4 research outputs found
Entomopatogena gliva, Lecanicillium lecanii R. Zare & W. Gams, vključena v MCM-41: Novi učinkoviti bio-insekticid za zatiranje mokaste kapusove uši (Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hom: Aphididae)) pri zaščiti zelja
Brevicoryne brassicae is a significant pest of cultivated cabbages and vegetable crops in the world. The present study was carried out to examine a potential strategy to enhance the insecticidal activity of Lecanicillium lecanii for cost-effective management of B. brassicae. The insecticidal efficacy of pure entomopathogenic fungus (PEF) and MCM-41 (Mobil Composition of Matter) L. lecanii were assessed against the cabbage aphid under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The fungus was supported on MCM-41 and was completely characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) techniques. LC50 values of PEF and MCM-41@fungus were 1.9×106 and 2.5×104 and 2.0×107 and 2.0×105 conidia/ml on adults of B. brassicae under laboratory and greenhouse conditions, respectively. Bioassays demonstrated that MCM-41@fungus significantly decreased LC50 values of entomopathogenic fungus and it was more toxic than L. lecanii at adult stage of the pest. The results showed that pure L. lecanii and its nano-formulation could play key roles as bio-pesticides in B. brassicae management programs.Mokasta kapusova uš (Brevicoryne brassicae) je pomemben škodljivec zelja in drugih zelenjadnic širom po svetu. Raziskava je bila izvedena za preučitev potencialne strategije povečanja insekticidne aktivnosti glive Lecanicillium lecanii za učinkovito in poceni zatiranje mokaste kapusove uši. Insekticidna učinkovitost čistega pripravka entomopatogene glive (PEF) in njene vključitve v MCM-41 (Mobil Composition of Matter)@L. lecanii) je bila ocenjena na kapusovi mokasti uši v laboratoriju in v rastlinjaku. Gliva, ki je bila vključena v MCM-41 je bila podrobno opisana z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM), termogravimetrično analizo (TGA) in Fourierjevo transformacijsko unfrardečo tehniko (FT-IR). LC50 vrednosti za odrasle osebke mokaste kapusove uši so bile za PEF in MCM-41@gliva 1,9×106 in 2,5×104 ter 2,0×107 in 2,0×105 konidijev/ml v laboratoriju, oziroma rastlinjaku. Biotest je pokazal, da je kombinacija MCM-41@gliva značilno zmanjšala LC50 vrednosti entomopatogene glive in, da je bila bolj toksična za odrasle uši kot gliva sama. Rezultati so pokazali, da lahko imajo čiste kulture glive L. lecanii in njeni nano pripravki ključno vlogo kot biopesticidi v programih biološkega uravnavanja mokaste kapusove uši