193 research outputs found

    General estimates of the energy cost of walking in people with different levels and causes of lower-limb amputation:a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Energy cost of walking (ECw) is an important determinant of walking ability in people with a lower-limb amputation. Large variety in estimates of ECw has been reported, likely because of the heterogeneity of this population in terms of level and cause of amputation and walking speed. OBJECTIVES: To assess (1) differences in ECw between people with and without a lower-limb amputation, and between people with different levels and causes of amputation, and (2) the association between ECw and walking speed. STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis. METHODS: We included studies that compared ECw in people with and without a lower-limb amputation. A meta-analysis was done to compare ECw between both groups, and between different levels and causes of amputation. A second analysis investigated the association between self-selected walking speed and ECw in people with an amputation. RESULTS: Out of 526 identified articles, 25 were included in the meta-analysis and an additional 30 in the walking speed analysis. Overall, people with a lower-limb amputation have significantly higher ECw compared to people without an amputation. People with vascular transfemoral amputations showed the greatest difference (+102%) in ECw. The smallest difference (+12%) was found for people with nonvascular transtibial amputations. Slower self-selected walking speed was associated with substantial increases in ECw. CONCLUSION: This study provides general estimates on the ECw in people with a lower-limb amputation, quantifying the differences as a function of level and cause of amputation, as well as the relationship with walking speed

    Klinische Bewegingswetenschappen:theoretisch geïnspireerd toegepast wetenschappelijk onderzoek

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    Oratie uitgesproken door prof.dr. J.H.P. (Han) Houdijk op 08 april 2022 bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar Clinical Movement Sciences aan de Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.Han Houdijk is hoogleraar Klinische Bewegingswetenschappen. Tijdens zijn inaugurele rede gaat Houdijk in op hoe de bewegingswetenschappen theorieën en modellen - uit onder andere de biomechanica, inspanningsfysiologie en motorisch leren - gebruiken om het normale en gestoorde bewegen te begrijpen en hoe daar innovatieve klinische behandelstrategieën uit kunnen worden afgeleid.Klinische bewegingswetenschappen beweegt zich op het raakvlak van wetenschap en praktijk. Vaak wordt gezegd dat daarbij de kloof tussen wetenschap en praktijk moet worden gedicht. Een vruchtbare samenwerking bestaat echter bij de gratie van deze kloof. Deze stelling wordt gevoed door de fundamentele verschillen tussen beide domeinen. De clinicus richt zich op de individuele patiënt in zijn gehele bio-psychosociale werkelijkheid. De wetenschapper richt zich op algemene wetmatigheden en kijkt naar een enkel aspect van gedrag van de patiënt dat gecontroleerd kan worden gemanipuleerd en gemeten. Een vruchtbare samenwerking vraagt allereerst om het onderkennen van deze verschillen, om vervolgens kennis en expertise uit te wisselen met als doel de zorg te verbeteren.Innovaties klinische behandelstrategieënSamen met de klinische praktijk hebben we innovaties in de afgelopen jaren ingepast binnen de complexe werkelijkheid van mensen met bijvoorbeeld een beroerte, beenamputatie, of dwarslaesie. Deze theoretische geïnspireerde aanpak maakt het mogelijk om behandelprincipes uit te wisselen tussen deze patiëntgroepen die in klinische zin erg van elkaar verschillen. Maar ook om principes, die ertoe bijdragen dat schaatsers sneller schaatsen op de klapschaats, in te zetten in de ontwikkeling van prothesen en spalken waarmee patiënten weer sneller kunnen lopen

    How does external lateral stabilization constrain normal gait, apart from improving medio-lateral gait stability?

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    Background: The effect of external lateral stabilization on medio-lateral gait stability has been investigated previously. However, existing lateral stabilization devices not only constrain lateral motions but also transverse and frontal pelvis rotations. This study aimed to investigate the effect of external lateral stabilization with and without constrained transverse pelvis rotation on mechanical and metabolic gait features. Methods: We undertook two experiments with 11 and 10 young adult subjects, respectively. Kinematic, kinetic and breath-by-breath oxygen consumption data were recorded during three walking conditions (normal walking (Normal), lateral stabilization with (Free) and without transverse pelvis rotation (Restricted)) and at three speeds (0.83, 1.25 and 1.66 m s(-1)) for each condition. In the second experiment, we reduced the weight of the frame, and allowed for longer habituation time to the stabilized conditions. Results: External lateral stabilization significantly reduced the amplitudes of the transverse and frontal pelvis rotations, in addition to medio-lateral, anterior-posterior, and vertical pelvis displacements, transverse thorax rotation, arm swing, step length and step width. The amplitudes of free vertical moment, anterior-posterior drift over a trial, and energy cost were not significantly influenced by external lateral stabilization. The removal of pelvic rotation restrictions by our experimental set-ups resulted in normal frontal pelvis rotation in Experiment 1 and significantly higher transverse pelvis rotation in Experiment 2, although transverse pelvis rotation still remained significantly less than in the Normal condition. Step length increased with the increased transverse pelvis rotation. Conclusion: Existing lateral stabilization set-ups not only constrain medio-lateral motions (i.e. medio-lateral pelvis displacement) but also constrain other movements such as transverse and frontal pelvis rotations, which leads to several other gait changes such as reduced transverse thorax rotation, and arm swing. Our new set-ups allowed for normal frontal pelvis rotation and more transverse pelvis rotation (yet less than normal). However, this did not result in more normal thorax rotation and arm swing. Hence, to provide medio-lateral support without constraining other gait variables, more elaborate set-ups are needed.</p

    The effect of klapskate hinge position on push-off performance: a simulation study

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    klapskate in speed skating confronts skaters with the question of how to adjust the position of the hinge in order to maximize performance. The purpose of this study was to reveal the constraint that klapskate hinge position imposes on push-off performance in speed skating. Method: For this purpose, a model of the musculoskeletal system was designed to simulate a simplified, two-dimensional skating push off. To capture the essence of a skating push off, this model performed a one-leg vertical jump, from a frictionless surface, while keeping its trunk horizontally. In this model, klapskate hinge position was varied by varying the length of the foot segment between 115 and 300 mm. With each foot length, an optimal control solution was found that resulted in the maximal amount of vertical kinetic and potential energy of the body’s center of mass at take off (Weff). Results: Foot length was shown to considerably affect push-off performance. Maximal Weff was obtained with a foot length of 185 mm and decreased by approximately 25 % at either foot length of 115 mm and 300 mm. The reason for this decrease was that foot length affected the onset and control of foot rotation. This resulted in a distortion of the pattern of leg segment rotations and affected muscle work (Wmus) and the efficacy ratio (Weff/Wmus) of the entire leg system. Conclusion: Despite its simplicity, the model very well described and explained the effects of klapskate hinge position on push off performance that have been observed in speed-skating experiments. The simplicity of the model, however, does not allow quantitative analyses of optimal klapskate hinge position for speed-skating practice. Key Words: SPEED SKATING, SPORTS EQUIPMENT, LOCOMOTION, MUSCULO-SKELETAL MODEL, BIOMECHANICS Klapskates have become the custom equipment inspeed skating. In contrast to the conventionalskates, in which the shoe is rigidly fixed to th

    Biomechanical Load of Neck and Lumbar Joints in Open-Surgery Training

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    The prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms (MSS) like neck and back pain is high among open-surgery surgeons. Prolonged working in the same posture and unfavourable postures are biomechanical risk factors for developing MSS. Ergonomic devices such as exoskeletons are possible solutions that can reduce muscle and joint load. To design effective exoskeletons for surgeons, one needs to quantify which neck and trunk postures are seen and how much support during actual surgery is required. Hence, this study aimed to establish the biomechanical profile of neck and trunk postures and neck and lumbar joint loads during open surgery (training). Eight surgical trainees volunteered to participate in this research. Neck and trunk segment orientations were recorded using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) system during open surgery (training). Neck and lumbar joint kinematics, joint moments and compression forces were computed using OpenSim modelling software and a musculoskeletal model. Histograms were used to illustrate the joint angle and load distribution of the neck and lumbar joints over time. During open surgery, the neck flexion angle was 71.6% of the total duration in the range of 10~40 degrees, and lumbar flexion was 68.9% of the duration in the range of 10~30 degrees. The normalized neck and lumbar flexion moments were 53.8% and 35.5% of the time in the range of 0.04~0.06 Nm/kg and 0.4~0.6 Nm/kg, respectively. Furthermore, the neck and lumbar compression forces were 32.9% and 38.2% of the time in the range of 2.0~2.5 N/kg and 15~20 N/kg, respectively. In contrast to exoskeletons used for heavy lifting tasks, exoskeletons designed for surgeons exhibit lower support torque requirements while additional degrees of freedom (DOF) are needed to accommodate combinations of neck and trunk postures.</p

    Pilot Validation Study of Inertial Measurement Units and Markerless Methods for 3D Neck and Trunk Kinematics during a Simulated Surgery Task

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    Surgeons are at high risk for developing musculoskeletal symptoms (MSS), like neck and back pain. Quantitative analysis of 3D neck and trunk movements during surgery can help to develop preventive devices such as exoskeletons. Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) and markerless motion capture methods are allowed in the operating room (OR) and are a good alternative for bulky optoelectronic systems. We aim to validate IMU and markerless methods against an optoelectronic system during a simulated surgery task. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC (2,1)), root mean square error (RMSE), range of motion (ROM) difference and Bland–Altman plots were used for evaluating both methods. The IMU-based motion analysis showed good-to-excellent (ICC 0.80–0.97) agreement with the gold standard within 2.3 to 3.9 degrees RMSE accuracy during simulated surgery tasks. The markerless method shows 5.5 to 8.7 degrees RMSE accuracy (ICC 0.31–0.70). Therefore, the IMU method is recommended over the markerless motion capture

    Evaluation of a standardized test protocol to measure wheelchair-specific anaerobic and aerobic exercise capacity in healthy novices on an instrumented roller ergometer

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    This study aims to evaluate whether a test protocol with standardized and individualized resistance settings leads to valid wheelchair Wingate tests (WAnT) and graded exercise tests (GXT) in healthy novices. Twenty able-bodied individuals (10M/10F, age 23 ± 2 years, body mass 72 ± 11 kg) performed an isometric strength test, sprint test, WAnT and GXT on a wheelchair ergometer. Using a previously developed set of regression equations, individuals' isometric strength outcome was used to estimate the WAnT result (P30est), from which an effective individual WAnT resistance was derived. The subsequently measured WAnT outcome (P30meas) was used to estimate the GXT outcome (POpeakest) and to scale the individual GXT resistance steps. Estimated and measured outcomes were compared. The WAnT protocol was considered valid when maximal velocity did not exceed 3 m·s-1; the GXT protocol was considered valid when test duration was 8-12 min. P30est did not significantly differ from P30meas, while one participant did not have a valid WanT, as maximal velocity exceeded 3 m·s-1. POpeakest was 10% higher than POpeakmeas, and six participants did not reach a valid GXT: five participants had a test duration under 8 min and one participant over 12 min. The isometric strength test can be used to individually scale the WAnT protocol. The WAnT outcome scaled the protocol for the GXT less accurately, resulting in mostly shorter-than-desired test durations. In conclusion, the evaluated standardized and individualized test protocol was valid for the WAnT but less valid for the GXT among a group of novices. Before implementing the standardized individual test protocol on a broader scale, e.g. among paralympic athletes, it should be evaluated among different athletic wheelchair-dependent populations

    Limitation of Ankle Mobility Challenges Gait Stability While Walking on Lateral Inclines

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    Exoskeletons often allow limited movement of the ankle joint. This could increase the chance of falling while walking, particularly on challenging surfaces, such as lateral inclines. In this study, the effect of a mobility limiting ankle brace on gait stability in the frontal plane was assessed, while participants walked on lateral inclines. The brace negatively affected gait stability when it was worn on the leg that was on the vertically lower side or ‘valley side’ of the lateral incline, which would indicate an increased risk of falling in that direction.</p

    Perspectives of End Users on the Potential Use of Trunk Exoskeletons for People With Low-Back Pain:A Focus Group Study

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to identify criteria to be considered when developing an exoskeleton for low-back pain patients by exploring the perceptions and expectations of potential end users. Background: Psychosocial, psychological, physical load, and personality influence incidence of low-back pain. Body-worn assistive devices that passively support the user’s trunk, that is exoskeletons, can decrease mechanical loading and potentially reduce low-back pain. A user-centered approach improves patient safety and health outcomes, increases user satisfaction, and ensures usability. Still, previous studies have not taken psychological factors and the early involvement of end users into account. Method: We conducted focus group studies with low-back pain patients (n = 4) and health care professionals (n = 8). Focus group sessions were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed, using the general inductive approach. The focus group discussions included trying out an available exoskeleton. Questions were designed to elicit opinions about exoskeletons, desired design specifications, and usability. Results: Important design characteristics were comfort, individual adjustability, independency in taking it on and off, and gradual adjustment of support. Patients raised concerns over loss of muscle strength. Health care professionals mentioned the risk of confirming disability of the user and increasing guarded movement in patients. Conclusion: The focus groups showed that implementation of a trunk exoskeleton to reduce low-back pain requires an adequate implementation strategy, including supervision and behavioral coaching. Application: For health care professionals, the optimal field of application, prevention or rehabilitation, is still under debate. Patients see potential in an exoskeleton to overcome their limitations and expect it to improve their quality of life

    Postural threat during walking:Effects on energy cost and accompanying gait changes

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    Background: Balance control during walking has been shown to involve a metabolic cost in healthy subjects, but it is unclear how this cost changes as a function of postural threat. The aim of the present study was to determine the influence of postural threat on the energy cost of walking, as well as on concomitant changes in spatiotemporal gait parameters, muscle activity and perturbation responses. In addition, we examined if and how these effects are dependent on walking speed. Methods: Healthy subjects walked on a treadmill under four conditions of varying postural threat. Each condition was performed at 7 walking speeds ranging from 60-140% of preferred speed. Postural threat was induced by applying unexpected sideward pulls to the pelvis and varied experimentally by manipulating the width of the path subjects had to walk on. Results: Results showed that the energy cost of walking increased by 6-13% in the two conditions with the largest postural threat. This increase in metabolic demand was accompanied by adaptations in spatiotemporal gait parameters and increases in muscle activity, which likely served to arm the participants against a potential loss of balance in the face of the postural threat. Perturbation responses exhibited a slower rate of recovery in high threat conditions, probably reflecting a change in strategy to cope with the imposed constraints. The observed changes occurred independent of changes in walking speed, suggesting that walking speed is not a major determinant influencing gait stability in healthy young adults. Conclusions: The current study shows that in healthy adults, increasing postural threat leads to a decrease in gait economy, independent of walking speed. This could be an important factor in the elevated energy costs of pathological gait
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