criteria and automated tools based on our evaluation model for future research

    A Sustainable Home Energy Prosumer-Chain Methodology with Energy Tags over the Blockchain

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    In this paper, we aim to provide a power trade system that will promote a sustainable electrical energy transaction ecosystem between prosumers and consumers of smart homes. We suggest a blockchain-based peer-to-peer (P2P) energy transaction platform be implemented to enable efficient electrical energy transaction between prosumers. We suggest the platform be built on the blockchain, as this technology allows a decentralized and distributed trading system, and allows a more transparent, trustworthy and secure P2P trading environment. We believe that such characteristics of the blockchain are necessary in electrical energy transactions within the smart home environment because the smart home aims to enhance user comfort and security, along with energy conservation and cost-savings. First, we classify the two different types of P2P trade to identify which will best benefit from the use of the suggested blockchain-based P2P energy-transaction platform. Within the two types of P2P trade, that we classify (pure P2P trade and hybrid P2P trade), the hybrid P2P trade will benefit more from a blockchain-based P2P energy-transaction platform. In the blockchain-based P2P energy-transaction platform, a smart contract is embedded in the blockchain and called an energy tag. The energy tag will set conditions for making every future energy transaction more cost-efficient while maintaining the most ideal and high-quality energy selection. With the blockchain-based energy tag in the energy-transaction process, multiple energy resources and home appliances will be democratically connected in order to provide users with high-quality, low-cost energy at all times and locations. In this paper, we provide simulation results that compare the unit price of electrical energy on the suggested platform to the unit price of electrical energy set by currently existing conventional power-generation companies. Additionally, we present simulation results that calculate how long initial investments to create a smart home environment that enables P2P energy transactions will take to be paid back. Based on simulation results, we believe that, in the long run, the suggested blockchain-based P2P energy-transaction platform will create a sustainable energy-transaction environment between consumers and prosumers, and the expanding ecosystem will enable the development of a trusted, sustainable, secure and energy-efficient energy transaction environment