27 research outputs found

    The use of remote sensing and GIS for modelling aquaculture site suitability in relation to changing climate

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    Globally fish production has continued to increase during recent years at a rate exceeding that of human population growth. However the contribution from capture fisheries has remained largely static since the late 1980s with the increase in production being accounted for by dramatic growth in the aquaculture sector. As of 2012 aquaculture accounted for approximately 42% of total fisheries production and 78% of inland fish production. In view of these figures it is unsurprising that for a number of regions aquaculture represents an important source of both food security and income. The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and spatial data have seen substantial developments in recent years with the help of increasingly affordable computing capacity. From an aquaculture perspective the use of GIS has shown significant potential as a means of combining varied data sources, including those acquired via remote sensing, into models to provide decision support in relation to site selection. A common theme amongst site suitability assessments is the incorporation of climate variables relating to temperature and water availability. These factors in turn can have a significant influence on aquaculture in terms of water availability and quality, and temperature modulated growth performance. There is now a strong consensus that during the 20th century, and especially during recent decades, the earth has experienced a significant warming trend. There is also strong agreement that this warming trend is at least partially a consequence of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and that some degree of further warming is inevitable. While global warming is typically discussed in terms of degrees centigrade of average global temperature increase the full effects in terms of climate changes will be varied both in terms of location and season. The current project focuses on site suitability for aquaculture in relation to changing climate conditions. Significant use is made of GIS and a range of spatial data including remotely sensed data and output from a series of climate models. The project consists of a number of key components: 1. Vulnerability of aquaculture related livelihoods to climate change was assessed at the global scale based on the concept of vulnerability to climate related impacts as a function of sensitivity to climate change, exposure to climate change, and adaptive capacity. Use was made of national level statistics along with gridded climate and population data. Climate change scenarios were supplied using the MAGICC/SCENGEN climate modelling tools. Analysis was conducted for aquaculture in freshwater, brackish, and marine environments with outputs represented as a series of raster images. A number of Asian countries (Vietnam, Bangladesh, Laos, and China) were indicated as most vulnerable to impacts on freshwater production. Vietnam, Thailand, Egypt and Ecuador stood out in terms of brackish water production. Norway and Chile were considered most vulnerable to impacts on Marine production while a number of Asian countries (China, Vietnam, and the Philippines) also ranked highly. 2. Site suitability for pond-based aquaculture was modelled at the global scale using a 10 arcsecond grid. Data from an ensemble of 13 climate models was used to model pond temperature and water availability for rain fed ponds under late 20th century conditions and for a 2°C global warming scenario. Two methods are demonstrated for combining data with a focus on the culture of warm water species. Results suggest both positive and negative impacts in relation to the 2°C warming scenario depending on location and season. Some areas are projected to see negative effects from maximum temperatures during the warmest parts of the year while for many regions there are likely to be potential increases in growth performance during colder months with possible expansion into previously unsuitable areas. 3. Methods for detecting surface water using remotely sensed data were investigated for Bangladesh. Use was made of data from the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Landsat ETM+ instruments with accuracy assessed against ground truth data collected in the field. A time series was constructed using all available MODIS data (approximately 13 years with an 8 day temporal resolution) to show areas of: surface water, land, and mixed land and water. The time series was then analysed to produce a layer showing the percentage of the total time series where surface water is indicated thus providing a spatial representation of flood prevalence. 4. A land cover data set was produced using 9 Landsat ETM+ scenes to cover the majority of Bangladesh. 10 different classification routines were evaluated including a decision tree approach unique to the current study. Classification results were assessed against two sets of ground control points produced: one based on field collected ground truth data and the other using a stratified random sampling procedure in association with visual analysis of high resolution true colour satellite images and ETM+ composites. The most accurate classifications were provided by the decision tree method developed for the current study and a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network based classifier. 5. Site suitability for pond-based aquaculture within Bangladesh was assessed using a GIS in combination with the ETM+ based land cover data, the MODIS based surface water time series, and components of the global site suitability assessment including modelled pond temperature data. Assessments were made based on late 20th century conditions and a 2°C global warming scenario. The MODIS surface water time series was also used to show the effects of storm surge flooding in relation to cyclone Aila that struck Bangladesh on 25th May 2009. The south and east of the country were considered most suitable for aquaculture due to more favourable cold season temperatures and higher water balance values. The north west of the country was considered least favourable due to higher maximum modelled pond temperatures and lower water balance values. The effect of the 2°C warming scenario was to enhance these trends. To date the potential spatial implications of changing climate for aquaculture has been significantly under researched. In this respect the current study provides a highly useful indication of where aquaculture related livelihoods may be vulnerable. In addition valuable and unique insights are provided into the distribution of areas of both potential increased, as well as decreased, suitability for existing aquaculture and further aquaculture development

    Waterbody scale assessment using spatial models to identify suitable locations for cage aquaculture in large lake systems: A case study in Volta Lake, Ghana

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    Large lakes throughout the world offer development opportunities for cage aquaculture. However, due to their vast area, identifying the most suitable locations can be a challenge. This is also complicated as lake systems are often multi‐use environments, so a strategic approach to managing the resource is required. This study uses geographic information systems (GIS) to develop a broad‐scale approach that identifies potential areas that may be suitable for cage aquaculture development. Volta Lake, one the world's largest man‐made lakes, is used as a case study. The overall GIS model combines four sub‐models, bathymetry, hydrography, water quality and access, and a constraints layer, to identify the most suitable locations for tilapia production. Three different cage sizes are modelled: small, medium and large. The model outputs suggest that approximately 102 km2 (1.7%), 406 km2 (6.9%) and 407 km2 (6.9%) of Volta Lake can be categorized as highly suitable for development of small, medium and large cages respectively. A further 634 km2 (10.8%), 1264 km2 (21.4%) and 1055 km2 (17.9%) can be categorized as suitable for the same. The results can be used by stakeholders and decision makers to identify specific areas where aquaculture development for cage farming of tilapia could be prioritized

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    Modelling the flood cycle, aquaculture development potential and risk using MODIS data: A case study for the floodplain of the Rio Paraná, Argentina

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    Aquaculture has been developing in Argentina since the early 20th century and although it is still considered a marginal activity it has grown quickly in recent years. The Paraná River and its floodplain potentially provide access to considerable water resources and culture sites but this environment is highly influenced by flooding episodes which not only defines it but also represents an issue for the establishment of fish farms in the area. Suitability and risk for aquaculture development were assessed using an 11 year time series consisting of 8-day composites from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The data was used in association with established algorithms to indicate areas of surface water, the percentage of the time series where surface water flooding occurred and the relative exposure to flood risk in the lower Rio Paraná. 78% of the study area is unaffected by flooding, and 7% is permanent water bodies. The remainder is exposed to varying levels of risk, although very low risk areas may be enabled for aquaculture through engineering solutions. The tools described in this study can inform the site selection process in order to avoid or minimise the risk from flooding to potential aquaculture developments

    Aquaculture: Global status and trends

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    Aquaculture contributed 43 per cent of aquatic animal food for human consumption in 2007 (e.g. fish, crustaceans and molluscs, but excluding mammals, reptiles and aquatic plants) and is expected to grow further to meet the future demand. It is very diverse and, contrary to many perceptions, dominated by shellfish and herbivorous and omnivorous pond fish either entirely or partly utilizing natural productivity. The rapid growth in the production of carnivorous species such as salmon, shrimp and catfish has been driven by globalizing trade and favourable economics of larger scale intensive farming. Most aquaculture systems rely on low/uncosted environmental goods and services, so a critical issue for the future is whether these are brought into company accounts and the consequent effects this would have on production economics. Failing that, increased competition for natural resources will force governments to allocate strategically or leave the market to determine their use depending on activities that can extract the highest value. Further uncertainties include the impact of climate change, future fisheries supplies (for competition and feed supply), practical limits in terms of scale and in the economics of integration and the development and acceptability of new bio-engineering technologies. In the medium term, increased output is likely to require expansion in new environments, further intensification and efficiency gains for more sustainable and cost-effective production. The trend towards enhanced intensive systems with key monocultures remains strong and, at least for the foreseeable future, will be a significant contributor to future supplies. Dependence on external feeds (including fish), water and energy are key issues. Some new species will enter production and policies that support the reduction of resource footprints and improve integration could lead to new developments as well as reversing decline in some more traditional systems