3 research outputs found

    Do Cross-National Differences in the Costs of Children Generate Cross-National Differences in Fertility Rates?

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    Parity-specific probabilities of having a next birth are estimated from national fertility data and are compared with nation-specific costs of having children as measured by time-budget data, by attitude data from the International Social Survey Program, and by panel data on labor earnings and standard of living changes following a birth. We focus on five countries (the US, West Germany, Denmark, Italy, and the United Kingdom), whose fertility rates span the observed fertility range in the contemporary industrialized world and whose social welfare and family policies span the conceptual space of standard welfare-state typologies. Definitive conclusions are difficult because of the multiple dimensions on which child costs can be measured, the possibility that child costs affect both the quantum and the tempo of fertility, the relatively small fertility differences across industrialized nations, and the inherent small-N problem resulting from nation-level comparisons. Empirical analysis, however, supports the assertion that institutionally driven child costs affect the fertility patterns of industrialized nations.

    Do cross-national differences in the costs of children generate cross-national differences in fertility rates?

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    'Parity-specific probabilities of having a next birth are estimated from national fertility data and are compared with nation-specific costs of having children as measured by time-budget data, by attitude data from the International Social Survey Program, and by panel data on labor earnings and standard of living changes following a birth. We focus on five countries (the US, West Germany, Denmark, Italy, and the United Kingdom), whose fertility rates span the observed fertility range in the contemporary industrialized world and whose social welfare and family policies span the conceptual space of standard welfare-state typologies. Definitive conclusions are difficult because of the multiple dimensions on which child costs can be measured, the possibility that child costs affect both the quantum and the tempo of fertility, the relatively small fertility differences across industrialized nations, and the inherent small-N problem resulting from nation-level comparisons. Empirical analysis, however, supports the assertion that institutionally driven child costs affect the fertility patterns of industrialized nations.' (author's abstract)Der Forschungsbericht umfasst die Untersuchung paritaetsspezifischer Wahrscheinlichkeiten einer zukuenftigen Geburt mittels nationaler Geburtsdaten und eines Vergleichs laenderspezifischer Kosten der Kindererziehung, die aus Zeitbudget-Daten, Daten zur Einstellung aus dem International Social Survey Program sowie Panel-Daten zu Arbeitseinkommen und der Veraenderung des Lebensstandards nach einer Geburt hervorgehen. Dabei konzentrieren sich die Autoren auf die fuenf Laender USA, (West-)Deutschland, Daenemark, Italien und Grossbritannien, deren Fruchtbarkeitsraten die beobachtbare Spannbreite in industrialisierten Laendern umfassen und deren sozialen Leistungen sowie Familienpolitiken einen durchschnittlichen Wohlfahrtsstaat repraesentieren. Eindeutige Schlussfolgerungen sind aufgrund der zahlreichen Dimensionen bei der Messung der Kinderkosten schwierig. Die Gruende dafuer liegen (1) in der Moeglichkeit, dass Kinderkosten sowohl das Quantum als auch das Tempo der Fruchtbarkeit beeinflussen, (2) der relativ geringen Differenzen hinsichtlich der Fruchtbarkeit zwischen Industrienationen sowie (3) dem inhaerenten 'klein-N-Problem' internationaler Vergleiche. Die empirische Analyse untermauert jedoch die Annahme, dass institutionell bedingte Kinderkosten die Geburtenrate bzw. Fruchtbarkeitsmuster in industrialisierten Nationen beeinflussen. (ICGUebers)German title: Bedeuten internationale Unterschiede bei den Kosten fuer Kinder internationale Unterschiede bei den Fruchtbarkeitsraten?Available from Deutsches Institut fuer Wirtschaftsforschung -DIW Berlin-, Berlin (DE) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman