25 research outputs found

    Thyroid disorders in pregnancy - immunoendocrinological and metabolic aspects

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    Background: The immunological, hormonal and metabolic changes occur during pregnancy and increase the risk of developing some diseases. The aims of this study were: to compare serum concentrations of antibodies against C1q component of complement (anti-C1q) and mannose-binding lectin (MBL) in pregnant women with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) and healthy pregnant women and to compare urinary iodine concentration (UIC), neonatal thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and other thyroid laboratory parameters in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and healthy pregnant women. Patients and methods: The "anti-C1q" study included 96 pregnant women with AITD and three control groups: 80 healthy pregnant women, 72 non-pregnant women with AITD and 72 healthy blood donors. The "MBL" study included 212 pregnant women with AITD and 80 healthy pregnant women, and the "urinary iodine concentration" study included 195 pregnant women with GDM and 88 healthy pregnant women. Anti-C1q and MBL concentrations were measured by ELISA, UIC by absorption spectrophotometry after previous alkaline demineralization, and other parameters by standard immunoassay. Results: The anti-C1q and MBL serum concentrations were higher in pregnant women with AITD compared to controls. The anti-C1q concentrations were...Úvod: V těhotenství dochází k řadě imunologických, hormonálních a metabolických změn, které zvyšují riziko rozvoje některých onemocnění. Základní cíle práce byly: porovnat sérové koncentrace protilátek proti C1q složce komplementu (anti-C1q) a manózy vázajícího lektinu (MBL) u těhotných žen s autoimunitním onemocněním štítné žlázy (AITD) a zdravých těhotných žen a porovnat koncentraci jodu ve vzorku moči (jodurie), novorozenecký tyreoideu stimulující hormon (TSH) a další tyreoidální laboratorní parametry u těhotných žen s gestačním diabetes mellitus (GDM) a zdravých těhotných žen. Pacientky a metody: Do studie "anti-C1q" bylo zařazeno 96 těhotných žen s AITD a kontrolní skupiny byly tři: 80 zdravých těhotných žen, 72 netěhotných žen s AITD a 72 zdravých dárců krve. Do studie "MBL" bylo zahrnuto 212 těhotných žen s AITD a 80 zdravých těhotných žen a do studie "jodurie" 195 těhotných žen s GDM a 88 zdravých těhotných žen. Koncentrace anti-C1q a MBL byly měřeny metodou ELISA, jodurie metodou absorpční spektrofotometrie po předchozí alkalické demineralizaci a ostatní parametry běžnou imunoanalýzou. Výsledky: Anti-C1q a MBL v séru byly vyšší u těhotných žen s AITD oproti kontrolám. Anti- C1q pozitivně korelovaly s koncentracemi TSH a po porodu klesaly u žen s negativními TPOAb. Sérové koncentrace MBL...3rd Department of Medicine - Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in PragueIII. interní klinika - klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu 1. LF UK a VFN1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Financial Analysis of OKIN GROUP, a.s.

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    Import 26/06/2013Cílem diplomové práce je popsat teoretické aspekty finanční analýzy, charakterizovat společnost OKIN GROUP, a. s. a prakticky aplikovat ukazatele finanční analýzy na danou společnost. V závěru diplomové práce jsou shrnuty zjištěné poznatky a fakta týkající se finanční situace společnosti OKIN GROUP, a. s.The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe theoretical aspects of financial analysis, characterized of the company OKIN GROUP, a. s. and practical application of the indicators of financial analysis for this company. At the end of the diploma thesis are contained findings and facts concerning the financial situation of the company OKIN GROUP, a. s.117 - Katedra účetnictvívýborn

    Addition of platelet concentrate to Dermo-Epidermal Skin Graft in deep burn trauma reduces scarring and need for revision surgeries

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    Backround. Deep skin burn injuries, especially those on the face, hands, feet, genitalia and perineum represent significant therapeutic challenges. Autologous dermo-epidermal skin grafts (DESG) have become standard of care for treating deep burns. Additionally, human autologous thrombin activated autologous platelet concentrate (APC) has gained acceptance in the setting of wounds. While each of these interventions has been independently shown to accelerate healing, the combination of the two has never been evaluated. We hypothesized that the addition of platelets (source of growth factors and inhibitors necessary for tissue repair) to the DESG (source of progenitor cells and of tissue proteases necessary for spatial and temporal control of growth regulators released from platelets) would create the optimal environment for the reciprocal interaction of cells within the healing tissues. Methods: We used clinical examination (digital photography), standardised scales for evaluating pain and scarring, in combination with blood perfusion (laser Doppler imaging), as well as molecular and laboratory analyses. Results: We show for the first time that the combination of APC and DESG leads to earlier relief of pain, and decreased use of analgesics, antipruritics and orthotic devices. Most importantly, this treatment is associated with earlier discharges from hospital and significant cost savings. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that DESG engraftment is facilitated by the local addition of platelets and by systemic thrombocytosis. This local interaction leads to the physiological revascularization at 1-3 months. We observed significant elevation of circulating platelets in early stages of engraftment (1-7 days), which normalized over the subsequent 7 and 90 days.Web of Science158225824

    Aerobic release of arsenic and antimony from mine soils by biostimulation of indigenous microbial activity and bioaugmentation with Cupriavidus genera of bacteria

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    Background and Aims Bioremediation of soils contaminated with metal(loid)s is an attractive research area due to its sustainability and economic benefits. In the Slovak Republic, there are several abandoned mines containing high concentrations of arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb). This calls for new options for removing these hazardous metalloids from contaminated substrates. Studies on bioleaching of soils co-contaminated with both metalloids are very rare. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of bioleaching of soils heavily co-contaminated with As and Sb (up to 1463 mg.kg–1 and 5825 mg.kg–1, respectively) at a former stibnite mining site (Poproč, eastern Slovakia) through biostimulation and bioaugmentation. Methods Bioleaching of As and Sb from four soils was induced by biostimulation of autochthonous microflora with Sabouraud medium (SAB) and SAB+glucose, and bioaugmentation of the soil with bacterial strains Cupriavidus oxalaticus and Cupriavidus metallidurans. Soil samples were subjected to determination of physico-chemical properties, microbiological parameters, and additional mineralogical analysis. Results An inverse relationship between the total metalloid concentration and the microbial diversity was confirmed. In experiments with Cupriavidus metallidurans and Cupriavidus oxalaticus, mean bioleached As fractions were 37.6% and 41.3%, while Sb bioleaching was significantly lower, ranging between 17.0–26.2%. The mean bioleached fraction of As and Sb using SAB was 40.7% and 14.4%, respectively. The addition of glucose to SAB increased As bioleaching (50.7%) but not that of Sb. Conclusion Collectively, the results highlighted a role of microorganisms in the mobility of metalloids in soils with their prospective applications in remediation of contaminated sites.Web of Science4971-219717

    Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Accounting and Tax Depreciation of Fixed Assets

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    Import 04/07/2011Cílem bakalářské práce je popsat dlouhodobý hmotný a nehmotný majetek, jak z pohledu účetního, tak daňového. Dále vysvětlit jednotlivé metody odpisování majetku z teoretického i praktického hlediska podle aktuálních účetních a daňových předpisů a upozornit čtenáře na důležité novinky v této oblasti.The aim of the bachelor thesis is to describe the tangible and intangible assets, both in terms of accounting and taxation. Further explain the various methods of depreciation of assets from both theoretical and practical aspects, according to current accounting and tax rules and alert readers to important innovations in this field.117 - Katedra účetnictvívýborn

    Economy, Society and Trade in Spain in the Early Middle Ages

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    Annotation The object of this thesis is to chararacterizate economic and social situation in Spain in eight and eleventh. century. The aim is to intent on commercial systems in muslim and cristianic parts of Iberic peninsula. We have a respekt to historical context for better understanding of this thesis and with outline of medieval society. The gist of this schoolwork includs characterization of muslim urban economic and cristianic rural economic. It engage too in various aspects f.e. using of payment, export and import goods, favourite products of artisan´s production and agricultural sphere

    Light, lighting, luminary

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    katedra: KDE; přílohy: CD; rozsah: 26 s., 12. obr. přílohHlavním cílem má bakalářské práce bylo vytvořit kolekci svítidel pro firmu Preciosa - Lustry a.s., dále pak svítidlo dle vlastní tvorby. seznámila jsem se s historií výroby svítidel, sproměnami jejich vzhledu aproc¨vedení v průběhu let, se současnými trendy. Vycházela jsem z tématusvítidlo jako šperk, snažila jsem se proto využít komponenty typické pro svítidlo a zároveň pro šperk - tedy broušené skleněné kameny. Kameny existují v rozmanitých tvarech aprovedeních, každý má svou jedinečnou vlastnost odrazu a lomu světla. Dalším zdrojem mé inspirace bylo navlékání korálků. Skleněné baňky z technického skla, které v mé práci plní funkci korálků, jsem zušlechtila pískováním a listrováním. Tyto povrchy také lomí a odráží světlo svým specifickým způsobem. Hra se světlem se stala stěžejním tématem mého úkolu.The aim of my bachelore work was to create a collection of ligths for Presiosa... company as well as a light of my own design. I studied the history of light production, with changes of their look and finish in years, with current trends. The main theme was to create a collection of luminaries as a jewel. I tried to use components that are typical for light and jewels at the same time - the cut glass stones. Stones exist in various shapes, each one has a unique character of refraction and reflection of light. Another source of my inspiration was threading of beads. I have sand blasted and lustered glass bulbs made of technical glass, that are full filing the function of beads in my work. These surface also refract and reflex light in its specific way. The game with light was the fundamental theme of my work

    Bolshevik national policy during the 20´ in 20th century

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    The question about Central American canal at the end of the 19th century

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    This thesis is dedicated to the case about deciding about places for Central American canal, how it was mentioned in speeches of american politics, historics and presidents. Main part is dedicated to these speeches in american second chamber and first annutal messages with taking into account historic affairs. Canal was a great problem of international politicy, so in another part of this thesis I mention a french participation in Panama region. There was a great reqirement for a success thought about Nicaragua path. This problem is mention in one special chapter

    Marketing instruments for insurance business and their optimal combinations

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    Práce definuje obecně marketingové nástroje a marketingový mix a zabývá se specifickými rysy těchto nástrojů v pojišťovnictví. Aplikuje marketingový mix na konkrétní pojistné produkty z odvětví životního a neživotního pojištění.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo